Review: ZERO 24 BIT/192KHz DAC/Headphone Amp/Pre-Amp
Sep 13, 2008 at 7:26 AM Post #6,496 of 9,388

Originally Posted by sennsay /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Pench, very nice to have some nice simple clarity from someone who has done the research over many hours and with multiple combinations and trained ears! Refreshing after last night's nonsense, though the comment on the LT1115 was a hoot. Not the sort of conversation I can be in the least bit bothered with.
I am thoroughly enjoying the Senn 650s! What a treat to have such a fine musical instrument in the home, so revealing, yet involving and fulfilling to listen with. You don't listen TO them. They've enabled me to clearly hear the results of a simple test today, as I took the Earth HDAM out of KHA and popped the twin LT1028s back in after a good warm up. Well, they certainly are pleasant to listen with in circuit, but really quite coloured in that position. Nice, though full and soft in the bass, lacking the easy dynamics of the HDAM, but definitely rolled off in the top, enough to restrict dynamics and cloud a whole level of top end air - sounding just a little sat-upon.
Having such a neutral DAC ahead of it (with HDAM Earth) makes the "sound" of op-amps blatantly obvious through the Senns. On restoring the Earth to it's rightful position in KHA, all those natural bass dynamics and extended, natural sounding top end air was restored, easy to hear how even the HDAM is. Then there's the midrange, space, focus, more real human presence.
Ultimately, no contest. Op-amps - ok to VG (including LT1057 [hmmph! ho hum IMO], LT1028, OPA2134, OPA2064, OPA627AUs [impressive, but definitely not neutral in this position]; HDAM Earth - fabulous! Very easy to hear with great cans through a transparent amp and neutral source.

Plus, I have to agree on the 1364s in the Zero's amp, with the 650s they really are rather good, now that they have run well in. I never really liked them with the HD540s, maybe it's the 600 versus 300 ohm cans.
All IMHO, of course.
I understand other tonal variations will suit differing tastes and the 1028s, may suit brighter cans with a reduced bass output, like my 540s, for instance!

Much appreciation for the balanced viewpoint, Pench.

Thanks for your kind words Sennsay,

From time to time, we have to look back over what we have done, so that others who only want to do a few things, have something to go on. I think you are very correct about the 600ohm vs 300ohm Senns. I think this has tripped up a few folks who own the older, higher ohms Senns.

I also agree with you on the DAC section choice for a neutral sound. I feel this is very important for both the DAC output to a separate amp, and the internal headphone amp. PP and I have tossed many an email back and forth on this subject, with the "neutral" device always winning the day.

There will always be a portion of the readership that feels a colored properly Opamp or HDAM is the superior way to go, for their setup. I say "more power too you guys" and then I make sure I have my "earth" plugged into the DAC and smile.

SQ is where you "hear" it, not where others tell you it exists. To put a finer point on it, everyone here is looking for digital that sounds like serious analog, with the better digital properties built in. They may not even realize this because they have never heard excellent analog. This shouldn't shock anyone too much. It isn't a digital vs analog thing. It is simply the hunt for the best of both worlds, on a budget. I say, "we win" on all accounts, thanks to the little and mighty Zero. (and a couple of easy mods)
Sep 13, 2008 at 7:30 AM Post #6,497 of 9,388

Originally Posted by Penchum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi Don,

Unless I missed something, that Zero has the DAC section's Opamp upgraded to the OPA627AU on an adapter. This is a good upgrade for the DAC section for most folks. You could obtain LT1364's for the headphone section, from LT's website, so that wouldn't be too much trouble. Getting the free USB based sound card/Optical out device is another plus, as long as you need it.

The "earth" HDAM I talked about are sold separately from audio-gd. I recommend it as a final upgrade, if you feel the Zero with it's upgrades doesn't quite do it for you. The only way to know that for sure, is to purchase the Zero and burn it in for 100 hours. Usually, at that point, you'll know if you need to do more to it.
To put this another way, if I didn't have the HDAM "earth" in the DAC section, I would insist on the OPA627AU's in the DAC section.

Have a good one!!

Thanks Penchum.

I think you just helped me decide what my next purchase will be and I'm grateful for the straight talk, most of which I understand clearly.

With a quick bit of cash on hand, I was going to buy a Little Dot MK1+ and probably still will, but I'm going to now wait until after I get the ZERO. That way, there's time for YOUR review of the current favor-of-the-month to give us all, excepting your most recent critic, a clear insight into this new model.

Keep up the good work; between you and Skylab, I get some wonderful insights.

Sep 13, 2008 at 7:39 AM Post #6,498 of 9,388

Originally Posted by ddoingwell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks Penchum.

I think you just helped me decide what my next purchase will be and I'm grateful for the straight talk, most of which I understand clearly.

With a quick bit of cash on hand, I was going to buy a Little Dot MK1+ and probably still will, but I'm going to now wait until after I get the ZERO. That way, there's time for YOUR review of the current favor-of-the-month to give us all, excepting your most recent critic, a clear insight into this new model.

Keep up the good work; between you and Skylab, I get some wonderful insights.


Thanks for the kind words Don,
We just have to learn to ignore the obvious distasteful blabbering of the banned HeadFi lovers.

