Orthodynamic Roundup
Aug 27, 2011 at 9:13 PM Post #17,821 of 27,179
 I just tried the senn hd800's at the local audio high end store. Maybe it's just me but I didn't think they were worth the huge cost. ( if they were substantially less MAYBE ) I would rather put that same $ towards an ortho collection, not that I can spare that much liquid $  for a while, but still... The earpad width was extra thin, a goofy shape, didn't really seal that well, and were scant I guess is the word. I put them on and was thinking immediately: where are the earpads?!?!, what a joke. I really don't care about a fancy raised "S" symbol inside the cups. It looks lame. Other than soundstage and a bit of clarity, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Granted I only tried them for a few minutes through a new NAD display amp. I thought the build quality would have been a bit better, no real chrome , just sort of a silver thing that looked like plastic if you didn't know any better.
 Anyone else that can should try em out. Tell me I'm not alone in thinking this.
 Thankfully the mystery and curiosity surrounding this latest "legend" is out of my system, I prefer the overall ortho sound, even though what I currently have is limited and low end. I can only imagine what the top end is like. That will be my focus from now on. Long live
See it's even better sounding, and longer, more letters which proves my point

Aug 27, 2011 at 9:48 PM Post #17,822 of 27,179

OK, I will start to look for a pair! How rare are they?

They show up once every few months, but there's one on ebay at the moment.
There have been quite a few YHD-1's on sale lately. Did anyone get the one that just sold for $140?
Aug 27, 2011 at 10:16 PM Post #17,823 of 27,179
I was bidding on that YHD1 ( it was even in my city ) but gave up after the $75 mark, then i saw the final...ouch. Really neato design on those.
Out of curiosity, what would a stock t20 original version go for, or rather what would you pay for one it it's even worth it? Are they that rare? I know the t30 is hard to find.
Aug 27, 2011 at 11:57 PM Post #17,825 of 27,179
The SE-700 isn't all that rare. It's not up there every week, but a mature, experienced auction-procurator knows how to hunker down and wait. The thing to look out for with the SE-700 is breaks in the cable. Get the seller to mumble "Wull no, it's not intermittent, Ah swear."
I'll admit it-- I was disappointed in the HD 800 too. Everyone should go out and audition it, because it's the last-best statement by a major manufacturer and rethinker of headphones, but you're not required to like it.
T20v1? 45 bucks, more or less.
Aug 28, 2011 at 12:20 AM Post #17,826 of 27,179
I got to spend a week with the HD800 and HE-6 side-by-side. Ultimately I preferred the orthodynamic HE-6; it's an all-rounder and works better with the varieties of music I usually listen to. But the HD800 is more comfortable, well-built, and definitely has musical strengths. If I could afford to own multiple TOTL headphones, I would certainly consider an HD800 for acoustic and small ensemble music.
Aug 28, 2011 at 12:24 AM Post #17,827 of 27,179

OK, I will start to look for a pair! How rare are they?

Dayumm, you beat me to it. I need to stay on top of this thread. Just one more vintage thread to check every 5 min.
Aug 28, 2011 at 4:07 AM Post #17,829 of 27,179
I don't care for the HD800 and the T1 as well. They maybe produce perfect graphs, but I totally miss musicality whenever I put on those high end dynamicals. I had the same issue already with the K1000...
Aug 28, 2011 at 3:31 PM Post #17,830 of 27,179
Good news: well, very minor good news. Taxonomic good news, actually. We shall soon know whether the Yamaha HP-1 Anisotropic sounds any different, other than "louder", from the regular HP-1. Some have suspected it's a sneak preview of the upcoming YH-100 driver, I've always maintained it's just an HP-1 with YH-100 metal "keeper" plates. Soon, at last, we shall have an answer. 
Aug 28, 2011 at 7:17 PM Post #17,832 of 27,179
Ah, fret not, guru-B. E'en now, the angels of our better nature are wafting the desire of your ears to a precinct near you with dipolar wings. Taxonomy takes but a short while.. [peeks behind the curtain] ..Yes.
Aug 28, 2011 at 8:54 PM Post #17,833 of 27,179
So that other new in black box HP-1... just sold. The price probably is due to this place.
$358.12 Canadian equivalent. ( and add the 20 pounds shipping on top of that )
Somethings wrong with that picture. They are good and it's new, but (insert any sort of thought you have here because I don't know what to say ) And to think I could have had one locally a few months back in black box for just about 150 but was advised not to as it was too much hahaha.
ouch I hope they all noticed it was POUNDS not dollars while bidding and staring in awe at the unused box, or a huge box of tissue and a defribulator will be needed.
was it someone from here?
Aug 29, 2011 at 3:55 PM Post #17,834 of 27,179
Does anyone have any stock foams from Yamaha or Fostex orthos that they're not using and don't want?  I could use some, and I'd be willing to pay something, or maybe trade for some nice wool felt or some memory foam or something else.  I'm specifically interested in the YH1/HP1 foam that is slightly smaller than the YH3 foam, but any of them would be great. 

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