Is the ultrasone edition 8 the right headphone for me?
Aug 24, 2012 at 12:25 AM Post #31 of 50
sig pro is NOT better than edition 8s, people only say that due to shiny new toy syndrome or flavor of the month. The 8s are still the champ for me and present the spectrum in a euphoric liquid way that few other headphones match. The sig pro is just an edition 9 made with cheaper parts, if you want a neutral headphone there are far better options than the sig. while the ed 8 can perform every genre and compell you to the music.

Not to argue with you,however I am sure most Sig Pro owners have no issue with the fact that tweaked ED 9 drivers were used in the Sig Pros creation.  The fact that such pedigree is associated with the Sig is a great compliment indeed.  Furthermore, the quality of materials used in the Sig Pro are superior to that of the ED 9.
At the end of the day Im sure we can all agree that both are wonderful hps.
Aug 24, 2012 at 1:24 AM Post #32 of 50
At the risk of sounding like a SigPro fanboy, I personally preferred the sound of the SigPro over the Ed8, and I owned the Ed8 for approx 9 months. After hrs of listening the SigPro I considered "upgrading" my Ed8s to the SigPro and even sold my Ed8's. Unfortunately for my wallet, whilst demo-ing the SigPros, I gave the Fostex TH900's a shot and eventually that won me over either Ultrasones. So in the end, it's all personal tastes really. Some do prefer the Ed8's, others prefer the SigPros. One thing though, the Ed8's are a lot more comfortable in hanging around my neck than the SigPros.
Here's my brief comparison of the SigPros & Ed8s :-
I, personally, wasn't too impressed with the new Denon range but there are others who do like them. Having said that, when I tried them, they were new and may not have had much burn-in/break-in time. Those who do like them have given them a longer burn-in time. At least personally for me, I've not owned a pair of headphones where burn-in has completely done a 180 on the SQ but maybe these Denons do.
One upcoming headphone I have tried and do like are the V-Moda M-100's - I tried the prototype anyway 2 months back and back then, was told that it's signature/SQ was mostly finalised. If you're not in any rush, I'd recommend you to wait and give that a shot to see if it's to your liking.
Edit: P.S. The SigPros clamping could be hard for you though. Not knowing the size of your head, it's hard to tell. But some people have mentioned that the clamping was too tight. Personally for me, it was ok.
Just my 2 yen worth anyway
Aug 24, 2012 at 1:53 AM Post #33 of 50
Originally Posted by BoxBoxBox

"sig pro is NOT better than edition 8s, people only say that due to shiny new toy syndrome or flavor of the month. The 8s are still the champ for me and present the spectrum in a euphoric liquid way that few other headphones match. The sig pro is just an edition 9 made with cheaper parts, if you want a neutral headphone there are far better options than the sig. while the ed 8 can perform every genre and compell you to the music."
+1 ----- I agree fully --- I was choosing to remain quiet on the amount of fanboyism the Sig Pros are getting on this thread --- but you said exactly what I was thinking. 

+2  New phones get a lot of enthusiasm but the Ed8s were considered the top closed headphones by many over years plus they are portable.  There have been a few contenders lately but most are home not portable.  
The fact that someone who has never heard them can post to a buyer that they, or any headphones unheard, are earbleeders and overpriced disturbs me to no end.  The only real rule here, if there is one is not to give opinions on headphones you haven't heard.....that's it.  Otherwise people who want info don't know who to trust, what is hear/say and what is from experience.  If i was asking the question and someone just regurgitated what they had read out here, i would be pissed.
I could state what i have heard about the Sig pros and what people i trust who have heard them have told me in person but i won't do that or pass judgement.  I will say that i was initially interested but lost interest after talking and reading.  I have owned the Ed8 for two years and if I had to keep just one headphone for all of my uses, it would be those.  See my profile for headphone list, mostly flagships.
Good luck with your choice, i hope you weigh the comments well from posters and are pleased with what you get.  Anyway, the top tiers are really all good and just us nit pickers out here fighting it out.

