May 20, 2014 at 11:17 PM Post #3,242 of 4,655
So today in school, my friend was in my classroom when he wasn't supposed to but my teacher didn't care. I was about to listen to my music (iBasso DX90 --> Final Audio Design Heaven VI) but my friend took notice of the DAP. He said that he probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between expensive and cheap earphones because he didn't know what to look for in the music to be able to tell a difference. I told him to do an 'experiment' and see if he could. He has a Beats Solo HD at home gifted by his family for Christmas and cheap $5 no brand earphones for school so listening to high-end audio is a new experience for him.

First, I let him listen to a song on my DX90 with his no brand earphones. He has never heard the song before and says that he likes it quite a bit. Then I let him listen to the same song with the FADHVI. After he was done he said, "This is amazing, it sounds so much clearer and better than anything that I have ever heard." Seems to me that he was able to notice the difference in audio quality instantly. Then I told him the price of the DAP and earphones and to my surprise he wasn't startled or anything. He still said that it sounded amazing and was worth it. I started talking to him about audio in general such as the DACs, headphone amp, lows, mids, highs, etc. and he listened quite intently. He also now understands why I spend so much money on this hobby :)

I feel that I have made an impression big enough to if he ever starts listening to music a lot and plans to buy new earphones or headphones, he will think back on the day that he listened to my FADHVI and do heavy research on a great value headphone/earphone. 

*One of us!* *One of us!* *One of us!* :)
May 21, 2014 at 2:36 AM Post #3,243 of 4,655
Why would you bring your headphone to school everyday anywhere + I though AK240 don't isolate well? (Correct me if I am wrong). *no offense* but sometimes it's good to put down your headphones and stop carrying them around and talk to people more often so that you know what others are thinking. That would have been easier to convince someone next time IMO. Specially when you don't bring headphone to school for awhile and then pull out something stylish and show it to your friends (if you are so desperate to make everyone to stay away from your most hated company) but then again, sometimes we* should stop forcing people to listen to our audio rigs and let it come itself xD it usually works better that way. People will work better if you don't force them and let it come naturally.

However, we of corse appreciate how you are trying to pull everyone out of the company you hated the most though :D lastly, headphones are purely PURELY for the ears.
May 21, 2014 at 6:01 AM Post #3,244 of 4,655
Why would you bring your headphone to school everyday anywhere + I though AK240 don't isolate well? (Correct me if I am wrong). *no offense* but sometimes it's good to put down your headphones and stop carrying them around and talk to people more often so that you know what others are thinking. That would have been easier to convince someone next time IMO. Specially when you don't bring headphone to school for awhile and then pull out something stylish and show it to your friends (if you are so desperate to make everyone to stay away from your most hated company) but then again, sometimes we* should stop forcing people to listen to our audio rigs and let it come itself xD it usually works better that way. People will work better if you don't force them and let it come naturally.

However, we of corse appreciate how you are trying to pull everyone out of the company you hated the most though :D lastly, headphones are purely PURELY for the ears.

I have no idea why he kept bring his open cans to school..

I tried bring my dt990 out once(my friend asked) and it suck totally, everything else in the background overpowered my cans..
May 21, 2014 at 7:31 AM Post #3,245 of 4,655
For school I think not just closed backs are needed, but ones with good passive noise isolation or something active like Bose QC15s especially if you're still in high school.... People are SO GOD DAMNED NOISY.
May 21, 2014 at 7:50 AM Post #3,246 of 4,655
  For school I think not just closed backs are needed, but ones with good passive noise isolation or something active like Bose QC15s especially if you're still in high school.... People are SO GOD DAMNED NOISY.

I have the westone 3 for portable uses, the shure olives are really good at isolating ambient noise.
May 21, 2014 at 7:52 AM Post #3,247 of 4,655
I bring my denon d600, fiio e18 and t-peos h-300 to school everyday :o

Most people are just like "what's that?" And say "k".

In my AP studio art class, I've had one guy interested for awhile, and when I told him I was buying a fiio e18 a few days ago he offered to buy my fiio e07k! Sold it to him for $60, possible convert? He'll be using it with bose iems, his desktop, and an ipod classic.
May 21, 2014 at 8:18 AM Post #3,248 of 4,655
I only bring iems with me when I go out. Full cans, especially open-back ones are just way too leaking for me use outdoors. I like my music, but I don't want to bother everyone around me with it.

Plus I find iems tend to isolate better in general.
May 21, 2014 at 8:27 AM Post #3,249 of 4,655
I only bring iems with me when I go out. Full cans, especially open-back ones are just way too leaking for me use outdoors. I like my music, but I don't want to bother everyone around me with it.

Plus I find iems tend to isolate better in general.

Indeed, it's pretty loud outside.
Beside that, headphones will never fail to mess up my hair.
May 21, 2014 at 9:17 AM Post #3,250 of 4,655
Why would you bring your headphone to school everyday anywhere + I though AK240 don't isolate well? (Correct me if I am wrong). *no offense* but sometimes it's good to put down your headphones and stop carrying them around and talk to people more often so that you know what others are thinking. That would have been easier to convince someone next time IMO. Specially when you don't bring headphone to school for awhile and then pull out something stylish and show it to your friends (if you are so desperate to make everyone to stay away from your most hated company) but then again, sometimes we* should stop forcing people to listen to our audio rigs and let it come itself xD it usually works better that way. People will work better if you don't force them and let it come naturally.

However, we of corse appreciate how you are trying to pull everyone out of the company you hated the most though
lastly, headphones are purely PURELY for the ears.

