So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????
Mar 7, 2008 at 4:40 AM Post #871 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And it will for MANY people. I never said it was a bad headphone; quite the contrary, I stated repeatedly, and in my last post, that it delivers a lot of value for the money. But in my quest for the ultimate portable headphone, it didn't unseat the ESW9, in my opinion, which I had hoped it might. No shame in that - it's simply a little more aggressive that I prefer.

I try hard not to let negative, derogatory comments get to me, but in this case I simply had to take exception to what seemed like a completely uncalled for personal attack. There is no excuse for that sort of thing.

I read through the post fast the first time and didn't catch all of it. I guess it wasn't very kind, to say the least. Having traveled to many parts of the world and having people say some strange things that could be taken very wrong, and sometimes I think they were meant in that way, I tend to overlook a lot that didn't in the past. I can understand your feelings.
Mar 7, 2008 at 4:56 AM Post #872 of 2,328

Originally Posted by wilashort /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, i withdraw what I said if you are saying the truth (that i believe), my apologies. I exceeded a little bit, but i am not at all wrong..., but i doesn't say anything more.

In skylabs defense, It doesn't matter if that was the truth or it wasn't. It's not really any of our business what he does with his money. He could spend it on drugs, prostitutes or throw his money in the ocean for all I care... This site is about our audio hobby. We shouldn't judge other members for their spending habbits
Mar 7, 2008 at 5:09 AM Post #873 of 2,328
I agree with the above post. We are here to judge headphones not people.

And about headphones...I find the HFI-780 to be supremely satisfying.
Mar 7, 2008 at 5:28 AM Post #875 of 2,328

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You People, I'm GoNNA JUDGE YOU ALL! You are NO GOOD If you dont buy me a set of 780s and ship them to me for FREE.... hahahahahaha

Sorry, but judging from you taste in music I don't think you would like these. :^)
Mar 7, 2008 at 5:47 AM Post #876 of 2,328
Ok, you all can say/do (even s....d things) all the things that you like.... I will don't care/judge at "all" you anymore. I known that it is a decadent and an selfish society.... Make that you glad....

Originally Posted by donunus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In skylabs defense, It doesn't matter if that was the truth or it wasn't. It's not really any of our business what he does with his money. He could spend it on drugs, prostites or throw his money in the ocean for all I care... This site is about our audio hobby. We shouldn't judge other members for their spending habbits

Mar 7, 2008 at 5:51 AM Post #877 of 2,328
What exactly is your point wilashort ? I'm sorry but this is getting a bit ridiculous. The purpose of this thread is to discuss the HFI-780. Its pros and cons. To share knowledge and experiences. Not to have a philosophical discussion about people's spending habits and what they ought to be doing instead. Now can we just put this aside and enjoy the music ?
Mar 7, 2008 at 6:06 AM Post #878 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Torzwo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep, Ultrasone's own PR says they're tuned for "DVD and gaming" so I knew that would most likely mean an emphasis in all the areas I dislike but the supposedly more neutral 680 isn't available in the U.S.

I think they are perfect for fun music like rock.
Mar 7, 2008 at 6:09 AM Post #879 of 2,328
Well, I just ordered the 780, but my music is 80% classical, so let's see how this goes... I do collect movie soundtracks so maybe it will work well with that.
Mar 7, 2008 at 6:22 AM Post #880 of 2,328

Originally Posted by wilashort /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, you all can say/do (even s....d things) all the things that you like.... I will don't care/judge at "all" you anymore. I known that it is a decadent and an selfish society.... Make that you glad....

I don't want to take this thread off track, but if you are talking about people in the US, (though people post from all over the world and this is not a forum for people from any one country) the US gives more than any other country in the world. If you are talking in general about people here, well I would never presume what they have or haven't done for others. When I was in China I had a web page on the poor and needy. People from the US and other countries sent money that I distributed to needy families. There is much giving and there is not anything wrong with some enjoyment of this short life. Please try to enjoy some of the meaningful exchange that can go on here. It isn't just about headphones and amps, it is also discourse between people, many of whom have care and concern for others they have never even met.
Mar 7, 2008 at 6:26 AM Post #881 of 2,328

Originally Posted by wilashort /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ok, you all can say/do (even s....d things) all the things that you like.... I will don't care/judge at "all" you anymore. I known that it is a decadent and an selfish society.... Make that you glad....

How about you stop wasting your precious time posting to this site and go help the world? You talk down to other people for spending money while you're sitting on a headphone forum with some rather expensive cans of your own (not to mention a laptop) in your sig?

Perhaps if you were a little less concerned about what other people have or don't have, you would be able to spend more of your own time helping the world, instead of ridiculing other people needlessly. Who are you to attack someone who's done no wrong to you?

By the way. Your headphones cost WAY more than mine. Perhaps if you were more frugal you would sell those expensive Beyerdynamics and buy some cheap headphones so you could help other people.

Can we get back to talking about headphones now?
Mar 7, 2008 at 6:54 AM Post #884 of 2,328
These are starting to come alive now. What is it, about 75 hours? Ok, they may take a dip around 100 hours? I found that by leaving them on a sweep they really burn-in faster.
Mar 7, 2008 at 7:00 AM Post #885 of 2,328

Originally Posted by souperman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I for one am not the type for laid back sound, other than the HD580!
FWIW, the D2000 sound more boring than the HD580 to me personally.

Funny, I agree with you in some ways, but you have to remember my D2000 and HD600 have both been recabled and it really does make a difference. Someone in the ALO modded HFI780 thread asked me about D2000 vs ALO 780.

So, I did a comparison of them in the ALO modded 780 thread for him, and then I came in to read this thread and thought it was a big coincidence.

This is what I said:


I did my D2000 vs ALO780 comparison tonight. Don't forget I have the APS v2 cable on my D2000.

I'd say the D2000 is a little slower, especially on the initial attack of piano notes, and tends to smooth over some of the sound and blend it together a little. This makes for a more relaxed can that puts you maybe in the 2nd or 3rd row, instead of on stage like the ALO-780's. They have a good solid bass, but not quite the attack and impact of the ALO-780. That makes them remind me of a closed version of the HD600 when the HD600 has the improved HD650 cable. I said "reminds me of" as in similar sound signature, but "not sounds just like". The HD600 with APS v3 cable or 18G Jenna Labs cryo cable is still better than the re-cabled D2000 at retrieving details and reproducing an accurate soundstage.

The ALO-780 has a quicker attack, and punchier bass, with crisp edges to the notes that bring out some extra detail and layering the way the HD600 with high-end cable does. The mids are a little more forward/up front and they put you up on stage, similar to a Grado but with a bigger soundstage that my RS-2 (my SR-60 and HF-1 have a bigger soundstage than RS-2). The highs on the ALO-780 have mellowed out to the same level as the re-cabled D2000 and re-cabled HD600, which is a welcome improvement over stock. When listening to the ALO-780 first, and then switching to the D2000, you can hear the D2000 sound a little more like a closed can, while the ALO-780 sound more like an open can to me.


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