JVC HA-FXT90 Thread
Nov 8, 2011 at 6:38 PM Post #346 of 2,211

I don't recall how many hours I had on the HJE but I owned them for five or six months and they got plenty of play regularly (see: burned in sufficiently).  As always, everyone hears things differently & what's recessed to some might not be to others.. I only provide my experience (and the general consensus at HF is that the HJE's have recessed mids, which is how they sounded to me).  In time, the HJE did smooth out a fair bit but I wouldn't characterize them as a "smooth" phone, in a general sense.  I find the FXT to balance smoothness & crispness better than the HJE's and they sound much more dynamic than the Panny's.  Even if the HJE's mids weren't recessed to your ears, I feel confident in saying the FXT's mids are more "forward" than the HJE's.  I can't quantify "how much more" but my personal preference is that I don't like any one area of the FQ curve to overwhelming dominate the others.. and the FXT doesn't.  If it did, it would be gone by now.  It's mid forward & slightly aggressive, but tuned very well and not forward to the point it's offens

Thanks for your opinion that helps me somewhat to try and imagine how these jvc sound .How would you describe the electric guitar sound and how it differs on the hje and fxt90  thanks , electric guitar and the general timbre of the various instruments are some of the best features of the hje from my prospective .
Nov 8, 2011 at 6:48 PM Post #347 of 2,211
Flysweep, have you posted anywhere about your thoughts between these and the GR07?
I'm picking up a GR07 through another member here so wondering about the JVC since they seem interesting as well..maybe I'll need the buy and sell game until I get it right but probably won't take too long :)
Nov 8, 2011 at 8:46 PM Post #348 of 2,211
FlySweep,  Since reading your comparison of the RE262 vs FXT90 conviced me to reorder the RE262, and ditch my FXT90, can you compare the GR07 vs RE262 since ClieOS has the RE262 ranked ahead of the GR07.  Would it make sense to own both?  Ya, I see you do.........

Good luck in round two w/ the RE262 (let them burn in plenty, BTW).  Personally, I don't see owning the RE262 or the FXT as a mutually exclusive decision.  I wouldn't give one up for the other.  They both do things well in their own right & are different enough to warrant staying in the same collection.. which is why I am keeping them both.  They're both impeccably colored & very musical.. but in different ways.  I'll do a RE262 vs GR07 comparison in the appropriate threads (GR07 appreciate thread & ClieOS's RE262 review thread).  To answer your last question, yes.. it makes sense to own both.. to me, anyways.
To use cars as a metaphor.. I'd liken the FXT listening experience to taking a "Ferrari for a drive through twisting windy, backroads": exhilarating, powerful, exciting, dynamic, but controlled.  There's a freewheeling but composed nature to the experience.  The RE262 on the other hand is like driving an exquisite Rolls Royce, Bentley, or Cadillac through some picturesque, historic neighborhood or scenic park on a lovely, fall day.. where it's more about the atmosphere & the details.  You're able to clearly and effortlessly feel the ambiance of what surrounds you, noticing the delicacy of the autumn leaves, observing the minute details of how wind flows through trees as they gently sway.. all the while being cocooned in a lushly tailored interior, and a finely tuned, smooth engine at your finger tips.  Like the phones.. both cars generate strong, emotional experiences.. but excel in different environments. 
Thanks for your opinion that helps me somewhat to try and imagine how these jvc sound .How would you describe the electric guitar sound and how it differs on the hje and fxt90  thanks , electric guitar and the general timbre of the various instruments are some of the best features of the hje from my prospective .

While the Panny & JVC both have excellent timbre.. electric guitars sound faster, cleaner, more dynamic, powerful, better controlled, and better detailed on the FXT than on the HJE.  I use Tool's Lateralus (the title track, in particular) & 10,000 Days albums as reference material for heavy guitars.  Adam Jones' guitars sounded great from the HJE.. but I found the GR07 & FXT to top the Panny's performance.. easily.  The GR07 possesses an ethereal warmth that's excellent for bringing out the visceral nature of the distortion.. it's more detailed than the FXT.. but the FXT goes a step further as it presents distorted guitars with more weight, power, and dynamics.
Flysweep, have you posted anywhere about your thoughts between these and the GR07?
I'm picking up a GR07 through another member here so wondering about the JVC since they seem interesting as well..maybe I'll need the buy and sell game until I get it right but probably won't take too long :)