I also always bring my headphones to school everyday, anywhere, even when I'm not using them. Talking about my Beats of course.
I tried the HE-300, and it wasn't too at school actually, but in the bus it was very annoying.
And for some reason, out of the blues everyone (or atleast most people) know that beats are bad, I even got called out yesterday for "A hipster ******-bag" by someone I didn't even know. Of course I got curious and asked what his problem was. The beats were his problem, I must be a ******-bag if I'm wearing this piece of aluminium around my neck! I laughed it off and said "Yeah, they're bad, I know, I got way better headphones at home" and continued my lunch.
May 21, 2014 at 9:30 AM Post #3,251 of 4,655
I also always bring my headphones to school everyday, anywhere, even when I'm not using them. Talking about my Beats of course.
I tried the HE-300, and it wasn't too at school actually, but in the bus it was very annoying.

And for some reason, out of the blues everyone (or atleast most people) know that beats are bad, I even got called out yesterday for "A hipster ******-bag" by someone I didn't even know. Of course I got curious and asked what his problem was. The beats were his problem, I must be a ******-bag if I'm wearing this piece of aluminium around my neck! I laughed it off and said "Yeah, they're bad, I know, I got way better headphones at home" and continued my lunch.

The only time I brought my headphone to school is when my friend missed my XBA-4 that he have to ask me to bring it for him haha... For some reason, that friend like the XBA-4 a lot...
May 21, 2014 at 10:06 AM Post #3,252 of 4,655
I also always bring my headphones to school everyday, anywhere, even when I'm not using them. Talking about my Beats of course.
I tried the HE-300, and it wasn't too at school actually, but in the bus it was very annoying.

And for some reason, out of the blues everyone (or atleast most people) know that beats are bad, I even got called out yesterday for "A hipster ******-bag" by someone I didn't even know. Of course I got curious and asked what his problem was. The beats were his problem, I must be a ******-bag if I'm wearing this piece of aluminium around my neck! I laughed it off and said "Yeah, they're bad, I know, I got way better headphones at home" and continued my lunch.

Audiophiles are a bunch of pricks aren't they?
May 21, 2014 at 10:23 AM Post #3,253 of 4,655
I go out a lot with my Beats Studio that my dad bought me a few months ago and I absolutely love them. And it has noise cancelling so I can listen to it in the tube and in the bus every where.
Then today in class there was this dork from my physics class came up to me shoving his headphones to my face. I don't know what those beats knockoffs were, I think they were some YKG? AGG? or something. Tried them on and they sounded horrible. No bass at all. I can't even hear my ears rumbling and I can hear everyone around me laughing at the dorky headphones through the headphones. I know right? So weird, headphones are supposed to block out other sounds but I don't know what these beats knockoffs are supposed to do.
Then I gave him my Beats and let him listen for a while. His face totally changed and he was quiet for a while. I asked him if he ever had listened to them but he didn't hear me of course because of the superior noise cancelling technology from Beats. When he finally took it off, from the look of things I can see that he regrets buying that Beats knockoff. He told me I should ditch the Beats and get some 'real' headphones like his. And then he mentioned some other brands that sounded weird and cheap.
Dude come on man, I want to listen to my Beats, you don't have to preach about headphones to me 24/7.
It turns out everyone at school knows him as that weird kid who shoves his headphones to other people's faces. Especially Beats owners like me.
Stop being weird.
May 21, 2014 at 10:36 AM Post #3,254 of 4,655
May 21, 2014 at 11:08 AM Post #3,255 of 4,655
Why would you bring your headphone to school everyday anywhere + I though AK240 don't isolate well? (Correct me if I am wrong). *no offense* but sometimes it's good to put down your headphones and stop carrying them around and talk to people more often so that you know what others are thinking. That would have been easier to convince someone next time IMO. Specially when you don't bring headphone to school for awhile and then pull out something stylish and show it to your friends (if you are so desperate to make everyone to stay away from your most hated company) but then again, sometimes we* should stop forcing people to listen to our audio rigs and let it come itself xD it usually works better that way. People will work better if you don't force them and let it come naturally.

However, we of corse appreciate how you are trying to pull everyone out of the company you hated the most though :D lastly, headphones are purely PURELY for the ears.

I go out a lot with my Beats Studio that my dad bought me a few months ago and I absolutely love them. And it has noise cancelling so I can listen to it in the tube and in the bus every where.

Then today in class there was this dork from my physics class came up to me shoving his headphones to my face. I don't know what those beats knockoffs were, I think they were some YKG? AGG? or something. Tried them on and they sounded horrible. No bass at all. I can't even hear my ears rumbling and I can hear everyone around me laughing at the dorky headphones through the headphones. I know right? So weird, headphones are supposed to block out other sounds but I don't know what these beats knockoffs are supposed to do.

Then I gave him my Beats and let him listen for a while. His face totally changed and he was quiet for a while. I asked him if he ever had listened to them but he didn't hear me of course because of the superior noise cancelling technology from Beats. When he finally took it off, from the look of things I can see that he regrets buying that Beats knockoff. He told me I should ditch the Beats and get some 'real' headphones like his. And then he mentioned some other brands that sounded weird and cheap.

Dude come on man, I want to listen to my Beats, you don't have to preach about headphones to me 24/7.

It turns out everyone at school knows him as that weird kid who shoves his headphones to other people's faces. Especially Beats owners like me.

Stop being weird.
was billson talking to me? And are you joking penmarker? Because if you aren't, you must be new to the forum. Beats are generally not looked upon in favor here at head-fi.

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