So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????
Mar 7, 2008 at 5:43 PM Post #903 of 2,328
Does anyone have a shot of the back of the driver in an Ed 9 and the baffle board?
Mar 7, 2008 at 7:33 PM Post #904 of 2,328

Originally Posted by jamato8 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yes, at this point I do hope the 780's pull back a little. I know we all have different tastes but they are just a bit aggressive (forward mids and a touch of brightness). Hopefully some more time will tame them or maybe a cable change.

The only way to get them to pull back is to do the ALO re-cable with associated mods. At least that's what I found in the 255 hours that I put on mine stock vs ALO modded. You go from "in your face" to just "forward" sounding.

I was fortunate enough to have the ALO modded ones at the same time, side by side, and right away the sound less in your face, and by 200+ hours the ALO modded ones have more soundstage. However, they are still more forward than D2000 or HD600, and about the same as my RS-2 and HP-2 in forwardness, but bigger than RS-2 in soundstage width.
Mar 7, 2008 at 7:39 PM Post #905 of 2,328

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The only way to get them to pull back is to do the ALO re-cable with associated mods. At least that's what I found in the 255 hours that I put on mine stock vs ALO modded. You go from "in your face" to just "forward" sounding.

I was fortunate enough to have the ALO modded ones at the same time, side by side, and right away the sound less in your face, and by 200+ hours the ALO modded ones have more soundstage. However, they are still more forward than D2000 or HD600, and about the same as my RS-2 and HP-2 in forwardness, but bigger than RS-2 in soundstage width.

I find them fairly forward compared to the 750's. What puzzles me is that I have had correspondence that the 9's and 750's are very close but the 750's are not in your face, whereas I find the 780's are and the 780's have also been compared favorably to the 9's...?? Are the Ed 9 in your face or do they throw a large soundfield?

And yes, I have read the emails that have been sent to me and all the information that has been kindly posted here but I don't know how the 9's could sound like the 750's with a nice deep and wide soundstage while the 780's are much more close-up and not as wide or deep, imo.

Ah, got my driver for the 750's. Soldered it up, got rid of the diodes and not I have one bright driver and one broken in!! :^)

Now to do some surgery on the 780;s. yeah. . surgery. . l.

Come on Ultrasone. 250 list for phones that are all plastic, ear pieces that are cheap, internal works that are the same as in 25 dollar headphones. I think 250 dollars warrants more that what we are getting. What a 10 to 1 mark up over hard costs?
Mar 7, 2008 at 9:34 PM Post #906 of 2,328
I was one who said I thought these were agressive headphones. Just as mentioned they don't seem to tame down with burn in much. Get smoother but still aggressive and for the person who hears a lot of music, usually many hours at a time. It's a bit much for my ears to handle.

I will try the modded version next. (The alo mod will arrive this saturday
) I still like these headphones but they wear me out hahaha. I guess I rock to hard hehehe....the Denon's have less bass slam and impact but I can hear them for hours and hours no problem.
Mar 7, 2008 at 9:38 PM Post #907 of 2,328
Larry, you are a wealth of information and thank you for sharing it with us. It is fortunate that you have been able to compare many of these HP's. decadent? ...definitely not selfish
I wonder now what a recable ( ie. apuresound) woud do to the pro750 vs stock E9 vs aloHfi780?


Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
for everyone else, here is the PM I responded to about this, as it's easier to just paste it in for everyone who cares.

The Darth Shallow cup need EQ to add 3-4db in the 250-500Hz range, and to remove 3-4db from the 64-125Hz range - otherwise the bass is boxy and boomy, and the mids are withdrawn and too distant. I am told the deep cup Darths don't have that problem.

The 780 if left stock need careful selection in choice of amplifier, or of the opamps and tubes in the amplifier, so they don't augment the bright treble. The treble is not a problem in most good recordings, but recordings with sibilance in them stand out as a problem. With 250 hours on them, it was better than at 100 hours, but the only thing that made the problem go away completely was the ALO re-cable with removal of the diode board. After the re-cable I have absolutely NO complaints about the 780's, i.e. I find no glaring or irritating faults in them. Bass is tight and strong, mids are rich and warm, and highs are smooth and crisp - with good detail throughout.

However, when I compare them to my Edition 9 (2-3x the cost of the ALO modded one, depending on the cable), the 780 have a little less size to the soundstage, and a little less body and texture to the instruments. The sound is so similar they sound like siblings, but the sound is different enough that you wont mix them up when listening blindfolded.