I haven't posted a comparison but can later on tonight.. shotgunshane summarized it quite well earlier in the thread, too.  Like I mentioned above in regards to the FXT & RE262.. the FXT & GR07 can very much share a place alongside each other in one's collection.  There are similarities but they also have a different enough sound to be complimentary.
Nov 8, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #349 of 2,211
Just an update on this FXT90 journey: Still between the the GR07 and the FXT90 as a favorite. Back and forth (with the 7550 very close). The FXT90 is very unique in that it has a layered sound that reminds me somewhat of the DDM (although the JVC is way clearer and more transparent). What I mean by this is that instruments are more 3-D where you can tell some musicians and instruments are closer to the mic; some are further. It's not just left or right. The soundstage is not super wide like the IE8, but some instruments sound out of your head while others don't. Very 3-D. Inks hit it head on when he said the FXT90 is a mixture of the DDM and GR07 (with quite a bit of FX700 thrown in I might add). Liking the Monster foam hybrid on them again, but about to try these stiffer and heavier transparent silicon tips cute sent to me. Look like the JAYS but stiffer (and easier to put on the JVC than the JAYS).
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:01 PM Post #350 of 2,211
I did something to the K2 to 'tame' its highs and now I like it better than it was and can listen loud again. Hard to drive though. Hitting 100% on Nokia N82's volume with DBrubeck's Take Five :p
I'm still going to order the JVC and do a faceoff: SM2|K2|FXT90. Soon!
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:02 PM Post #351 of 2,211
luco... I might add to FlySweep on-spot observations of the HJE-900 vs. FXT90, the Panny is more V-shaped. The Panny's guitars were powerful, but they don't close to the power of the JVC IMO. I really liked the Panny, but the recessed mids got on my nerves after awhile. But I will say that I think that anyone who really liked the HJE900 will love the FXT90. I would be surprise if they didn't.
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:07 PM Post #352 of 2,211
That layering of the stage would be soundstage depth which equates to the IEM's dynamic range. FXT90 surely has a strength there, but I remember the DDM having a great dynamic range just like it. I do like the JVC more as well, even technically. 
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:08 PM Post #353 of 2,211
^(^edit:xf_mad:ericp10) sig: FXT90 on top of DD and 1964-Q on top of BA --- how do they compare?
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:39 PM Post #355 of 2,211

^(^edit:xf_mad:ericp10) sig: FXT90 on top of DD and 1964-Q on top of BA --- how do they compare?

1964-Q still reigns as the best IEM I own, period (dynamic or BA). But I really don't like to compare universals to customs. I only own one custom (thus far), and many universals have gotten close (even do some things just as good or a little better), but never beat my custom overall in sound quality and enjoyment. I'll say that I like the FXT90's highs a little better than the Quad. That's all I have for you. None of my universals are as clear and as transparent as my Quad.
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:42 PM Post #356 of 2,211
luco I the FXT90 notes are thicker and does horns, strings and guitars better than the GR07. The GR07 does drums better still. The GRO7 is clearer with more transparency. The FXT90 has a more 3-D sound. I like them both about the same. One doesn't cancel out the other one for me.
Nov 8, 2011 at 9:43 PM Post #357 of 2,211
Great. Thanks!
1964-Q still reigns as the best IEM I own, period (dynamic or BA). But I really don't like to compare universals to customs. I only own one custom (thus far), and many universals have gotten close (even do some things just as good or a little better), but never beat my custom overall in sound quality and enjoyment. I'll say that I like the FXT90's highs a little better than the Quad. That's all I have for you. None of my universals are as clear and as transparent as my Quad.

Nov 8, 2011 at 9:45 PM Post #358 of 2,211

eric, can you give me your thoughts on these and the GR07?

The GR07 is what I had hoped the e-Q7 would be like as a full dynamic. It's the most transparent and clearest dynamic I've ever heard (now I know some say there are clearer and more transparent dynamics that's why I only compared to what I've heard). No dynamic I've heard does drums better. It's like the dynamic version of the W4, but with a bit more clarity (not as warm).
Nov 8, 2011 at 10:07 PM Post #359 of 2,211
So cute, thanks for the tips again. What the tips seem to do is equalize the sound some in the FXT90. It takes away some of that fantastic layering. I like the sound, but I like the layering sound more that I get with the Monster foam hybrid. With that said, these are the best tips I've heard in bringing out the FXT90's drums, and making them sound more like the drums I hear in the GR07 (but more 3-D in the JVC). I like them and thanks again!

Nov 8, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #360 of 2,211

So cute, thanks for the tips again. What the tips seem to do is equalize the sound some in the FXT90. It takes away some of that fantastic layering. I like the sound, but I like the layering sound more that I get with the Monster foam hybrid. With that said, these are the best tips I've heard in bringing out the FXT90's drums, and making them sound more like the drums I hear in the GR07 (but more 3-D in the JVC). I like them and thanks again!

Hey, Thanks for the remarks..... For me they are very comfortable, and seal easily as well.  I think the fact that I listen to wav's, on highly resloving, they do equalize the FXT90 a bit, but I need that.  That said, I think my FXT90's are changing....more low end, smoother highs....been running burn in at night and listening during the day.  Probably have more than 120 hours by now.  Are the Monster foam hybrid tips Supertips.  I tried Monster Supertips, good low end, but the mids and treble were tamed, IMO.  Sticking with the clear Jays for now with my gears.

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