castleofargh replied to the thread Is it time for a new Harmon Curve survey?.Sure. It's also not my preferred curve and the purpose is ultimately to know more and have some target for R&D that isn't betting on...
castleofargh replied to the thread Is it time for a new Harmon Curve survey?.I'm afraid I don't share your optimism. On the bright side, I'm nobody, not an admin and not an organizer, so my opinion has no impact...
castleofargh replied to the thread Is it time for a new Harmon Curve survey?.Always yes to more data if some people are brave enough to get everything prepared for no reward except people saying it's crap because...
castleofargh reacted to BrokeAudiophileMan's post in the thread Help me I'm desperate for a USB device that can send via TOSLINK 5.1 content to a receiver from my computer. with Like.As a computer technician, I'd say your best bet is to do research and find a PCIE sound card with SPDIF output which has no signal delay...
castleofargh replied to the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup.I don't see the point of a null test in relation to audibility. The only 2 times that will provide a sure answer is when there is no...
castleofargh reacted to Shawnb's post in the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup with Like.They are a guide to what sounds better. They are not the be all end all of how it sounds. Specially when you're at the TOTL gear and the...
castleofargh reacted to sander99's post in the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup with Like.Unfortunately his story is a bit "out-of-focus" I would say. And using the comparison between a WAV and an MP3 as an example is not such...
castleofargh reacted to InvisibleInk's post in the thread If you still love Etymotic ER4, this is the thread for you... with Like.Ten minute soak in hydrogen peroxide and a warm water rinse
castleofargh replied to the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup.Thank you for that elite example on how to argue and substantiate a point of view.
castleofargh replied to the thread 「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge.Or he's making what works for him:sweat_smile: Last Exile is one of my fav anime of all time(often the first I bring up TBH). I told...
castleofargh replied to the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup.The fundamental rule for sampling is that the signal must be band limited. If you want an unlimited signal, maybe go try some analog...
castleofargh replied to the thread Frustrated with Cymbals.Obviously, someone who's not a fan of elevated treble can just get something tuned with rolled off trebles and be done. But depending on...
castleofargh replied to the thread Understanding the Role of DACs in a Simple Audio Setup.It's not that different. The signal reconstructed is obviously continuous with "infinite points", and we get back to a precise form by...