Mar 7, 2008 at 9:48 PM Post #908 of 2,328
The stock wire measures 1.2 ohm resistance. That is some small gauge stuff. I have 30 gauge hyper pure silver that measures lower resistance for the same length. No wonder a cable upgrade helps so much.

Yes, the 750's throw a much deeper and wider stage. They also get the singer or lead whatever, out of your face. I can hear hall reverb easier. The 780's are interesting because to me the are quite different, at least at this point. More time needed for burn-in.
Mar 7, 2008 at 10:03 PM Post #910 of 2,328
No, but what I am getting at is that on a 10 foot length of wire the resistance is over an ohm, which boils down to a very small gauge wire and that doesn't do the greatest for audio in this situation. That does not include the circuit board. I bypassed the circuit board of course. I have less resistance in 10 feet of 30 gauge silver. If you want good bass and eliminate back pressure on the ground as much as possible it would also be nice to have the ground terminate at the plug but all of the grounds go to a since tiny wire in the left ear cup. So even grounding is a resistance, which isn't good, not this much anyway. You put in 20 or 18 gauge wire of quality and the difference has to be quite noticeable. Many stock cables have a small gauge wire and higher resistance and everything that goes along with that. Also the better dielectrics used in the after market cables would help with capacitance and depending upon the configuration, the inductance of the cable.
Mar 7, 2008 at 11:24 PM Post #911 of 2,328
What is the issue with blowing the drivers and having a need for those diodes? What circumstances would make it more likely to blow a driver?

Hot plugging? or what?

Mar 7, 2008 at 11:29 PM Post #912 of 2,328
Too much volume, plain and simple. Too much current and voltage, the amplified signal, like maybe you accidently have the volume to max. the amp clips, which is very hard on a driver and wham, you heat of the voice coil so much it melts and now you have an open and bango, you need a replacement. I used to fry the tweeters on my modified klipsch all the time because of a couple of errors I made. Bingo, bango, I ordered extras. !! :^)

The 780's are tuneable. They have ports top and bottom on the baffle and the driver has small round holes that can be used to tune. I wish the ear cups were the snap in type. The materials of the ear cups is eesh, cheepo but what can you do? Trying to make a silk purse out of a sows rear, I mean ear.

Are the ear openings of the Ed 9 smaller than the 780? I don't find the 780 all that comfortable with more room in the 750 for my waggles.
Mar 8, 2008 at 12:27 AM Post #913 of 2,328

The Edition 9 soundstage is bigger, I mentioned that, but while is is big like my 2500 it is more forward at the same time. I recall mentioning once how I was perplexed how they could do that. That might be part of the je ne sais quoi that I mentioned makes the Edition 9 better.

However, I don't recall the Edition 9 being quite as forward as the ALO780. When I get them back from Alex I'll listen some more.

With the ALO780, they do respond to amp/dac/opamp/tube changes that can alter that way up front sound to be a little more back, the JL cabled ones more so than the Vampire wire ones.
Mar 8, 2008 at 12:43 AM Post #914 of 2,328

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The Edition 9 soundstage is bigger, I mentioned that, but while is is big like my 2500 it is more forward at the same time. I recall mentioning once how I was perplexed how they could do that. That might be part of the je ne sais quoi that I mentioned makes the Edition 9 better.

However, I don't recall the Edition 9 being quite as forward as the ALO780. When I get them back from Alex I'll listen some more.

With the ALO780, they do respond to amp/dac/opamp/tube changes that can alter that way up front sound to be a little more back, the JL cabled ones more so than the Vampire wire ones.

I look forward to your comments. I am having fun with the 780's right now but I don't like them for all music, whereas I don't have this problem with the 750's as the 750's are much deeper and wider but the 780's are fun. Time, tick, tick, tick. as they burn in. The diodes are out and they are directly wired. Need to rewire with something good. Maybe the wire you have mentioned but I would want to do it myself.
Mar 8, 2008 at 2:37 AM Post #915 of 2,328
What is the difference?, I just can't understand that (Well i has my own definition but), thanks.

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You go from "in your face" to just "forward" sounding.

That is ideal for the music that i like the most, J-POP, J-Rock, Electronica and Super Eurobeat. Is good to hear that those are similar to the RS-2 in forwardness.

There are more people that want to give more impressions (that has listen the stock first and after the modded)

I was fortunate enough to have the ALO modded ones at the same time, side by side, and right away the sound less in your face, and by 200+ hours the ALO modded ones have more soundstage. However, they are still more forward than D2000 or HD600, and about the same as my RS-2 and HP-2 in forwardness, but bigger than RS-2 in soundstage width.


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