Sony MDR-EX600: Impressions Thread
Jul 23, 2011 at 1:46 PM Post #527 of 1,311
I think Anaxilus is in the EX600>GR07 camp as-well. I think the EX600 is more balanced and yet more musical. Bass is more effortlessly controlled on the Sonys but the GR07s do a fine job regardless but it's a bit less precise and accurate imo. Mids have more weight on the 07s but the 600s are more transparent and sounds better with those instruments that like that raw clarity. Treble is where the two are pretty much equal. Both have peaks in the lower treble but while the GR07 has a bigger peak it has a bit more extension. The GR07 gives you more body in the lower regions (bass/lower mids) and on par in detail retrieval  in the mids and treble, but it's presentation is softened and sounds bland. Dynamic range is compressed and the energy of the note isn't there.  I think it's a design choice though as it seems to be a limited motor moving the driver as mvw2 explains it best here. Also the timbre sounded average for some reason. A good tonal balance is there but I may be getting better timbre with the FXT90s which have a similar tonality. Mine was a loaner from Joker, to be fair I'll give them another shot soon. All in all I think Joker's opinion of having them on the same scale is very sound. I think the 7550s will be more comparable though as they're both monitors and they both seem to have a limited motor because of it. 
so GR07 > EX600 for eric and flysweep.
I remember Inks had it EX600 > GR07 a couple of pages ago. seems like these two IEMs are toe-to-toe.

Jul 23, 2011 at 6:53 PM Post #528 of 1,311
Yea @ Inks, I don't find the GR07 bland at all. And that was my greatest fear reading your early impressions of it. I actually think the GR07 has more energy in the bass, but the EX600 my extend deeper. It's almost a toss up to my ears as I've been A/Bing them at this moment and both are great, but just present the bass in different ways. As far as details, the differences are so minute that I can feel like what is the point of point them out. I mean, I hear a lot of micro detail in the GR07, especially within the drums and piano that seems to do better than the the EX600 to my ears. And electric guitars have more crunch with the GR07. Again, I don't want to give the impression that the EX600 isn't as good. It is. At this performance level it is really about personal taste, and for me the GR07 edges out the EX600 (and the FX700 based on how I remember it) by just a little bit. I would be happy with either three if I was just allowed to own one (well, the FX700 would be my third choice because of those tad recessed mids to my ears).
Jul 23, 2011 at 6:54 PM Post #529 of 1,311

so GR07 > EX600 for eric and flysweep.
I remember Inks had it EX600 > GR07 a couple of pages ago. seems like these two IEMs are toe-to-toe.

Jul 23, 2011 at 6:55 PM Post #530 of 1,311

Dang, Eric! I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the GR07 so much.. to see where they've landed on your IEM list is some serious praise.. well deserved too, IMO.
Regarding the congested center of the EX600's soundstage I mentioned earlier.. it cleared up fairly quickly actually.  I think it was a tip issue.. I actually had to go with a tip that was a size smaller than what I normally use (Hybrid-M), so the MS size gave a deeper fit and the center of the stage no longer sounded congested.  Perhaps it was some in-ear resonance issues I was having when using larger tips, or it was a rough patch while burning them in.. who knows.. regardless.. it's passed and the EX600 continue to sound excellent.

Glad you found the cure for those congested mids @ EX600. And again, thank you for motivating me to try the GR07! 

Jul 23, 2011 at 8:10 PM Post #532 of 1,311

Thanks, ericP. I bought the ex600 right after the deal alert was posted to see if it'll replace my ddm. But then you posted, and now I'll have to buy the gr07 too.

LOL @ rymd. Sorry, but your ears will thank you later. Both are worth having and complement each other IMHO.
Jul 23, 2011 at 10:19 PM Post #533 of 1,311

I think Anaxilus is in the EX600>GR07 camp as-well. I think the EX600 is more balanced and yet more musical. Bass is more effortlessly controlled on the Sonys but the GR07s do a fine job regardless but it's a bit less precise and accurate imo. Mids have more weight on the 07s but the 600s are more transparent and sounds better with those instruments that like that raw clarity. Treble is where the two are pretty much equal. Both have peaks in the lower treble but while the GR07 has a bigger peak it has a bit more extension. The GR07 gives you more body in the lower regions (bass/lower mids) and on par in detail retrieval  in the mids and treble, but it's presentation is softened and sounds bland. Dynamic range is compressed and the energy of the note isn't there.  I think it's a design choice though as it seems to be a limited motor moving the driver as mvw2 explains it best here. Also the timbre sounded average for some reason. A good tonal balance is there but I may be getting better timbre with the FXT90s which have a similar tonality. Mine was a loaner from Joker, to be fair I'll give them another shot soon. All in all I think Joker's opinion of having them on the same scale is very sound. I think the 7550s will be more comparable though as they're both monitors and they both seem to have a limited motor because of it.