Aug 24, 2012 at 2:12 AM Post #35 of 50
The OP has the right idea by jumping straight to the top of the line. It will end up saving lots of money in the long run. But he has the wrong idea in assuming that price = quality. In the case of the Edition 8, that couldn't be further from the truth. If price was no object, I'd take the M50 over the ED8 any day of the week.

I think in this price range, the OP should consider customs. All closed portable cans have too many issues to justify the price. At 1.5k, you're not necessarily getting sound better than M-80/DT1350/HD25 at under $300 (and in the case of the ED8, you're doing much worse).

My favorite high end closed phones may be the TH900 or the W3000ANV, although they aren't portable (and not perfect). Skip the new D7100 as its worse than the D7000 that it replaces (and I'm not a fan of the D7000 in the first place).

My favorite price-no-object closed headphones are modded T50RP's -- like the Paradox or builds I've heard from other members. If tuned right, their speed, balance, and clarity is unmatched by any production closed headphone.

Just my two cents, FWIW.
Aug 24, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #36 of 50
The OP has the right idea by jumping straight to the top of the line. It will end up saving lots of money in the long run. But he has the wrong idea in assuming that price = quality. In the case of the Edition 8, that couldn't be further from the truth. If price was no object, I'd take the M50 over the ED8 any day of the week.
I think in this price range, the OP should consider customs. All closed portable cans have too many issues to justify the price. At 1.5k, you're not necessarily getting sound better than M-80/DT1350/HD25 at under $300 (and in the case of the ED8, you're doing much worse).
My favorite high end closed phones may be the TH900 or the W3000ANV, although they aren't portable (and not perfect). Skip the new D7100 as its worse than the D7000 that it replaces (and I'm not a fan of the D7000 in the first place).
My favorite price-no-object closed headphones are modded T50RP's -- like the Paradox or builds I've heard from other members. If tuned right, their speed, balance, and clarity is unmatched by any production closed headphone.
Just my two cents, FWIW.

I donno, for portable use, comfort sound and ease my Ed8 trumps my custom JH13.  Price is comparable if you include the refits and sending back and forth to JHaudio as well as multiple audiologist charges.  I use the ed8 about twenty times for every time i use the custom iem.
As far as the closed phones go though i agree with you on the TH900 and the W3000anv.  I own the W3000anv and love it and my next phone will be the TH900 in all likelihood.  The problem is the op wants 60% use portable, so for me it would be the Ed8 (or possibly the SigPro which again i have no experience so can't say on that).  For a cheaper option the audio technica esw9 or es10, i have both of those and they are great, lighter than the ed8 and less cumbersome, they just aren't as detailed and full sounding.  The es10 is very bassy the esw9 about the same sound w/o strong bass platform.
Aug 24, 2012 at 2:47 AM Post #37 of 50
I donno, for portable use, comfort sound and ease my Ed8 trumps my custom JH13.  Price is comparable if you include the refits and sending back and forth to JHaudio as well as multiple audiologist charges.  I use the ed8 about twenty times for every time i use the custom iem.

As far as the closed phones go though i agree with you on the TH900 and the W3000anv.  I own the W3000anv and love it and my next phone will be the TH900 in all likelihood.  The problem is the op wants 60% use portable, so for me it would be the Ed8 (or possibly the SigPro which again i have no experience so can't say on that).  For a cheaper option the audio technica esw9 or es10, i have both of those and they are great, lighter than the ed8 and less cumbersome, they just aren't as detailed and full sounding.  The es10 is very bassy the esw9 about the same sound w/o strong bass platform.

I wish I stopped by to listen to your ED8 at the LA meet. I suspect that I had a particularly egregious unit. I wouldn't be surprised if there were production variances with them considering how poorly matched the drivers were on all the measurements floating around. The copy that I had was indeed an "ear bleeder", and not at all smooth as I've seen them described. They definitely shared DNA with the lower end Ultrasones in that respect. I wanted so badly to like them too because I think they're the best looking headphones out.

I randomly saw the V-80 for cheap on craigslist and bought them on a whim -- then sold my ED8 about a month later.

