Jan 12, 2010 at 8:45 AM Post #1,817 of 2,117

Originally Posted by natty135 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
HPA: how do you find isolation of the W3 with the grey silicone/long comply/um56. comparisons

I get fairly good isolation with the grey silicone tips, which is what I have been using at home a lot because of the quick one handed insertion. The complys don't work as well for me because the short sound nozzle means I need a bigger deeper tip and then the sound is slightly rolled off - so I have not paid much attention to the isolation. With the silicone UM56 tips I feel like I am in a vacuum in space, with almost no sound coming through from the outside. That doesn't make the silicone universal tip isolate poorly, it just makes them not as good in isolating as the UM56. I feel like I could go safely to the shooting range wearing the W3/UM56, but not so sure about that with the universal silicone tips.
Jan 13, 2010 at 2:40 AM Post #1,818 of 2,117
alright thanks because i wonder if it's me being spoilt by the long complies on my um3x or the silicones really not sealing. they sound alright, abit softer than with a long tip (so i turn up the volume, with proper bass and all) but they just don't seal as good for me. i do the "snap beside my ear" thing to test and complies, i can hear the average average thump but with the complies i can hear the whole spectrum of a snap, it's quite disturbing. even a double flange lets in the highs from isolation so =/ idk. no money to get a um56 that's for sure. complies do well ( i can 1 hand insert long tip
) but alwayts wondered how they compare thanks!
Jan 13, 2010 at 9:26 PM Post #1,819 of 2,117
After a couple of weeks I wanted to post this, because I finally compared the W3 and 10 pro directly and over a period of time, rather than indirectly through comparisons with other IEM that were compared to the 10 Pro. We got the 10vi Pro for my son for Xmas but he traded me for one of my RE252 for them, for comfort and fit issues with his lttle 12 year old ears. I am using medium silicone single flange tips with both IEM.

The are not as colored as I remembered them being, where they had that upper bass "acoustic suspension" type of sound when compared with SE530. But, they do have more midbass and less deep bass than the W3. The are a little more forward in the upper mids than the W3, but the mid/high treble seems very similar as does treble extension. I find the W3 to sound a little more transparent and take me deeper into the music; and while both have a wide soundstage the W3 sound deeper front to back, while the are a little more forward. Immersion into the performance is a little more realistic and more complete with the W3 as well. Bass impact is better with the W3 than, and I felt both were detailed and fast with string bass, but the W3 were more believable in the impact and presence.

Overall I would say the are a nice IEM and better than I remember, but I will still reach for the W3 more often when I want to listen to and enjoy my music.
Jan 13, 2010 at 9:45 PM Post #1,820 of 2,117
Many thanks for your report on the Trip vs. Westone3. Was debating between the two,having owned the Trips before but when all the new tips were not available. But have never owned the Westies. So based on your review here, and knowing what a challenge it is to get a decent fit with the Trips, probably incline toward the Westone 3.
Jan 13, 2010 at 10:02 PM Post #1,822 of 2,117
Nice comparison, HPA. I got the TF10's in the Amazon deal and I agree with just about everything you said (I posted my own comparison here I find that the TF10's have the same basic sound signature as the W3s, but the W3s just do everything a little better, especially soundstage, separation, and bass extension. TF10's might have a slight edge in the forwardness of vocals/midrange.

Because of the Amazon deal, I have the luxury of using the TF10s as my workout IEMs. I find that the TF10's cable actually produces less microphonics than my W3s, both when I run and while seated. The TF10's cable seems a bit cheaper and is probably less durable than the W3's cable, but I'm actually liking it more. The fact that I can eventually replace it with a UE custom cable is a bonus.

My W3's cable is starting to annoy me a bit; I can hear it rubbing against my shirt as I breathe even if I'm just sitting down. Also, the parts of the cable that are wrapped above my ears have become permanently bent. Due in part to the extreme angle of the bends, these parts of the cables tend to become unbraided, and even though this is easily fixed by squeezing and twisting them, it's a little disconcerting.

The most significant design flaw of the W3s, however, is the lack of a ridge on the nozzles. This isn't an issue for most of the stock tips, but with Complys and UM-56 I'm finding it to be a major annoyance. With nothing to grip the tips in place, my UM-56 often stay in my ears when I remove my W3s, and they've gone flying off when I've taken the W3s out of their case because the UM-56 tend to slide down to the edge of the nozzles.

