Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Apr 4, 2014 at 1:51 AM Post #3,061 of 36,630
I don't know why anyone would attempt to compare products without trying them. 
Apr 4, 2014 at 4:29 AM Post #3,062 of 36,630
Got my impressions re-done at North Shore Audiology in Sydney today (for free I might add as they didn't get the first ones right)
The right one was perfect, but the left one needed to be re-done again a 3rd time, but they're spot on now, so I'll be posting them to Noble on Monday.

NS Audiology have universal demo's of the Roxanne, JH16Pro, JH13Pro and JH10Pro's. So while I was there I had a short demo of the Roxanne's and JH13Pro's using my HTC One Mini/Poweramp/Flac as a source. Was the first time I've heard anything worth over $500.
I had fit and isolation issues with both, purely because they didn't have tips that fit my ears, but I have to agree with most of the comments about them. Roxanne's were a fair bit darker to me. The bass pots were a nice feature though. I definitely preferred the JH13Pro's though. Despite not having a great fit with the (non-JH) tips, they were very clear and neutral to my (novice) ears.

Completely reinforced my decision to go with the K10's if everyone's comments on the SQ and sound sig are to be believed (which I do :) )

Once my K10's arrive I'll go back and re-demo them with better source gear and a selection of tips to compare with the K10's.
Apr 4, 2014 at 4:40 AM Post #3,063 of 36,630
Am I the only one who prefers JH5 over their top of the line products 
 Jerry gave me quite a face when I told him that JH5 sounds better than JH16 when he visited Singapore for Mook Festival. Anw, Noble received my impression yesterday, hopefully my K10 will arrive soon!
Apr 4, 2014 at 9:13 AM Post #3,071 of 36,630
Skip the impression on the 8c's, we want a detailed write up on the free Noble Tee Shirt!!

funny enough one passed through my hands yesterday but Postman-Pat snatched it off of me... I never had the time to listen to it (the rustle of the packaging was up there with the very best, but don't read to much into that), it was here, then gone, it was that quick, ho-hum maybe next time...

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