So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:01 AM Post #856 of 2,328
Yep, I be a guy but I can wear a mean dress. . . ah I didn't say that did I??? I swear, I haven't worn one in years, . . . I mean I never really wore one. . . well at a party once but after getting pinched a few times I swore off of them. . . well for a while anyway. . no, no I . . ah geez. . .

Hey, I am hetero man. . .
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:08 AM Post #857 of 2,328
I have had the HFI-780 for three days now, and it has been burning in for all of the 72 hours. I am alternating 12 hours at high volume with 12 hours at low volume.

The bass has tightened considerably to it bein enjoyable. The mids have continued to develop and are more present. The highs there w/o being shrill or overpenetrating.

On a separate issue I sent an email to Ultrasone's Corporate Office on the purpose of the board inside the HFI-780. Their response was:


the board inside the HFI-780 is an overload protection to protect the drivers. It`s only a small board with some diodes on it.

Mar 7, 2008 at 2:17 AM Post #858 of 2,328
Yep, that is what they do. I have seen them in speakers and other circuits as overload protection. Can save a blown transducer but I don't always like them there. Hard to say if they will decrease the sound quality or not.
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:23 AM Post #859 of 2,328

Originally Posted by slwiser /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On He&Bi they have the DJ1 noted as a favorite. You probably would enjoy the new one even more.

They got the pro model as the favorite. wonder if it is similar to the cheaper dj1

The dj1s are not that much cheaper but I was more concerned with the sensitivity for direct ipod use. Slwiser has told me that the ed9s and 780s are less sensitive than w5ks which are similar in sensitivity to my ad2ks. I want something at least the loudness of my ad2ks for portable use with the ipod/no external amps.
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:25 AM Post #860 of 2,328
I am one of those patiently waiting for an in-depth comparison between the HFI-780 and the Proline 750. So far, this has not happened yet, but I don't think it's too far away.

Meanwhile, I appreciate the precious comments made by Jamato8 on the preliminary comparison between the 750 & 780. So far, I am not yet convinced enough to open my wallet to try out the 780 for myself. I will be on the lookout for this comparison. Meanwhile, my wonderful time with the 750 continues....
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:35 AM Post #861 of 2,328
hp-addict, i gotta relevant (perhaps...) question for ya. how do the 780s compare to the hfi700s? i've previously owned the latter can and they struck me as more of a gaming and movie can rather than a serious music can (helluva bottom end though!). isn't that how the 780 is also being billed?
i don't get the love for the 750s. i briefly had a set that supposedly had been well burned in and i found it downright annoying. perhaps it wasn't as well burned in as i'd been led to believe. my 2500s are a far more listenable phone than my 750s were, and a far better music can than my 700s were.
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:35 AM Post #862 of 2,328

Originally Posted by wilashort /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What, Now them aren't very good as home headphones, because they doesn't cost hundreds of dollars...??. I don't understand this rich people......
Ha, this headphone must be much better that the Darth Beyers and the DX1000. These headphones are overratted and yes, the only that you care the most is deep bass and is for that that you don't like the HFI-780 a lot.

Not too personal, but i dislike the "Flavor of The Month" people; fickle person,
People that buy something and in the little time, already don't like it; and people that buy something simply to buy (and having the same and Super expensive item) by ala slwizer, I detest/dislike (nor hate (i don't hate to nobody)) extravagant/spendthrift people.
To these that had a lot of money and don't known what to do with this money, why do you not donate that Damm money to the Red Cross??. And you make something good for others. Not only in the audio... and you conscience/karma will be more clear
I don't want to be annoying, but PLEASE people, Think before of act.

Offtopic: In that the Darth beyers are better than the DT990? because of the Deep bass quantity and slightly veiled treble?

Wilashort, do you actually believe that after making such insulting comments toward me that I would bother to answer any more of your questions?

Well, here is a news flash: I will not. You know NOTHING about me, and you shouldn't cast personal aspersions around like this. It's completely uncalled for. Not that it is ANY of your business, but I donate more money to charity annually than I spend on hi-fi.

I had high hopes for the 780, and bought it for good reason. It ultimately did not meet my expectations. I fail to see the "harm" in that.
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:40 AM Post #863 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wilashort, do you actually believe that after making such insulting comments toward me that I would bother to answer any more of your questions?