One other thing I've noticed is that the W3s apparently have even lower impedance/higher sensitivity than the TF10s, since the W3s are too loud for me in quiet environments on my iPod Touch and Cowon S9 even on the lowest volumes, but the TF10s are noticeably softer on the same volumes. The stock volume attenuator kills the sound for me on both IEMs, but it's a necessary evil until I get my iBasso D4.

The W3's problems that I've noted are mostly minor annoyances in an otherwise awesome product, but I think anyone considering them should be aware of the flaws.
Jan 13, 2010 at 10:31 PM Post #1,823 of 2,117
As an ex-W3 owner and current TF10 owner (stock and custom a la Fisher), I can't disagree with the basic from HPA. I wanted to like the W3s more, but tip issues and a limited EQ situation (had the Touch, which needed the acoustic setting, but the Zune had no EQ) led me to try out the UM3X, which while an excellent IEM, turned out to not be cup of tea (too neutral for me). So, I grabbed the TF10s via Amazon, and one reshelled and kept one stock. I really like the TF10 sound, and with no W3 to compare (nor any Westone IEM for my UM56s, which I didn't have for the W3), I bought a pair of W2s, which should be here tomorrow.

Anyway, excited about having three great IEMs, W2s, TF10s (both flavors) and the humble Cyclone PR1s, which are the best budget phones ($80 and under) I've ever had the pleasure of owning.

I know the W3s are no doubt a tad more than the W2s, but I have the same design issues with the W3, the short nozzle and a fairly large driver housing. The W2s, I believe, resolved that issue as did the UM3X. However, my UM56s often just came off the UM3X, just slid off seemingly due to some weird pressure issue. I tried washing them out with soapy water, no difference. Very aggravating. I hope it doesn't happen with the W2s. Also, I use the UM56s with my Ety-driven im616s, and they not only stay put, they sound great. I ended up with two pair of UM56s due to my audiologist's sloppy office staff (they lost the original and ordered a second pair, then found the original).

Anyway, interesting that I did really like the W3 (actually wish I had not traded for the UM3X), but the tip/design issue was annoying. So the Trips have none of those issues for me, and are close enough. I am looking forward to hearing the differences between the Trips and the W2. Spyro really likes the W2s, and already owns both the UM3X and the W3. Ought to be fun. Any thoughts HPA?
Jan 14, 2010 at 12:08 AM Post #1,824 of 2,117
I'll assume HPA used an amp because unamped I think W3 kills TFP10 in pretty much every area. With TFP10's cloudy midrange problem, yes, W3 is tons more transparent but I have heard this improves with amping the TFP10.

I love the efficiency of W3. When I push the volume on TFP10, I feel it needs an amp but I never get that with W3. Just my $0.02
Jan 14, 2010 at 2:39 AM Post #1,825 of 2,117

Originally Posted by tstarn06 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As an ex-W3 owner and current TF10 owner (stock and custom a la Fisher), I can't disagree with the basic from HPA. I wanted to like the W3s more, but tip issues and a limited EQ situation (had the Touch, which needed the acoustic setting, but the Zune had no EQ) led me to try out the UM3X, which while an excellent IEM, turned out to not be cup of tea (too neutral for me). So, I grabbed the TF10s via Amazon, and one reshelled and kept one stock. I really like the TF10 sound, and with no W3 to compare (nor any Westone IEM for my UM56s, which I didn't have for the W3), I bought a pair of W2s, which should be here tomorrow.

Anyway, excited about having three great IEMs, W2s, TF10s (both flavors) and the humble Cyclone PR1s, which are the best budget phones ($80 and under) I've ever had the pleasure of owning.

I know the W3s are no doubt a tad more than the W2s, but I have the same design issues with the W3, the short nozzle and a fairly large driver housing. The W2s, I believe, resolved that issue as did the UM3X. However, my UM56s often just came off the UM3X, just slid off seemingly due to some weird pressure issue. I tried washing them out with soapy water, no difference. Very aggravating. I hope it doesn't happen with the W2s. Also, I use the UM56s with my Ety-driven im616s, and they not only stay put, they sound great. I ended up with two pair of UM56s due to my audiologist's sloppy office staff (they lost the original and ordered a second pair, then found the original).

Anyway, interesting that I did really like the W3 (actually wish I had not traded for the UM3X), but the tip/design issue was annoying. So the Trips have none of those issues for me, and are close enough. I am looking forward to hearing the differences between the Trips and the W2. Spyro really likes the W2s, and already owns both the UM3X and the W3. Ought to be fun. Any thoughts HPA?

