Orthodynamic Roundup
Apr 4, 2011 at 4:06 PM Post #16,801 of 27,185
I had the chance to compare my pair to the Thunderpant and it was hard to believe they used the same driver. I believe it shows the potential of the Fostex driver. The Thunderpant bass and lower mid was a bit overdone for my taste but I wished my modded T500RP had a bit more bass.
Apr 4, 2011 at 4:20 PM Post #16,802 of 27,185
I've never been impressed with the stock T50RPs.  I've been through three pairs.  All meh.  But I do love the ThunderPants.  I guess I prefer the older vintage Fostex when keeping them in their stock headbands.  I'm also not a Yammie ortho fan and I've had more of them than I can count through here except YH-1Ks. 
Nick- I reversed the order of damping in the RP18s in Questa's pair on Friday and wow!  It really opened the stage and they are a little over damped ATM, but the tape was new so it will open back up and the bass will come back up.  I shipped them out to him late Sat., but I'll drop you a PM with the new scheme.  This is with the W11 pads too. 
Apr 4, 2011 at 4:32 PM Post #16,803 of 27,185
You love your bass Didier! I find your Fostex tuning to have really quite ample bass and maybe a little too little mids and mid-treble for my tastes, but I've got quite a particular taste.
How are those HE-4 settling in?
Apr 4, 2011 at 5:46 PM Post #16,804 of 27,185
I'm one of the few who checked EddiE headphones, and I walked away shortly after knowing exactly that they have what I'm looking for.
My only not completely dynamic headphone is my fully modified (a la KT88) K340 and plugging it to different amps at the meeting showed how tilted toward the hf they are. A very frustrating experience given the amount of time and sleep I gave up dumping the inside of the cups with blue tack and felt. 
Probably that was the result of trying to eliminate all the lf resonances.
Another nice thing about the meeting is that it served me perfectly to realize I will loose my will way before to shell the money for a pair of HD800. Probably the most uninteresting headphone at the meeting which only the Supra was able to make play in a reasonably balanced way.

Anyway congratulation EddiE for your very special headphones.
Sure here's the thread:
I had a try convincing people to listen to the YamaLux but I think most were focused on famous phones. Same goes with my rare beyer ET1000 - probably the only chance most will get to listen to it but only two or three did! Ah well.
Still, a lively thread. I and a few others really lay into the HD800!
I'm the one with the long hair pictured with the YamaLux on, mid way through the aforementioned test, pulling a stupid "concentrating" face.

Apr 4, 2011 at 7:07 PM Post #16,805 of 27,185

Fostex t50rp's with simple mods have great bass. They go down flawlessly to 30 hz. No distortion, very precise, very fast. They do need a fast and juicy amp in order to reveal their full potential. 

Thanks. A fast and juicy amp is exactly what I have: I designed a regulated (dual LT1083-adj) LM4780-based headamp with all film caps post the regulators. The amp is also mated with a ladder-type stepped attenuator for volume control. It's clean, fast, and powerful. 
Apr 4, 2011 at 7:21 PM Post #16,806 of 27,185
dang i missed those meet in the UK. been dreaming to see one for years. And wanted to hear the thunderpants compare to my t50rp as well ( thanks to Apatn)
Ive enjoyed my t50rp very much. there is still lots of potential but i cant get it with the current pads and housing. Planning to do aluminium cup this Easter. Now i know people will go against it,I know wood has better acoustic properties too, but I can only use my uni's workshop for the last 3 months and want to build something for my own, and aluminium is the only thing to go, and I like the look of some aluminium grado too. I plan to make them as thin as possible to reduce the weight, then glue lots of layer of paper on it ( similar to some technique on Art Attack, which i loved when I was a kid). I know the glued paper has less density, but hopefully there is lots of air pockets in them, so if they are thick, then could help damping the cup. after that there is always akasa foam and blu-tack. THe idea came from my rapid product development class, where my lecturer showed us some prototype sample made by a RPD machine glueing paper layers together. The quality of it ( by touching, knocking...) is almost like wood. How does the idea sound to you guys?
Apr 5, 2011 at 4:42 AM Post #16,807 of 27,185
Please people don't laugh at me. I was there but I didn't know the famous thunderpants where there too. I thought the thunderpants were a woody thing but I can't remember anything like that at the meeting.
Sure enough I was way more ignorant about orthos last Saturday than now but, EddiE, can you give me some clue about it? I assume either they belong directly to you or at least you know about it.
BTW... the first can I bought with my money in my 20s was a YH100. I left it behind in Italy when I moved to UK and, after have read almost half of this long thread, I'm pestering my sisters on its quest. I really hope one more yh100 could be brought back to life.
dang i missed those meet in the UK. been dreaming to see one for years. And wanted to hear the thunderpants compare to my t50rp as well ( thanks to Apatn)

Apr 5, 2011 at 7:48 AM Post #16,808 of 27,185
Hi Antitase,
Was nice to meet you the other day. The thunderpants belonged to the Irish guy who had his 3DS along. His name esacapes me (sorry, I met so many people!). I don't think he had a table set up and was just carrying them around. They were indeed an extremely beautifully finished wooden shelled creation.
For the majority of my music, they wouldn't work as they were very bass and treble orinented, as I'd read this about them already I auditioned some DJ shadow on them through the dual mono darkvoice tube amp (the one with the two separate volume dials which was a bit of a pain) and it sounded fantastic.
Apr 5, 2011 at 8:47 AM Post #16,809 of 27,185
did you try your HE1000 and the YamaLux (assuming here it is your refostered hp1) with a full tube amp? Which one?
I've in mind of building a crazy DHT headphone amp and I think it will drive that orthos beautifully.
What about a full orthos London meeting (just users)?
Apr 5, 2011 at 9:25 AM Post #16,810 of 27,185
The ET1000 (the beyer stats if thats what you mean) need a power amp/integrated amp for the N1000 adapter to run of, so they were kind of stuck with my rig.
I didn't take the YamaLux off my own rig, as I wanted them to be available for people to listen to them. I'm not a huge beleiver in big differences between different amps though.
A London mini Ortho meet is something that was floated by Leccy (who has some great stuff) a few months back. There is Kabeer in London who I haven't met but I know has one of the finest ortho collections in the world probably so it could be interesting!
Apr 5, 2011 at 9:43 AM Post #16,811 of 27,185
yes I too broke one of my hp3's magnets, whilst levering it,  carefully,  off a seal of bluetac and of course thought the worst,,   however,  just slid the magnet back together and bluetacked to the new cups and have no discernible problems such as distortion or crackling or imbalance. The magnets snap very easily
Apr 5, 2011 at 11:29 AM Post #16,813 of 27,185
Click on the link in my sig.
Apr 5, 2011 at 11:34 AM Post #16,814 of 27,185
Anyone have any experience with the Hifiman HE-04?
I am tempted to order them as my other set of cans besides my Beyer T1s.
Will be powering them with my (soon to arrive) Schiit Lyr. I'm more of a mid-rangey person that listens to almost 70% jazz and i've heard that the HE-04 sounds wonderful with jazz.
Since auditioning them in my area/country is nearly impossible, i've have to ask for impressions here...TIA!
Apr 5, 2011 at 3:23 PM Post #16,815 of 27,185
Bought another NAD RP18 for the team: Ebay Germany
We'll see if they are for NoXter or for Rhythmdevils finally...

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