Testing audiophile claims and myths
Aug 2, 2023 at 8:51 AM Post #16,936 of 17,589
That’s both false and a contradiction! Driving faster gets you to your destination quicker, how is that “no advantage”? Also, how is having fun “no advantage”? And lastly, do you really believe that those selling “fun” or things which enable people to have fun don’t earn any money or gain anything else from that?
In what country do you live in where there are never any speed limits.

As far as i know, the only country with highways without speed limits is germany and even there, most of the time there is an limit and they are trying to change that to an general limit too.

So sooner or later, all countries will have speed limits, so it doesn't matter if you're driving an 64hp Polo or an 320hp Civic Type R becaue both are fast enough to hit the speed limit and so will bring you to your target in the same time.
Really, so you’re using a test that you don’t know what it’s testing for? That’s astonishing!

It might be difficult for you to believe but surprisingly a “Null Test” tests for a Null! If it detects a null then by definition both tested files/signals are identical and therefore perfectly transparent. But you stated there was no measurement for transparency despite the fact you now state you use the test specifically designed to detect that?!

The result is the difference if there is one or zero (null) if there isn’t any difference at all. Therefore it can test for transparency, contrary to you false assertion!
I am shocked and perplexed that you actually teached in an university. Your poor students, you must have been loved by them :D

Learn to read for gods sake and not just read, understand what you read too. Please! This is getting tiresome, like im talking to an 14yo.

I test for Null, i even explained how. The result is not null and the test fails because the device is not transparent. If the device would be transparent, the result would be null.

I explained several times that i test this exact way, i never said that this test does not exist, at all. I am doing this test myself.

I stated there is no measurement for transparency which is true. Show me one audio science website that does that. There is non.

Just because nobody does it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You don't even know the topic were talking about!

Missed the topic, sit down, F
I have contributed to this argument, I’ve rebutted the your false assertions.
You think you did because you did not unterstand anything of what i said.

We're having an severe case of dunning kruger here as it seems.
Potentially any phase, what would be the point of having a “phase” that didn’t change anything? For example, the amplifying phase obviously amplifies the signal and what would be the point of inaudibly amplifying a signal, isn’t the whole point to make it audibly louder?
Its an Full Digital Amp. Missed the Topic. Sit down. F.
I did have something to say but if all you have to say is false assertions, then staying silent is most definitely the better choice in this subforum!
As we already established, you didn't understood what i was talking about and just assumed something and then proved your own assumptions (that never existed in real life) wrong.
And what do you think the rectangular, triangular/sawtooth waves commonly used in electronic music are made from? You think maybe samplers and synths used in electronic music have unlimited bandwidth and somehow break the laws physics?
Please stop arguing with assumptions you made up yourself due to (willingly?) not understanding what others wrote.
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Aug 2, 2023 at 9:52 AM Post #16,937 of 17,589
As a passionate driver of a sporty car who happens to live very close to some of the "greatest driving roads in the world", I have to interject!

Reaching "the speed limit" has nothing to with getting from A to B quickly or having fun while driving.

While I do occasionally exceed the speed limit (never within city-limits), what I enjoy most about my car is the ability to accelerate, decelerate, and cut around corners rapidly.

When I traveled the world, I have realised that most people are only used to driving on straight flat roads where they go the speed limit...
as soon as there are turns or inclines/declines, the majority of drivers slow down.

either, bc they lack any skill, bc their cars are horrible at handling braking, acceleration, turning, or bc they are afraid to just keep the speed limit.

TLDR: a sporty car with a capable driver can still be a lot of fun, even if you challenge yourself to simply maintain the speed limit at all times. And yes, that doesn't work on the hundreds of hairpin turns in my area where the speed limit is 50 mph 🤣
(but I only found 1 or 2 turns in the US where I was forced to go below speed limit.. and I put down around 15 thousand miles traveling there. )
Aug 2, 2023 at 10:05 AM Post #16,938 of 17,589
In what country do you live in where there are never any speed limits.
In what country do you live where how fast you accelerate to that limit and how fast you decelerate from it is constrained?
So sooner or later, all countries will have speed limits, so it doesn't matter if you're driving an 64hp Polo or an 320hp Civic Type R becaue both are fast enough to hit the speed limit and so will bring you to your target in the same time.
So you think that how fast you can accelerate to the speed limit or that a sports/super car can corner far faster than a 64hp Polo (within the speed limit) has no effect on the time it takes to reach your destination? And incidentally, I’ve also driven significantly faster than the top speed of a 64hp Polo on public roads legally. Your analogy sort of makes sense now, because you obviously don’t know anything about driving either!
I am shocked and perplexed that you actually teached in a university. Your poor students, you must have been loved by them
I was sure you would be perplexed! And Yes, all my poor students who passed their exams, are working in the profession and got jobs in world class studios, all my poor colleagues, the poor panel of experts who assessed my knowledge and all the poor external examiners assessing my work and my students’ essays/answers.

