Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!
Mar 12, 2013 at 12:38 AM Post #10,007 of 11,346
Cross posting here and in the measurements thread:

Has anyone tried just drilling a ton of holes in the cups and making the T50rp open backed? I know DBV tried opening up another set of vents (and hence the moniker of "double bass vents" which has lost it's original meaning but the naming remained), but has anyone gone further than that? 
There's also the silly voice in my head that says after I've transplanted these drivers into the COP, I should try an open backed Sennheiser next... 


It only took me 20 minutes to find it, but there was a dude [Kabeer] who dubbed a Thunderpants replica "Leaky Pants".  If I remember correctly, he said it didn't sound the best, but they sure were purdy 
I don't know if anyone else ever looked further into it open back T50rp mods.  I always wanted to make a super ortho/ear speaker using 4x T50rp drivers on each ear and dub it "Super Mega Ultra Pants" or "Fly-Unzipped Pants a.k.a F-UP" or "Back-Hole in Pants a.k.a B-HIP" or lastly, just "Flew Right Off  My Pants Pants a.k.a FROMPP".  This would almost require an engineer to make it possible.  Someone with more knowledge than I could figure out how to mount and wire them as well as calculate all them BFNs (Big Fancy Numbers) like ohms and wattage, among other things.
If you ran the four in series, it would only be a 200ohm load, correct? Would the wattage requirement go up too high?  Would that much wire degrade the SQ? My brain hurts!
Just throwin it out there.... 

Mar 12, 2013 at 2:27 AM Post #10,008 of 11,346
If you ran a pair in series, then paralleled that with another pair, you'd be back to your starting impedance. All your basic power calculations would wind up roughly the same at that point. 
It's not uncommon to see multiple tweeters in large speakers run in a similar configuration. 
Mar 13, 2013 at 4:29 PM Post #10,009 of 11,346
I never got to try out rev.1 LCDs, but I couldn't stand the "squishy-ness" of the LCD2 rev.2 pads that I tried.  I bet with the memory foam upgrade they would be supple and just wonderful.  On a side note, anyone try these:

They are pads the that come with the NVX version of an Fischer FA-003 Clone/ Brainwavz hm5.  Angled pleather pads, these could be interesting for those unoffended by pleather.

Ordered a pair.  I have become oddly obsessed with earpads at the moment.  Will have to do a big write up.   Have J$ Beyer, J$ Denon, Shure, Hifiman, Audeze rev. 1, and now these for comparison.  Will name a winner and sell the rest.
Mar 13, 2013 at 7:17 PM Post #10,010 of 11,346
Looking forward to your review of them.
Ordered a pair.  I have become oddly obsessed with earpads at the moment.  Will have to do a big write up.   Have J$ Beyer, J$ Denon, Shure, Hifiman, Audeze rev. 1, and now these for comparison.  Will name a winner and sell the rest.

Mar 13, 2013 at 7:21 PM Post #10,011 of 11,346
Ordered a pair.  I have become oddly obsessed with earpads at the moment.  Will have to do a big write up.   Have J$ Beyer, J$ Denon, Shure, Hifiman, Audeze rev. 1, and now these for comparison.  Will name a winner and sell the rest.

I tried these a while ago. They certainly change a few things.
I like them.
Mar 13, 2013 at 7:31 PM Post #10,012 of 11,346
I cannot confirm that they fit snugly since I never tried out the original FA-003/HM5 pads, but the NVX pads are designed to fit the same clone of the previously mentioned headphone(s).  With that said, they should fit.  Anywho... a little electrical tape does wonders 
*Edit: They also sell the standard pad if you are looking for another pleather option

Sorry guys, but the verdict is that they don't fit.  I just received my set of angled NVX pads and they are way too small. There is no way I could have gotten them on. That's the bad news. 
The good news is that they are just the right size for a pair of birds eye maple cups I am making for a set of T20RP drivers.  I don't expect the maple cups to improve on the DBV#3 sound, but they should look better if I don't mess them up.
Could anyone give me the source for inexpensive but adequate headphone wire.  I just want to a separate pair of wires to each cup and solder them directly to the drivers.  I'll solder them to a 1/4 inch headphone jack.
Mar 14, 2013 at 2:46 AM Post #10,013 of 11,346
Ordered a pair.  I have become oddly obsessed with earpads at the moment.  Will have to do a big write up.   Have J$ Beyer, J$ Denon, Shure, Hifiman, Audeze rev. 1, and now these for comparison.  Will name a winner and sell the rest.