I guess moral of the story to the OP after three pages: you can spend top dollar on top-of-the-line stuff but no guarantee you'll be happy. Best to try to get to a meet and try for yourself.
Aug 24, 2012 at 3:41 AM Post #38 of 50
I, personally, wasn't too impressed with the new Denon range but there are others who do like them. Having said that, when I tried them, they were new and may not have had much burn-in/break-in time. Those who do like them have given them a longer burn-in time. At least personally for me, I've not owned a pair of headphones where burn-in has completely done a 180 on the SQ but maybe these Denons do.

AnakChan your posts are always so PC (not a bad thing just an observation.)
I really don't think ANY headphone will make a 180 in SQ or SS with burn in, but what I do think happens IME, since most people rate the headphone by its biggest flaw (unless your a basshead or treblehead), is that some issues iron themselves out, like the bass tightens up, and then treble smoothens out, and lastly the soundstage opens up a little bit. Could be many theories why - I have a few of my own. But with a few headphones and IEMs its always been the same pattern if there is any burn in: Bass -> Mids -> Treble -> Soundstage, the mids being the hardest to detect.
Aug 24, 2012 at 3:46 AM Post #39 of 50
What does PC stand for (in this case)?
Aug 24, 2012 at 6:12 AM Post #40 of 50
Hmmm -- the things I do for fellow headfiers ...  found a tape measure --- the diameters from the insides of each side of the pad is height: 6cm  width: 4cm.
these are maximum measurements with tape measure placed firmly against inside of leather pads  
Thanks for the input guys. I think that even if I buy them now, there will still be plenty of experience to be had afterwards, by exploring the amp and source options. Plus you should expect a very lengthy review of whatever I end up with :wink:
What bothers me now is the cup size, as I have ears exactly 6cm long. I cannot seem to find the cup dimensions anywhere, any ideas guys? I'm also not sure of the exact pros and cons of the palladium version.

Aug 24, 2012 at 11:18 AM Post #42 of 50
He was probably saying that you were being gentle with me, yet i was not gentle with him.  Thanks for your observation questhate.  That is how it is supposed to work.  I also agree with you Wir3d that things so seem to smooth out.  My es10s seemed very very bass heavy, and they tightened up.  I would say phycho change but i listen to too many headphones and would notice every time i went back to them if so. 
Gotta say, the new Pico Power seemed bright when i a/b it with my normal Pico.  Then the bass kicked in and i thought okay there is that end.  As i listened I realized the brightness i was hearing was just more refined detail.  This can be my only explanation for the ed8.  I have heard several of them and just plain don't hear the fact when i first tried them on they sounded warm and bassy, almost muffled.......of course i was used to my HD800 set up which is incredibly transparent.  Well guess in the end we just hear different or the sources change the presentation or another variable.
Aug 27, 2012 at 12:32 AM Post #43 of 50
Yep -- and politically correct is not always a bad thing as too many people use the claim of "not being politically correct" as an excuse for being rude or inflammatory
Aug 30, 2012 at 6:49 PM Post #44 of 50
I actually took the plunge and bought the ed. 8 ruthenium guys. I realized that I wouldn't rest unti l I gave them a shot. They arrived a few hours ago and I gave them a bit of a listen without breaking in. So far I am underwhelmed. They do look amazing, maybe the best looking phones out there. But they don't necessarily sound like that out of the box. I have noticed a few shreek highs, but admittedly I am using 320 or V0 MP3s out of a galaxy nexus phone, and they are completely unbroken.. so disregard this premature opinion for now guys.

I am burning them in now playing my casual music at 80% volume. Maybe I can get some FLACs as well. Stay tuned for a review. I am also on the lookout for a not too expensive portable amp, if anyone wants to throw a suggestion. Either a normal one or a USB dac , if it gives much better quality.
Aug 30, 2012 at 7:11 PM Post #45 of 50
Yep -- and politically correct is not always a bad thing as too many people use the claim of "not being politically correct" as an excuse for being rude or inflammatory

+1 to this sentiment for sure.
...and on topic: seems like my Ed8 will arrive early next week. Can't wait.

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