JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Oct 5, 2009 at 5:13 AM Post #4,802 of 10,747
I'd imagine the ambient vent is similar to what is offered at UE... it allows more outside noise in to your ears. For those that want less isolation... I'd imagine it is designed for musicians who might want to hear the rest of their band or crowd alongside the sound of the monitors. It's not a popular choice, and is only selected to suit specific needs.
Oct 5, 2009 at 5:15 AM Post #4,803 of 10,747

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
any news on what the "ambient vent" is?

sorry, just jumping in here... if you look on the alien ears website (hearyourself.com), they also offer ambient vents or tubes, and have a description of it. from what i gather, this feature is for preforming stage artists, who want to have great monitors and hearing, but also be aware of their surroundings.

I am assuming the "vents" are holes drilled to the nozzle of the earpiece, or that they are drilled partially through the monitor thus allowing more ambient noise through than a solid earpiece.

if that's not what you meant by "ambient vent", sorry, i have only read 1 page of this thread.
Oct 5, 2009 at 5:46 AM Post #4,804 of 10,747

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
any news on what the "ambient vent" is?

If that's the same as with UE, it just means less isolation. Some musicians on-stage are not comfortable with being isolated so much from the crowd.

[Edit:] I've been sniped! Darn you, dnullify! Darn you, slattikarma!
Oct 5, 2009 at 2:41 PM Post #4,806 of 10,747

I just received my JH13 yesterday.
Unfortunatly, I was very unlucky with the fit.
On one ear, the connectors collide with the targus and that hurts. Also I do have the impression that the connectors prevent proper seating of the IEMs.
I have not hear back from JH-Audio yet with a suggestion what to do.
Can anybody advise what the best way is to solve something like this? Email?
Who is the expert there if the fit is not good?
Will I need to have new imprints done?
Since the connectos to not allow proper seating, I have to press the IEMs go get what I consider a good sound quality.
Otherwise, the mids are kind of damped.
This is a bit frustrating that the connectors are the problem.

Any suggestions how to best solve this with JH are highly welcome.

Cheers, Mikel
Oct 5, 2009 at 3:26 PM Post #4,807 of 10,747

Originally Posted by mikel /img/forum/go_quote.gif

I just received my JH13 yesterday.
Unfortunatly, I was very unlucky with the fit.

Any suggestions how to best solve this with JH are highly welcome.

Cheers, Mikel


Sorry to hear of your fit problems.
That's double tough, since it's keeping you from enjoying the most amazing portable audio transducers on the planet.

Best first step (from Switzerland) would probably be to go back and see the local Audiologist, who did your impressions.

He/she should be able to confirm the problem, and might be able to make some minor adjustments to help alleviate it.

If a quick fix isn't going to work, the audiologist would then be in a position to know if you need another set of impressions, and if so - to take care of it right then & there.

If you still need to discuss the situation with JH Audio, most people here in the U.S. have been able to get through to Jerry, by simply picking up the phone & dialing. I've found Jerry & team very responsive by phone - as have others here.
(maybe one of those cheap international call accounts might be in order -I talk to friends in UK / Europe on Pingo - for a few cents per minute)

Good luck.
If there is anything we can do (over here) to help - just holler.

The good news is:
once the fit is right, your jaw will drop, and your eyes will glaze over, and all of your previous fit problems will be forgotten.

They're that good.
Oct 5, 2009 at 3:40 PM Post #4,809 of 10,747
I need to stop coming back to this thread while I'm waiting for mine to be made/ship. Jaime, ever the sweetheart, said they should go out before the end of the week. It's taking every ounce of strength I have not to call them and upgrade to overnight shipping
Oct 5, 2009 at 4:04 PM Post #4,810 of 10,747
That goo they inject into your ears TICKLES!!! Shipped my molds and order form priority - now the wait begins

turns out I have "straight canals" - i wonder what that means
Oct 5, 2009 at 5:05 PM Post #4,811 of 10,747

Originally Posted by El_Doug /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That goo they inject into your ears TICKLES!!! Shipped my molds and order form priority - now the wait begins

turns out I have "straight canals" - i wonder what that means

Haha,i love the feeling when it gets in your ear
, maybe i'm just plain weird.

Straight canals mean that your canals don't turn are much, but are rather more "straight".
Oct 5, 2009 at 5:27 PM Post #4,812 of 10,747

Originally Posted by SierraHotel01 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Best first step (from Switzerland) would probably be to go back and see the local Audiologist, who did your impressions.

He/she should be able to confirm the problem, and might be able to make some minor adjustments to help alleviate it.

I second the advice of SierraHotel01. My guess is that the audiologist didn't apply enough silicone mass to let JH-Audio know the shape of your outer ear. This way they may have had to guess where the plug would be placed best - and that may not have worked out. You may need to take new, larger molds. If the audiologist did make a mistake, he/she may do them for free. Good luck!
Oct 5, 2009 at 6:01 PM Post #4,813 of 10,747
Hey guys, some questions as I'm still fighting assimilation

What's the warranty on these guys?

For those of you who ordered yours recently, how long does it take them to arrive once you send out your molds?

Oct 5, 2009 at 6:19 PM Post #4,814 of 10,747

Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I need to stop coming back to this thread while I'm waiting for mine to be made/ship. Jaime, ever the sweetheart, said they should go out before the end of the week. It's taking every ounce of strength I have not to call them and upgrade to overnight shipping

We're in the same boat!
Oct 5, 2009 at 6:21 PM Post #4,815 of 10,747

Originally Posted by Happybottle /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For those of you who ordered yours recently, how long does it take them to arrive once you send out your molds?


Word from Jaime is that they're running wait time of under 1 week. Figure 3-4 business days for shipping on either side.

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