Dec 6, 2011 at 2:57 PM Post #61 of 2,286
I have SRH840s and HD650s sitting in front of me. It's like they made babies.

LOL! I have the SRH840s on my head right now and planned on getting the things may change. Can't wait to see the reviews and the U.S. price. Santa better not bring me anything stupid...I want these!
Dec 6, 2011 at 3:04 PM Post #62 of 2,286

70 000¥ ie. 670 euros / $900 for the SRH1840 and
40 000¥ ie. 380 euros / $515 for the SRH1440 (in Japanese).

The Hennyo watch begins.

Dec 6, 2011 at 3:26 PM Post #63 of 2,286
Oh god dammit...this is going to ruin my choice range.
Dec 6, 2011 at 3:26 PM Post #64 of 2,286

Not digging the look at all. Kinda looks cheap. Hope the sq lives up to the anticipation though and the asking price isn't exorbitant. Trusted brands going at it in the vacuum of the $500 - $1000 price range will be interesting. Hopefully there's some trickle down tech from the existing flagships to these new models.

Shure's product line has always been about function over form, substance over style, a kind of workman like no nonsense approach.  I'm shure the new models share the same philosophy.
  What I love design wise, is the headphone extenders are not made of metal.  That section is where my SRH840 broke and really the only weak point design and construction wise.  Though I must these are easily the best looking headphones Shure has produced yet.
Dec 6, 2011 at 4:18 PM Post #65 of 2,286

are those better than Sennheiser hd650 ? iam about to buy the hd650

Buy the HD6x0. FOTM, fads, varied opinions etc, basically when the price drop hits these, they'll be affordable and we'll have a good read on whether or not it's actually a headphone worth owning. If the price doesn't go down, I suppose it's not a terrible thing because the only way it'll stay where it's at is if it has a reputation for being worth that price. Get the HD6x0, it's a must own phone anyway.
the SRH940 didn't ring as true to us as the SRH840 so we can't just take shure by faith, although the SRH840 broke a lot of rules when it first came out (great sound under 200$, good sound stage in a closed can, etc). The SRH840 had a few critical flaws in my opinion. The pads are not thick enough, the headband not rigid or tight enough, and the headphones too heavy to be truly a comfortable phone. In general while wearing them the sensation is like balancing spinning plates on my nose. One bad movement and they're not seated anymore. Basically, they're the most clumsy headphone I own. Actually considering selling them for this reason, but (and this is important) I don't know that I can because of all the headphones I own they're the only ones to show wear and tear. The headband is actually falling apart on me.
So far, Shure has proven to have a bad track record for fit and finish. In my mind the HD6x0's have none of these faults the SRH840 have, and the only real con to them is their signature, if you dislike it, you bought the wrong phone. It's one of those benchmark cans everyone should own though, and it's something this sort of can would likely get gauged against.
No doubt in my mind these phones will be good. Just need to wait to see how good. I do like their look though. A lot.
Things it's doing right:
  1. Open
  2. Velour
  3. Metal construction
  4. dual entry removable cable
  5. clean dark look
Dec 6, 2011 at 4:52 PM Post #66 of 2,286
If with these they've fixed the comfort issues, added a bit better and more bass than the SRH940, and toned down the treble just a bit all the while maintaining the same if not more detail - these could very well be the perfect (neutral) headphone :D
Also I can't understand why people say these don't look good, but everyone has their own opinion. I personally thing these are probably the best looking headphones I've ever seen. Then again I may have unusual tastes as I hate the look of Beats and love the look of HD600/650.
If reviews are good, I'm pretty sure it's inevitable I'll be getting these :). I'm also glad I didn't pull the trigger on a DT880 this christmas. My HD650 is an awesome headphone, I don't need any new ones for the time being. Until the SRH1840 hits the shelves, that is... (too bad it's probably a year away though)
Dec 6, 2011 at 5:14 PM Post #67 of 2,286
Count me in for the 1440' to poor for the 1840's
Dec 6, 2011 at 5:20 PM Post #70 of 2,286
Can anyone tell me what the pricing is going to be around? If it's more than $200 than I'm not going to think about it, but they sure look like good headphones!

Don't think about it

Dec 6, 2011 at 5:46 PM Post #72 of 2,286
oh my.. i'd like to know how these compare to LCD2
Dec 6, 2011 at 6:22 PM Post #73 of 2,286

Wow they're much more expensive than I imagined. Guess I'm sticking with my HD600.

We don't have any indication of US pricing at this point. 
Dec 6, 2011 at 6:30 PM Post #75 of 2,286
Jude - you've obviously listened to these quite a bit.  Would appreciate if you could describe the sound sig, and which commonly owned can it most reminds you of (so we have a reference point).  TIA.

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