If you get your LD 1+ sooner than I do, please feel free tell us your impressions. I like you, have my eye on that little gem.
Sep 13, 2008 at 7:51 AM Post #6,499 of 9,388

Originally Posted by Penchum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for your kind words Sennsay,

From time to time, we have to look back over what we have done, so that others who only want to do a few things, have something to go on. I think you are very correct about the 600ohm vs 300ohm Senns. I think this has tripped up a few folks who own the older, higher ohms Senns.

I also agree with you on the DAC section choice for a neutral sound. I feel this is very important for both the DAC output to a separate amp, and the internal headphone amp. PP and I have tossed many an email back and forth on this subject, with the "neutral" device always winning the day.

There will always be a portion of the readership that feels a colored properly Opamp or HDAM is the superior way to go, for their setup. I say "more power too you guys" and then I make sure I have my "earth" plugged into the DAC and smile.

SQ is where you "hear" it, not where others tell you it exists. To put a finer point on it, everyone here is looking for digital that sounds like serious analog, with the better digital properties built in. They may not even realize this because they have never heard excellent analog. This shouldn't shock anyone too much. It isn't a digital vs analog thing. It is simply the hunt for the best of both worlds, on a budget. I say, "we win" on all accounts, thanks to the little and mighty Zero. (and a couple of easy mods)

Absolutely. It's not my way to rubbish anyone else's experience, I just won't participate in tit for tat "my ears are better than your's" conversations (?).
As for 'winning', I reckon I've won big time! I have never had a digital system sound anything like this good before, thanks to a souped up budget DAC and all the info from friendly and sharing folk on Head-Fi. All of my 'best' listening came from my t/t's, Linn Sondeks to highly modified Thorens, cheap moving magnets to expensive moving coils. I miss them, they are packed away in OZ for a time. Since finding Head-Fi I have been on a whole different journey and loving every moment of it. For the first time, CDs are sounding really good and all hail to it!
Sep 13, 2008 at 7:57 AM Post #6,500 of 9,388

Originally Posted by ddoingwell /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks Penchum.

I think you just helped me decide what my next purchase will be and I'm grateful for the straight talk, most of which I understand clearly.

With a quick bit of cash on hand, I was going to buy a Little Dot MK1+ and probably still will, but I'm going to now wait until after I get the ZERO. That way, there's time for YOUR review of the current favor-of-the-month to give us all, excepting your most recent critic, a clear insight into this new model.

Keep up the good work; between you and Skylab, I get some wonderful insights.


Onya, Don, I've just come from 7 years in QLD last year and now living in Gissy. I too am very much liking the look of LD 1+ and it was Skylab that put me on to the lovely little Corda 2Move that I've bought a few weeks ago.
I've spent several times more after finding Head Fi, than it cost me to get here via Adelaide!
What fun!
Sep 13, 2008 at 10:35 AM Post #6,501 of 9,388
Im up to page 50 of this thread so I have to catch up but who is currently the best ebay seller for the Zero amp in terms of reliability, build quality, speed of service and price? Is there a concensus? Thanks!
Sep 13, 2008 at 12:35 PM Post #6,502 of 9,388
Ok, Lawrence wants me to send my Dac opamp back before he will ship me a new one.

Looks like I am just going to eat the cost and ebay the parts myself. I am not going to pay shipping to china, and then wait at least two weeks (probably more) before getting a replacement.

Sep 13, 2008 at 2:04 PM Post #6,506 of 9,388

Originally Posted by bundee1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any links to recommended ebay sellers?

Look for AudioPhewl's posts - he has the links in his sig. You shouldn't have to go back far - he's here a lot
Sep 13, 2008 at 3:43 PM Post #6,507 of 9,388
Ive been lurking here for a while and am ready to upgrade my current setup to something better. Right now I'm using a pa2v2 and it sounds nice and all but I feel like I'm missing out on so much more. I'd like to get a DAC and AMP since my laptop/zune could use the boost. I'd also like to find a DAC/AMP combo to save myself time and money. So far I've narrowed it down to the Ibasso D2 or D3 vs the Zero DAC/Amp.

I've read that the Ibasso is a great portable amp and a very good dac as well. The Zero on the other hand is a great DAC but I when it comes to being an amp, there isnt all that much rave about it.

I'm wondering head to head which would be considered a better purchase. I have no need for portability as I normally listen in my office at work. I just want the best bang for buck. How does the Boa compare with the Zero when it comes to DAC/AMP combo. Seems like desktop is always better but since they're at the same pricepoint I can't tell.

P.S. My headphones are Denon D2000's if that makes a difference.
Sep 13, 2008 at 5:00 PM Post #6,508 of 9,388

Originally Posted by fdbf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hi guys... i've ordered sample of opa827 from texas instrument... but they told me opa827 aren't in free sample program anymore!!!

i want to ask to you all a favour... if someone has 2xopa627 or 2xopa827 please send a private message to me cause i am looking for these opa. i'll pay shipping cost...


hi guys i quote myself... maybe you haven't seen my post... Thanks
Sep 13, 2008 at 6:16 PM Post #6,509 of 9,388

Originally Posted by fdbf /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hi guys i quote myself... maybe you haven't seen my post... Thanks

Hey I saw your post, but you were few days late - already sold mine to Carter - who'd asked a few days before you... sorry. With all these Sun and Earth units out there someone's gotta be willing to part with them. Otherwise I know I've seen them on eBay already on the adapter... did you try there??

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