Well, here is a news flash: I will not. You know NOTHING about me, and you shouldn't cast personal aspersions around like this. It's completely uncalled for. Not that it is ANY of your business, but I donate more money to charity annually than I spend on hi-fi.

I had high hopes for the 780, and bought it for good reason. It ultimately did not meet my expectations. I fail to see the "harm" in that.

That's the first time I've seen him post an angry comment! Again it may not satisfy Skylab, but it sure as hell satisfies all my needs!
Mar 7, 2008 at 2:49 AM Post #864 of 2,328

Originally Posted by souperman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's the first time I've seen him post an angry comment! Again it may not satisfy Skylab, but it sure as hell satisfies all my needs!

And it will for MANY people. I never said it was a bad headphone; quite the contrary, I stated repeatedly, and in my last post, that it delivers a lot of value for the money. But in my quest for the ultimate portable headphone, it didn't unseat the ESW9, in my opinion, which I had hoped it might. No shame in that - it's simply a little more aggressive that I prefer.

I try hard not to let negative, derogatory comments get to me, but in this case I simply had to take exception to what seemed like a completely uncalled for personal attack. There is no excuse for that sort of thing.
Mar 7, 2008 at 3:03 AM Post #865 of 2,328
Ohhh.. My mistake. Yes, you have reason, nurse is a word for both (male/female), i forget that.


Originally Posted by joeq70 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Haha. There are male nurses, too. I think jamato8 is one of them.

Mar 7, 2008 at 3:14 AM Post #866 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And it will for MANY people. I never said it was a bad headphone; quite the contrary, I stated repeatedly, and in my last post, that it delivers a lot of value for the money. But in my quest for the ultimate portable headphone, it didn't unseat the ESW9, in my opinion, which I had hoped it might. No shame in that - it's simply a little more aggressive that I prefer.

I try hard not to let negative, derogatory comments get to me, but in this case I simply had to take exception to what seemed like a completely uncalled for personal attack. There is no excuse for that sort of thing.

I think part of his issue is a language barrier but no matter how you look at it, I agree it was completely uncalled for and serves no purpose. Certain things are not worthy of a reaction, if you know what I mean.

On a more positive note, the 780s satisfy my needs for a good closed headphone with deep bass and nice detail without breaking the bank. I'm quite happy with them.
Mar 7, 2008 at 3:14 AM Post #867 of 2,328
A having a nurse, any nurse well trained, is a treasure anytime you need one.
Mar 7, 2008 at 4:10 AM Post #868 of 2,328

Originally Posted by worldman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am one of those patiently waiting for an in-depth comparison between the HFI-780 and the Proline 750. So far, this has not happened yet, but I don't think it's too far away.

Meanwhile, I appreciate the precious comments made by Jamato8 on the preliminary comparison between the 750 & 780. So far, I am not yet convinced enough to open my wallet to try out the 780 for myself. I will be on the lookout for this comparison. Meanwhile, my wonderful time with the 750 continues....

Yes, I would wait. I am enjoying the 780's but my very well (they were and will be again) used 750's were smooth, open, dynamic and just plain enjoyable.
Mar 7, 2008 at 4:28 AM Post #869 of 2,328
Ok, i withdraw what I said if you are saying the truth (that i believe), my apologies. I exceeded a little bit, but i am not at all wrong..., but i doesn't say anything more.


Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wilashort, do you actually believe that after making such insulting comments toward me that I would bother to answer any more of your questions?

Well, here is a news flash: I will not. You know NOTHING about me, and you shouldn't cast personal aspersions around like this. It's completely uncalled for. Not that it is ANY of your business, but I donate more money to charity annually than I spend on hi-fi.

I had high hopes for the 780, and bought it for good reason. It ultimately did not meet my expectations. I fail to see the "harm" in that.

Mar 7, 2008 at 4:32 AM Post #870 of 2,328

Originally Posted by daveDerek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hp-addict, i gotta relevant (perhaps...) question for ya. how do the 780s compare to the hfi700s? i've previously owned the latter can and they struck me as more of a gaming and movie can rather than a serious music can (helluva bottom end though!). isn't that how the 780 is also being billed?

Yep, Ultrasone's own PR says they're tuned for "DVD and gaming" so I knew that would most likely mean an emphasis in all the areas I dislike but the supposedly more neutral 680 isn't available in the U.S.

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