I have been getting used to my Westone 2 for a couple of weeks in preparation for my review - I will say that the Westone 2 beat my W1, NE-7M, NE-8, iP-5HS, AH-C700. They may be better than RE252 and are close to the but I need more time comparing these to the W2. The W2 are not on the level of the Westone 3 in the bass, the mids are fuller, and highs are similar. I don't want to spoil my review.


Originally Posted by Spyro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll assume HPA used an amp because unamped I think W3 kills TFP10 in pretty much every area. With TFP10's cloudy midrange problem, yes, W3 is tons more transparent but I have heard this improves with amping the TFP10.

I love the efficiency of W3. When I push the volume on TFP10, I feel it needs an amp but I never get that with W3. Just my $0.02

I used a variety of amps, including the iBasso D4 via USB DAC, iMod and T3, and Nuforce uDAC.
Jan 14, 2010 at 2:53 AM Post #1,826 of 2,117
Thanks. I probably will not got the amp route again, just too much hassle (and I do on occasion use the Amp3s as amps, not DAPs). As you recall, I did favor the W3s, but the fit/tip/EQ issue just bugged me. I know, I should have gotten the UM56 then. Water under the bridge. Maybe someday I will pick up a used pair. Not sure. For now, I will be happy with the W2/UM56m, and the custom Trips, which do sound more airy than the stock Trips using the ES cable.

Oh, and look forward to your W2 review.
Jan 14, 2010 at 2:58 AM Post #1,827 of 2,117

Originally Posted by Spyro /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'll assume HPA used an amp because unamped I think W3 kills TFP10 in pretty much every area. With TFP10's cloudy midrange problem, yes, W3 is tons more transparent but I have heard this improves with amping the TFP10.

I love the efficiency of W3. When I push the volume on TFP10, I feel it needs an amp but I never get that with W3. Just my $0.02

Can't say my Trips have a cloudy midrange. Recessed a little, sure. But cloudy is not what my ears hear. And mids were not the W3's best feature either, as I recall. But no matter, looking forward to the W2s partially on your strong endorsement.
Jan 14, 2010 at 3:30 AM Post #1,828 of 2,117
HFA is correct. W2 does not have the huge overall dynamic extension like W3 nor the huge bass but I wouldn't necessarily say that the lack of these 2 characteristics is a fault on W2. W2 is incredibly balanced. HFA, I look forward to your review. Again, Ety fans should love W2.
Jan 14, 2010 at 5:18 AM Post #1,829 of 2,117
Just got these bad boys after months of contemplation, Shure 530 or Westones 3. So glad I got these. These sound simply amazing, very well balanced. I listen to a variety of music, hip-hop, rock, pop, dance etc. these earphones just sound incredible, the bass is nice and warm but not over powering. The lyrics are crisp and I hear elements of my music that I didn't hear in my Shure 210's or tmy old Er-6.

These earphones sound so good it literally make you want to dance or even sing along with the song. Lol!

Nearly had an ear-gasm in public lol. I bought mine for just under $400 all in, worth every penny. I use these for exercise, perfect fit too, great for weightlifting and eliptical etc.

Jan 14, 2010 at 5:56 AM Post #1,830 of 2,117
The bass of the W3 is very hyped and in fact overpowering, and if you think its bass is just right, then you are definitely a bass head and you would find neutral and accurate bass too light for your preference. Its treble is also significantly recessed--the sparkle and air of instruments like orchestral strings, drum cymbals...etc are quite subdued compared to what a neutral frequency response should sound like. A simple comparison of the W3 with a pair of high-end reference studio monitors in an acoustically treated recording/mastering studio will show this as clear as day.

The W3 sound smooth, but it was designed from the ground up to be a "fun" pair of IEM's and was NEVER meant to be neutral or accurate. So if you enjoy the W3's, that's great, but know that what you enjoy is NOT neutral, balanced, or accurate. It is skewed to have a very distinct sonic signature. I think Westone was smart because they understood the taste of the average consumer--who likes tons of bass and treble a bit recessed so it's not fatiguing over long listening periods; however, for those that prize accuracy and transparency above all else, the W3 does not fit the bill (although with some EQ'ing it gets much closer, though the smoothness starts to fall apart a little).

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