My IEM Round-Up (64 Earphones Compared with a LOT MORE Coming)
May 31, 2012 at 9:08 PM Post #107 of 202
Yeh, your right they are a different league, its mainly due to the refinement, speed and they seem to be so effortless. To me i can only think they are pushing the boundaries of a universal, do you agree, would you rate these as one of the top performers or a lot better out their?

Redgiant A03 Review and Addition to Chart

[REVIEW] Redgiant A03: A Giant Indeed

Got to agree, the smoothness of the EX1000 is really good, putting aside the slightly grainy treble. And yes, I would consider them one of the ultra high-ends on par with SE535, W4 and perhaps the PFE232. They are a whole lot better than XBA-3 and 4 too.
Jun 1, 2012 at 3:00 PM Post #108 of 202
Hey Sonny, quick question before i head to work. How much burn in does your asg-1 have? I've finally figured out what's been bugging me about the fit and it's that damn hump where the driver sits, thinking about sanding into it a little to change the shape and a little of the top/tip, but only after i upgrade to 1.2.
Yea, decided to keep 'em after all, lol.
Jun 1, 2012 at 3:06 PM Post #109 of 202
Hey Sonny, quick question before i head to work. How much burn in does your asg-1 have? I've finally figured out what's been bugging me about the fit and it's that damn hump where the driver sits, thinking about sanding into it a little to change the shape and a little of the top/tip, but only after i upgrade to 1.2.
Yea, decided to keep 'em after all, lol.

Hi, Now with all the listening i have done it must be roughly 500 hours if not more. I think they have reached their sonic peak. Yeh i am lucky with that little hump as it just fits exactly were it is supposed to! But many people have had problems with it.
Well with what people are saying about the 1.2 i think i may crack and give it a go but after the filters come. If i like what the filters do i may be sending them off too :wink: Lets hope it works out for you!

Vsonic GR06 Review and Updated Chart

Jun 5, 2012 at 1:26 PM Post #110 of 202


New chart with the Sonocore Bryan score on and also some new earphones that i have incoming.
Also check out my reviews of the Sony XBA-2 and Sonocore Bryan here (on the same thread):
Heres the new chart:
Jun 8, 2012 at 1:34 PM Post #111 of 202

Ultimate Ears 700 Unboxing and Impressions


(These impressions are subject to the possibility of change as are only after a short while with these, mainly comparing to the DBA-02)



  1. No spikes in signature
  2. Very transparent and detailed mids
  3. Smooth and superb detail in treble but only mild sparkle
  4. Fairly wide soundstage
  5. Super small
  6. Sooooo comfy
  7. Good tip selection with Comply's
  8. Right angled jack
  9. Nice cable
  10. Cable Cinch
  11. Portable case


  1. Fairly slow and loose bass, especially for a BA
  2. Mids slightly less present and airy than the DBA-02 (also TWFK)
  3. Slightest sibilance in treble
  4. Lack of strain relief on housing
  5. Little accessories
  6. Plastic case
  7. Only single flange tips
Jun 11, 2012 at 9:00 AM Post #112 of 202

TDK BA100 

Hi guys, i got the TDK BA100s through today and made a quick unboxing. I have had a quick listen and they have been quite pleasant so far but will need some more time before impressions up.
Heres my unboxing:

Jun 21, 2012 at 2:32 PM Post #114 of 202
Jul 17, 2012 at 12:20 PM Post #115 of 202
Just thought i would say, this has been updated a lot, i now have 32 IEMs including the FA Tandem, Ortofon EQ-5 and Grado GR8. Also i would love if some guys could check out my youtube channel and subscribe if you like and there are a load of videos on there now.
For my channel:
My latest review and comparison of the EQ-5 and GR8:
Oh and the latest table:

Jul 17, 2012 at 1:28 PM Post #116 of 202
Swimsonny, when is the last time you reviewed the AF78? It has really opened up to my ears with now over a 100 hours on it. I hear a unique layering and sound positioning that is really unique and stunning to my ears. More when I post the full review though.
Jul 17, 2012 at 1:36 PM Post #117 of 202
Swimsonny, when is the last time you reviewed the AF78? It has really opened up to my ears with now over a 100 hours on it. I hear a unique layering and sound positioning that is really unique and stunning to my ears. More when I post the full review though.

I reviewed as you know quite a while back and then did not use for a while. However another member PMed me on how it compared to the GR07 so i got it back out and then had a few hours listening followed by a few hours comparing with the GR07 and i actually upgraded the scores ever so slightly on this chart although i still stick to what i said in the review.
The unique layering could just be the poor crossover and coherency issues. They are very unique with warm mids and great high with a really nice quick and impacting bass but were as i would normally say them three things are great they are all not smoothly together and it is not a complete IEM which is a shame.
When should your review be up?
Jul 17, 2012 at 5:06 PM Post #118 of 202
I reviewed as you know quite a while back and then did not use for a while. However another member PMed me on how it compared to the GR07 so i got it back out and then had a few hours listening followed by a few hours comparing with the GR07 and i actually upgraded the scores ever so slightly on this chart although i still stick to what i said in the review.
The unique layering could just be the poor crossover and coherency issues. They are very unique with warm mids and great high with a really nice quick and impacting bass but were as i would normally say them three things are great they are all not smoothly together and it is not a complete IEM which is a shame.
When should your review be up?

This week is the plan. Hmm? The layering is unique to most dynamic dual drivers IEMs I've heard, and seems to be true with this hybrid. 
Jul 25, 2012 at 9:34 AM Post #119 of 202
How could se530's treble be as good as TF10's? just wondering why you heard it like that.
It's all subjective, so if that's how you feel.. ok.
Jul 25, 2012 at 9:39 AM Post #120 of 202
Have you heard both? I think that the shures are more laid back with less shimmer but have a similar extension but more detailed and transparent. The UE has better present and sparkle/shimmer but thicker and less detailed. Both are very smooth and never harsh.

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