JVC HA-FXT90 Thread
Nov 7, 2011 at 9:07 PM Post #332 of 2,211
Hopefully you won't have an issue getting replacements (other than more time).


Is it badly packaged? 

Try forcing some driver flex with some tight-sealing silicone tip in your ear, see if that fixes things.  Or let it burn in a bit.

Indeed, 'twas the very first thing I tried. I've only a few days time to return them for a full refund, and I'd much rather take that route. 

@i2ehan, where did you buy from?

From buyfromjapan.
Nothing out of the ordinary fellas. It happens from time to time, even to the best of us. *points to self* 

Nov 8, 2011 at 12:24 AM Post #334 of 2,211

I've got the RealVoice, Eric.. it's a little tough to compare the two cause they go for arguably two different sigs (mid forward, slightly aggressive vs a smooth & natural.. that being said, I'll PM you my thoughts.
Let's just say since getting the RealVoice quite some time ago, many phones (some technically superior) have come & gone.. the RealVoice remained (and not just cause of its flawless iPhone mic & playback control functions).  I just really really enjoy the Spider RealVoice.  The smoothness & balance is impeccable... not the best for crunchy aggressive genres (metal) that require grit (cause it's so smooth).. but for practically anything else, it's down right addictive.
In terms of sheer musicality, I'd say it's on par with the FXT.  Not the most technically advanced phone but it's incredibly cohesive & dynamic in sound.

Okay...thanks for the feedback FlySweep, buddy. 
Nov 8, 2011 at 1:32 AM Post #336 of 2,211
Got mine today and they sound better than I expected! After reading all these comparisons to the GR07 I thought these would be darker sounding but they have so much air and sparkle comparatively.
@shotgunshane it seemed from your comparison that the fxt90s are only marginally brighter than the 07s but with mine pair the difference is rather easily noticible. Glaring even. This supports my theory that I have a darker than average pair of GR07s. I really want to know! Anyone wanna listen to my pair? :)
Nov 8, 2011 at 5:46 AM Post #338 of 2,211
^How's the mids compared to the DBAs?
edit: while you're at it - please include bass and highs comparison :p TIA!

I've had my DBA's reshelled so it does sound a little different (better) than it's original, universal incarnate.
In comparison to the FXT:  the DBA has thinner, more neutral mids that are a hair more aggressive.  For a slightly warmer sounding midrange with some thickness, the FXT's mids have very impressive speed.. but it (barely) falls short of the armatures' pace in the DBA.  The FXT is clearly up there as one of the fastest dynamics I've ever heard.. easily rivaling some BA's probably.  The DBA covers up some of its dynamic range shortcomings with a slightly aggressive sound.  The FXT's mids have excellent dynamics & more weight to notes vs. the DBA.  Timbre is a toss up, IMO.  While the FXT is more colored, it has phenomenal timbre.  The dynamic range and deep soundstage give instruments incredible depth & realism (moreso than the DBA).  The DBA's mids are one of its stronger points.. and the FXT can very well go toe to toe with it there.. with a slightly different sonic arsenal that's just as impressive.
The DBA has a nice (albeit quick) bass punch.. the FXT's bass is more fleshed out and comparatively slower (but by no means "slow" in the general, descriptive sense).  The FXT's bass has tremendous depth, presence, and texture.  I love the bass from my reshelled DBA (I get better texture & punch than i ever did when they were universals).. but the FXT's bass is superior in practically every aspect (except for speed & the FXT's slight midbass hump).  The DBA engages with its slightly aggressive sound and incredible speed.. while the FXT grabs your attention with it's fantastic dynamic range and powerful sound.
My FXT's are burned in for a fairly significant amount of time and have changed quite a bit too in that time.  The treble has smoothed out considerably, it still possesses that crispness you hear fresh out of the box, but it's much more articulate and refined.  I'd say it's a tad less sharp than the DBA (which consequently, also has a really articulate smoothness to the treble since being reshelled).  For some reason, I find it quite difficult to describe the FXT's treble (once it's sufficiently burned in); it's airy, crisp, has good sparkle.. but maintains a refined smoothness that make it a real joy to listen to.  All I know is (once burned in), it must be heard to be appreciated (and understood).  With over 75 hours on the FXT, I'd say it's made a faitly significant departure from its sound, out-of-the-box.  It's turned into a powerful midrange focused phone with airy, deep bass and crisp, but smooth treble.  In my personal opinion, it's better in every way from when I first heard it.
I've been listening to the two Weeknd mixtapes with the FXT and it's been nothing short of jaw dropping.
Nov 8, 2011 at 4:56 PM Post #342 of 2,211
Could anyone compare these to the Panasonic HJE900 and the Xears/Playaz N3 Nature?