Cool!  I broke down and ordered them as well.  Mine should arrive any day now.  I have been tempted to buy some of these: 
(the middle ones)

any thoughts?
Mar 14, 2013 at 10:24 AM Post #10,015 of 11,346
Hello all, this is my first post.  I have been following this thread for a couple weeks after finding it while researching a build of a pair high end cans.  I am very pleased with the quality and sound of my modded T50RP's.  I did the clay in the baffles, foam lined the shells and covered about 90% of the vent ports as well as removing the felt in front of the drivers.  I like the solid balanced sound because I listen to such a variety of music styles.  Thanks for all the inputs on this thread.  What should my next step be? I am considering the Shure pads, and am looking into a new amp.  
Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks again
Mar 14, 2013 at 11:49 AM Post #10,016 of 11,346
Hello all, this is my first post.  I have been following this thread for a couple weeks after finding it while researching a build of a pair high end cans.  I am very pleased with the quality and sound of my modded T50RP's.  I did the clay in the baffles, foam lined the shells and covered about 90% of the vent ports as well as removing the felt in front of the drivers.  I like the solid balanced sound because I listen to such a variety of music styles.  Thanks for all the inputs on this thread.  What should my next step be? I am considering the Shure pads, and am looking into a new amp.  
Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks again

A pad change to the Shure or others should increase both comfort and bass levels.  Shure pads are an inexpensive upgrade that is well worth the money.  Other pads might give you more of something else, but for some of them, they are more expensive than the headphones themselves!
An amp is a good step forward, as is a dedicated dac.  All depends on your budget and expectations.
Mar 14, 2013 at 12:01 PM Post #10,017 of 11,346

I like the solid balanced sound because I listen to such a variety of music styles. ... What should my next step be? I am considering the Shure pads, and am looking into a new amp.  

Hi, Sylr87. Welcome to head-fi!
What's your current setup, particularly your amp? Your amp may already have the juice to power T50RPs and a new one might not give you a huge boost.
I'd also suggest you give your mods an extended listen with a range of music and see if there's anything you don't like about them over time. Something missing or lacking? A particular frequency that's too loud? That kind of stuff. If you continue to like everything, don't change anything. 
But if you find that you want something different, listen to logarithmic frequency sweeps that cover the audible range. This will help you pinpoint what's wrong, i.e., which frequencies are too soft/too loud. You might be able to Google some audio files of sweeps. There are also two free software packages that I know of that will generate log sweeps: Room Equalization Wizard and Audacity. Audacity will require a simple plug-in, described here. These are big powerful applications though and using them just for sweeps is overkill.
Then head over to BMF's Fostex T50RP Incremental Mods and Measurements thread and read the first post in particular. It's pretty much an encyclopedia of tested mods and their effect on sound.  
Mar 14, 2013 at 6:03 PM Post #10,018 of 11,346
Hello all, this is my first post.  I have been following this thread for a couple weeks after finding it while researching a build of a pair high end cans.  I am very pleased with the quality and sound of my modded T50RP's.  I did the clay in the baffles, foam lined the shells and covered about 90% of the vent ports as well as removing the felt in front of the drivers.  I like the solid balanced sound because I listen to such a variety of music styles.  Thanks for all the inputs on this thread.  What should my next step be? I am considering the Shure pads, and am looking into a new amp.  
Any advice is appreciated.  Thanks again

Shure pads, definitely.. and some dampening material cotton and or fiberglass. This step is the most important to my ears.
Mar 15, 2013 at 6:58 PM Post #10,019 of 11,346
You can slap them on top of cups or attach them via a DIY lip. :)

I have a lot of caulk. I just used a bit of it to hold the pads together and voila..they stay put.
Mar 16, 2013 at 2:23 AM Post #10,020 of 11,346
I have a lot of caulk. I just used a bit of it to hold the pads together and voila..they stay put.

Caulk-shmaulk.  I just got my nvx angled pads as well.  I bet with some careful stretching, it could be done? I didn't feel like separating my simi-permanent stacked pads from my T50rp, so I tried them out on my new fa-011.  The experience was pretty negative.  I experienced a similar situation during a HeadFi meet while testing out someone's LCD2s.  Both pads create too good of a seal.  Each reposition created pressure, pressure enough to move the driver and alter the sound.  I doubt anything that drastic would happen with the T50rp's driver.  Personally that much pressure is uncomfortable for me.  I doubt I will use these pads without modification. 
I will note, they are slightly smaller than I expected/hoped. 
*Edit:  On a whim, I tried the pads out on a pair of Brainwavz HM3s.  These are my designated "snowblowing" headphones.  I think I just found their new permanent home.  Fixes two problems, reduces overwhelming bass, tones down the piercing highs and increases the mids by miles.  On a plus, they are now circumaural, so my ears no longer get frosty while out in the snowy-cold! 


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