Most overrated headphones?
Jun 2, 2011 at 1:49 PM Post #241 of 1,490
K702s.  Listening to music on those was like watching an anorexic model nibble on a piece of lettuce.  Over-polite skin and bones, and not much else.
To insert a word on metal - LCD2s are the best headphones I have ever heard for metal, from Metallica to Cloudkicker to Amon Amarth to Angelspit to Mastodon to Gojira.  They beat even Ultrasones for metal.
Jun 2, 2011 at 1:52 PM Post #242 of 1,490
Well, I hear technical issues w/ the D7000, HE6, LCD2 and that prevented me from enjoying them as much.  Those were issues that can't be fixed and I'm not willing to deal with at the price.  I'd rather roll tubes than keep 5 different headphones around.  Hearing the 800 turn into a better ortho than the LCD2 or HE6 sealed the deal for me.  So I disagree that you can't change a phones character.  It's the technical ability of the driver that allows such flexibility and most phones out there can't do that at all.  I'm simply not going to pay close to 4 figures or beyond for a phone that lacks refinement and has problems resolving a recording properly.  By the way, my thoughts and impressions were formed from ABing directly not by looking at charts first.  It wasn't until I was surprised at how well the 800 sounded and performed by comparison I looked into trying to figure out why.  Until you hear it w/ the right synergy I might as well be speaking Farsi because it's simply hard to comprehend how the 800 doesn't sound analytical, thin, overly bright, etc. until then.

Come on, hd800 have problem, big time - piercing brightness! Synergy is such bs, if hd800 need a particular amp to make it sound good, sennheiser should recommend it in the user manual or better still, make one! Having a problem in a $1400 product and leaving customers to sort it out themselves is just not good in anyone's book.
Jun 2, 2011 at 2:12 PM Post #244 of 1,490


Obviously because it's the truth and you cannot answer it. 

Jun 2, 2011 at 2:31 PM Post #247 of 1,490
I'm quite ashamed of my M50's sound.
Mainly because I love the parametric EQ I've built for the M50's so much. I bumped the bass up ~8 dB, the mids up ~6dB, and tweaked the treble so that it neutralizes the sharpness without losing the sparkle.
The M50s sound like underwater squeaking without my EQ. I can't believe I was praising that unEQ'd sound not 2 months ago here.
I bet parametric EQing can perfect the sound of most decent headphones over $100.
Jun 2, 2011 at 7:27 PM Post #250 of 1,490

The last couple of pages have been an interesting read, and it seems I have to add the D7000 to my shortlist. 'Still Life' is my favourite album, and if a full-size can bring out the organic and impactful sound of that recording that my ES5s can, I'm sold. I get most of my alone time early in the morning before work, and closed cans would allow for loud level listening without waking the kids up.

I'm of the same mind as Anaxilus and prioritize driver capability though. I've done some recording in my time and as such I'm certainly no stranger to EQ. The 800s are fast, clean and sport huge diaphragms that have the potential to portray the low end in spectacular fashion and move huge amounts of air, even if it's not tuned to do so in its original state.

So as to not stray completely off topic, I'll add that I found the JH16 demo overrated. Just not the kind of resolving ability you'd expect at that price point.

Very nice. Still Life is incredible, and yea it sounds amazing on the Denons. Pretty much all Metal does though, with the exception of Atmospheric BM, which open cans do better due to soundstage. But I'm getting LA7000s which are supposed to have soundstage comparable to even the HD800 (according to some reviews). I'm personally not a fan of EQ, even if I had it on 24/7 back when my D2000 was my can. After getting my E9 and no longer having access to my sound card's EQ, I enjoy the sound much more. I could always EQ via J River Media Center, but I really find it kills the sound for me. EQing bass into my T1's was not satisfying at all, dunno about the 800s.
Jun 2, 2011 at 7:33 PM Post #251 of 1,490
calling the m50 overrated is kinda like calling the srh440 overrated. imo
Jun 2, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #252 of 1,490

A bit too realistic of a description.  
My selection: Beyer DT880: The semi-closed sound really emphasizes the bass, which begins to impede on the midrange.

You have the D7000 but think the DT880 has emphasized bass
In my experience the 880 sounded like an almost neutral can with SLIGHTLY extended bass, a bit more than the T1. Certainly not enough to be emphasized.

I've seen SO much hype on the ATH-M50's, I'm going to have to get a pair before I call them overrated or not.

If you're a basshead, you'll love them. If you're anything else, I doubt you'll like them at all.

Come on, hd800 have problem, big time - piercing brightness! Synergy is such bs, if hd800 need a particular amp to make it sound good, sennheiser should recommend it in the user manual or better still, make one! Having a problem in a $1400 product and leaving customers to sort it out themselves is just not good in anyone's book.

I have to agree with this to some extent. More is to be expected at that price point, at least they should make an amp or recommend some to customers, regardless of their status. Don't know about piercing brightness.
K702s.  Listening to music on those was like watching an anorexic model nibble on a piece of lettuce.  Over-polite skin and bones, and not much else.
To insert a word on metal - LCD2s are the best headphones I have ever heard for metal, from Metallica to Cloudkicker to Amon Amarth to Angelspit to Mastodon to Gojira.  They beat even Ultrasones for metal.

K702- Sounds about right. Have only heard the k701 but since they're reportedly the same, I agree with this.Analytical sound is not my cup of tea.
I did get the LCD-2s because they seemed like the perfect Metal cans.Though I of course did not have the amp to give them a proper run, reading descriptions now, they are reported as "dark" and "rolled off/ under-emphasized highs". I personally noticed both of those too so I don't doubt it's true, and I dislike both of those things. Emphasized highs (to a certain extent, the SR225i was too much for me) do very well for giving Metal crazy energy and a dark, laid back kind of sound is exactly what I don't want in Metal.That said, if you enjoyed Ultrasones for Metal, you should definitely give some Denons a shot.
Jun 2, 2011 at 7:40 PM Post #253 of 1,490

Maybe you should define overrated.  Otherwise people will post whatever sound signature they don't like, which seems to be what you did.  I mean you liked it at first, then you got headaches?  You think this is common for many longterm M50 owners?  Sorry I can't call a $96 phone that kills many $200 phones overrated.

Ya, pretty much. I have heard many people say that they are overrated, but as you said "I can't call a $96 phone that kills many $200 phones overrated"
Great formulated
Jun 2, 2011 at 8:22 PM Post #254 of 1,490

You have the D7000 but think the DT880 has emphasized bass
In my experience the 880 sounded like an almost neutral can with SLIGHTLY extended bass, a bit more than the T1. Certainly not enough to be emphasized.

 How does me having the D7000 provide any relevance to the dt880? I'm pretty aware of how the D7000 sound, and rather enjoy the bass there because it's more extended, fairly quick and provides for a "fun" can.  
DT880 aims to be neutral and analytical, and I think fails to do so.
Jun 2, 2011 at 10:18 PM Post #255 of 1,490

Come on, hd800 have problem, big time - piercing brightness! Synergy is such bs, if hd800 need a particular amp to make it sound good, sennheiser should recommend it in the user manual or better still, make one! Having a problem in a $1400 product and leaving customers to sort it out themselves is just not good in anyone's book.

I agree with this assessment. It is WAY too bright (second only to the Edition 10s), has a fake soundstage and is lean on the bass. They sound much better when paired with a lush amp like the WA-22 which tames their highs and brings out the bass.

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