I had the HJE's quite some time ago.. and the FXT definitely reminded me of them in some ways, sonically:  the crisp treble, punchy bass.  The FXT tops them in every way, IMO.  More refined, detailed, and versatile.  The FXT do not have the HJE's recessed mids.  Instrument separation and overall balance is better on the FXT.  The FXT's bass is better articulated and textured (and just as, if not more, punchy).. the FXT is more detailed, faster, and clearer from end-to-end.  The treble is smoother & better rounded while maintaining crispness.  Soundstage width is about the same between the two.. but the FXT is much deeper.  FXT images more accurately too.  Timbre goes to the FXT (despite the HJE having very good timbre).
Can't comment on the Xears cause I haven't heard them.
Nov 8, 2011 at 5:54 PM Post #343 of 2,211
@ flysweep ,These are sounding more and more interesting to me if they sound similar to the hje 900 but better , the hje 900 is one of my very favorite iem's and with over 500hrs on them i fined them to be quite refined and for the most part very smooth  i don't feel that the midrange is recessed at all on the pannys thought , how much more forward are the fxt90s mids ? if it is a considerable amount than that might not be a good thing from my point of view and how many hrs did you have on your hje?  .thanks 
Nov 8, 2011 at 6:14 PM Post #344 of 2,211
@ flysweep ,These are sounding more and more interesting to me if they sound similar to the hje 900 but better , the hje 900 is one of my very favorite iem's and with over 500hrs on them i fined them to be quite refined and for the most part very smooth  i don't feel that the midrange is recessed at all on the pannys thought , how much more forward are the fxt90s mids ? if it is a considerable amount than that might not be a good thing from my point of view and how many hrs did you have on your hje?  .thanks 

I don't recall how many hours I had on the HJE but I owned them for five or six months and they got plenty of play regularly (see: burned in sufficiently).  As always, everyone hears things differently & what's recessed to some might not be to others.. I only provide my experience (and the general consensus at HF is that the HJE's have recessed mids, which is how they sounded to me).  In time, the HJE did smooth out a fair bit but I wouldn't characterize them as a "smooth" phone, in a general sense.  I find the FXT to balance smoothness & crispness better than the HJE's and they sound much more dynamic than the Panny's.  Even if the HJE's mids weren't recessed to your ears, I feel confident in saying the FXT's mids are more "forward" than the HJE's.  I can't quantify "how much more" but my personal preference is that I don't like any one area of the FQ curve to overwhelming dominate the others.. and the FXT doesn't.  If it did, it would be gone by now.  It's mid forward & slightly aggressive, but tuned very well and not forward to the point it's offensive.
Nov 8, 2011 at 6:31 PM Post #345 of 2,211

I don't recall how many hours I had on the HJE but I owned them for five or six months and they got plenty of play regularly (see: burned in sufficiently).  As always, everyone hears things differently & what's recessed to some might not be to others.. I only provide my experience (and the general consensus at HF is that the HJE's have recessed mids, which is how they sounded to me).  In time, the HJE did smooth out a fair bit but I wouldn't characterize them as a "smooth" phone, in a general sense.  I find the FXT to balance smoothness & crispness better than the HJE's and they sound much more dynamic than the Panny's.  Even if the HJE's mids weren't recessed to your ears, I feel confident in saying the FXT's mids are more "forward" than the HJE's.  I can't quantify "how much more" but my personal preference is that I don't like any one area of the FQ curve to overwhelming dominate the others.. and the FXT doesn't.  If it did, it would be gone by now.  It's mid forward & slightly aggressive, but tuned very well and not forward to the point it's offensive.

FlySweep,  Since reading your comparison of the RE262 vs FXT90 conviced me to reorder the RE262, and ditch my FXT90, can you compare the GR07 vs RE262 since ClieOS has the RE262 ranked ahead of the GR07.  Would it make sense to own both?  Ya, I see you do.........

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