We’ve got a pattern here, as you obviously ALSO don’t know much about how universities work or the checks and balances on what is taught or by whom.
We're having a severe case of dunning kruger here as it seems.
Indeed we are, but apparently you don’t seem to realise which side of the Dunning/Kruger Effect you’re on, or don’t care or are “shocked and perplexed” by it!!
If the device would be transparent, the result would be null.… I explained several times that i test this exact way, i never said that this test does not exist, at all.
Here’s what you stated (again!): “But you made a good point, "as long as it sounds transparent". Currently there is not a single measurement technology that ensures this.” - Now you’re saying that actually there is a measurement technology, a null test, that you yourself use, that does indeed test for/ensures transparency!
It’s a Full Digital Amp. Missed the Topic. Sit down. F.
Ironically, you mentioned a wide range of audio devices in the post to which I responded (#16,925), except a “Full Digital Amp”!

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Aug 2, 2023 at 11:12 AM Post #16,939 of 17,589
kEEp it gUys but please mind your spEEd! :ksc75smile:

Aug 2, 2023 at 2:28 PM Post #16,940 of 17,589
Most people who buy sportscars never drive in actual reaces and so can never benefit from all of the advantages of their car.

Analogies to sports cars, fine wine or photography are like apples to oranges. They never lead to any worthwhile discussion, they only waste time, divert the discussion from the main point, and elicit stupid comments on both sides.

The purpose of a stereo system is to produce sound so we can listen to music with a high degree of fidelity. There is absolutely no need to produce frequencies human ears can't hear, nor to have a noise floor so far below the range of human hearing to require us to turn up the volume to deafening levels to detect it. There is absolutely no circumstance that would require anything like that. It's completely pointless.

This isn't about being a sophisticated person who drinks expensive wine and drives fancy European cars. You can check your ego at the door. This is much more basic and fundamental. It's about a device's suitability for a purpose. Just about every player, DAC or amp you can buy at Amazon fits the necessary parameters for playing music to a high degree of fidelity. Technology has been working for over a century to accomplish that.

If you want to achieve sound that sounds better to you, you aren't going to do that by constantly shifting the goal posts by replacing one audibly transparent DAC with one that measures a little bit better beyond the range of human hearing. You're going to get better sound by researching how sound reproduction works and using that knowledge to pair amps and headphones that are compatible, and learn to modify the response to suit your particular needs. Hell! Just try to figure out what exactly sounds good to you. But that requires a systematic and organized approach, not just fantasizing about how your fancy ass cables make you feel like James Bond.

Currently there is not a single measurement technology that ensures this (transparency).

Duh. Yes there is and you can perform the test yourself! Line level matched, direct A/B switched blind comparison with multiple trials averaged. We'll help you figure out how to do your first ABX test right here in this forum. Then you'll have the tool to determine transparency for yourself and you won't have to take our word for it. Get to it, champ.

Think smarter. Like that race car, you aren't using all of your capabilities.
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Aug 2, 2023 at 4:42 PM Post #16,942 of 17,589
We can guess who Dick Dastardly is.
Aug 10, 2023 at 7:51 AM Post #16,943 of 17,589
Is there an optimum sd micro card for playing music (I realise speed affects transfer times) or will all cards from cheap to top quality produce the same result and be equally as good? I know faster rated cards are needed for recording video but stored music isn't as demanding as video.
Aug 10, 2023 at 7:56 AM Post #16,944 of 17,589
Is there an optimum sd micro card for playing music (I realise speed affects transfer times) or will all cards from cheap to top quality produce the same result and be equally as good? I know faster rated cards are needed for recording video but stored music isn't as demanding as video.
What exactly do you mean?

When you play a song, the song is completely loaded into memory, decoded there and then stays there to be played.

So the speed of the SD Card plays no role
Aug 10, 2023 at 8:04 AM Post #16,946 of 17,589
Is there an optimum sd micro card for playing music (I realise speed affects transfer times) or will all cards from cheap to top quality produce the same result and be equally as good? I know faster rated cards are needed for recording video but stored music isn't as demanding as video.
Sony made an audiophile SD card once. Made a lot of sarcastic noises all around the world. IDK if they still sell it while claiming audio benefits? I haven't read anything about that for years.
Aug 10, 2023 at 8:32 AM Post #16,947 of 17,589
Sony made an audiophile SD card once. Made a lot of sarcastic noises all around the world. IDK if they still sell it while claiming audio benefits? I haven't read anything about that for years.

It's been mentioned on the Sony forums and a few have said they prefer the sound and with the new Micron cards. Sounds like a new cablegate?
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Aug 10, 2023 at 8:47 AM Post #16,948 of 17,589
Can they affect audio quality?
No, as @Vamp898 mentioned, the data is loaded into memory. Although not necessarily the whole song.

Of course, real audiophiles would demand nothing but the best ECC RAM in their devices.
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Aug 10, 2023 at 9:19 AM Post #16,949 of 17,589
Of course, real audiophiles would demand nothing but the best ECC RAM in their devices.
Not just any ole ECC RAM certified to run on server applications. Rebadged RAM that has the markeing “noise isolation”.

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