I am not qualified to comment on EX-600. But, I got my EX-1000 yesterday. Based on the similarities reported between EX-600 and EX-1000, I'd have to say, I would have been in the EX-600 > GR07 camp. While GR07 is an able performer due to it's good bass, texture and presence across the range, I too found it bland. Having recently got the FXT90 as well, I'll agree with Inks - timbre is better with the JVC than GR07. That is not to say GR07 is a bad IEM as the overall differences at this level are not huge. It does well on so many fronts, yet I find myself picking other IEMs routinely over it - one of the reasons I don't miss it and send it on loaner tours often
. FX700 on the other hand is a permanent fixture in my IEM shelf, it won't go anywhere
Jul 23, 2011 at 10:29 PM Post #534 of 1,311
Agreed. I can't wait to compare the FXT90s to the GR07s. They're both balanced quite well with a leniency towards the warm side. The FXT90s are more unique, have better timbre and are more engaging based on memory. I don't think the EX600s or GR07s touch the FX700s but the JVCs are very high maintenance and want a quiet environment. Those JVCs sure are special.
Jul 23, 2011 at 10:34 PM Post #535 of 1,311
Count me as appreciative but not fanatic about the GR07.  I love the fit and would rather wear them than listen to them.  It is a more technical driver than the EX600 to my ears and I find it's bass quantity more accurate to my ears than even the EX1000 which is only a hair short of the GR07 quantity wise.  Everything else I definitely prefer the EX1000.
Jul 23, 2011 at 10:39 PM Post #536 of 1,311

Count me as appreciative but not fanatic about the GR07.  I love the fit and would rather wear them than listen to them.  It is a more technical driver than the EX600 to my ears and I find it's bass quantity more accurate to my ears than even the EX1000 which is only a hair short of the GR07 quantity wise.  Everything else I definitely prefer the EX1000.

+1 here. Comfort and bass quantity are two things where GR07 scores for me too. The bass quantity is just about right - it neither feels excessive nor feels deficient.
Jul 24, 2011 at 12:15 AM Post #538 of 1,311

Count me as appreciative but not fanatic about the GR07.  I love the fit and would rather wear them than listen to them.  It is a more technical driver than the EX600 to my ears and I find it's bass quantity more accurate to my ears than even the EX1000 which is only a hair short of the GR07 quantity wise.  Everything else I definitely prefer the EX1000.

I wouldn't consider myself a fanatic over any earphone (the closest might come however is to the Quad, but not even it since I still listen to universals). With that said, there is no right or wrong here. It all comes down to preference, and for my ears I like the GR07's sound over the EX600. And I like the GR07 over the FX700 in certain areas (presentation of drums, the more forward mids and a smoother treble than the JVC). I will agree that the timbre is better in the FX700 - as Inks stated - than in the GR07, but my ear can't live off of timbre alone. The overall technical aspects of the GR07 compared to the overall technical aspects of the FX700 (yes, that includes sound signature) makes me like the Vsonic a little bit more than the FX700 and EX600, but it's almost like splitting hairs at this point. I would not agree, however, that the FX700 is far more technically advanced in sound than the EX600 or GR07. Some people love that unique timbre of the JVC (which is wonderful) and just push it in front of everything else. I understand, for the longest the FX700 was my favorite universal of all that I've heard. No so much now. To me it's about equal to the EX600 in enjoyment, but a little behind the GR07 for enjoyment (again, not taking anything away from the JVC, I've just heard something I like and enjoy better).
Jul 24, 2011 at 1:48 AM Post #539 of 1,311
I think Joker's rating goes quite well with how I will rate them in technical aspects. 
FX700: 9.6
EX600: 9.4
GR07: 9.4 
EX600 and GR07 aren't far behind and do certain things better than the FX700s but the JVCs are more refined overall. It's not just it's timbre, the whole response is well laid-out for it's purposes. The ear's response balance the spectrum at lower volume settings which require a quiet environment. I think the EX600's driver is more capable than the Vsonic's but the Vsonic has it's tuning laid out quite more than the Sony's. The Vsonics are put together quite well for it's purposes but compromises come with that. As much I like the Sonys more I admit that they're on par in technical capabilities, they each have their flaws (though I can live with the Sony's more). EX1000s are like a 9.7 or 8 in technical aspect for me. 

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