**Hifiman HE-400 Impressions and Discussion Thread**
Jan 12, 2013 at 9:54 AM Post #4,801 of 22,116
Newest owner of the Magni/Modi + HE-400 club!  Quite a noticeable difference from me coming from the E17s. 
Looks damn sexy on my desk at work!  Although, it's not too portable, I managed. 
What I like about this stack over the E17 is the gain of clarity.  Everything sounds cleaner and clearer than ever before. 
I'm forever the skeptic, always questioning how much of what I read on Head-fi is exaggerated claims, etc.  But I can honestly say that the Schiit stack makes a difference to my ears.
One complaint.  I am hearing loud hissing on some songs, and then no hiss at all on other songs.  Is this what they mean by "revealing"?  Am I finally noticing bad recordings? 
And even though I am content with this stack so far, I can't help but wonder about either upgrading the DAC or going with the Aune T1 tube amp/dac.  Any thoughts?

Nah...I'd say stick with what you've got. The grass is not always greener. The little schitt stack is up to the task. Just give it some time to truly evaluate. The stack plus the he400 is a nice setup!!
Jan 12, 2013 at 9:57 AM Post #4,802 of 22,116
Jan 12, 2013 at 10:19 AM Post #4,806 of 22,116
Just found it over at hd tracks:
It's #2 on the hot 100 there, but not the same set of tracks. 

I will never give up!! 

Jan 12, 2013 at 10:22 AM Post #4,807 of 22,116
Newest owner of the Magni/Modi + HE-400 club!  Quite a noticeable difference from me coming from the E17s. 

Looks damn sexy on my desk at work!  Although, it's not too portable, I managed. 
What I like about this stack over the E17 is the gain of clarity.  Everything sounds cleaner and clearer than ever before. 
I'm forever the skeptic, always questioning how much of what I read on Head-fi is exaggerated claims, etc.  But I can honestly say that the Schiit stack makes a difference to my ears.
One complaint.  I am hearing loud hissing on some songs, and then no hiss at all on other songs.  Is this what they mean by "revealing"?  Am I finally noticing bad recordings? 
And even though I am content with this stack so far, I can't help but wonder about either upgrading the DAC or going with the Aune T1 tube amp/dac.  Any thoughts?

I suppose it's the gain on the amp.  It might be a little high for the 400s.  Schiit did say this amp can drive "hard to drive orthos"  The 400s is not one of them.  So it just might be the gain the amp has.  Where as you won't hear that hiss on some harder to drive headphones..
Just my guess.
Jan 12, 2013 at 10:40 AM Post #4,810 of 22,116
I listen to a lot of indie music, so I know that most of those musicians can't afford a good studio to record their albums. edit:  some bands even record them damn music themselves..

I find that if I switch to some more polished/pop stuff, there is no hissing whatsoever (side note:  polished pop stuff is sounding AMAZING with this stack). That's why I attribute it to the music.
Jan 12, 2013 at 12:43 PM Post #4,811 of 22,116
While I am loving the HE-400's overall, I have some concerns I'd like to discuss with all of you. I'll start by saying I have the revision 2 drivers (white) and the faux leather earpads. I listen mostly to flacs and use a sound card (Xonar DX) and a dinky amp (fiio e6). Even with the revision 2 drivers, I find these headphones can, at times, be distractingly sibilant and shrill. This is especially the case when a female voice is swelling or the symbols are crashing away.
My other question is about the stage - it sometimes sounds as if I'm standing at one end of a giant tunnel, and the band is playing 300 yards away, way down at the other end. By the time the sound reaches me, I've lost a little bit of the detail and everything sounds tinny (and even muffled, at times).
Lastly, with certain songs I feel like the sound lacks body.
Will burn-in address these issues, or does the sound of the HE-400 pretty much stay the same? Is three days of pink noise the answer?
Will a good amp fix these issues? Part of the reason I bought the HE-400's was because they don't require a super-high-end amp to work well. If, however, an amp will tone down the highs and give the sound a little more body, and maybe even fix the stage problems, I would be willing to invest around $300, but would like to stay lower. Can anyone recommend a good, portable (USB), "dark" amp or amp/dac combo that would take care of my problem?
Do the velour pads really make that big of a difference?
Should I just throw in the towel and try the HD600?   
I WANT to love these headphones unconditionally. Sometimes when I'm listening to them I get so wrapped up in the sound that I can't imagine returning them. I find that vocals sound particularly crisp and colorful on the HE-400's (unless the singer gets too high up there, and that harsh sibilance comes into play). The bass is detailed and tight but still somehow packs a punch. If only I didn't cringe so often while listening to them...
Thanks guys!

Took me awhile to get used to all these issues you mention. Here are the "facts" from having spent time listening to them.
As your first "audiophile" phone, and these are just that, you are now in a world where you can hear, rather dramatically, the differences between recordings. On a good recording, good sound, ****ty recording, ****ty sound. That's life.
The shrill female vocal thing is more a recording issue that a phone issue, I have found. Many female artists I own have a "hot" midrange and are badly compressed, to the point that I have observed 0dB clipping in the recording. There is literally nothing to do about it. The sad thing is, I hear this as a weird staticky noise through my phones. Sibilance has not been an issue for me.
The "far away sound", to me, is again partly a recording issue. I find the HE-400 to be very forward, in general.
Lacking body is likely, again, recording-dependent. When I switch from Hip-Hop to metal, it is as if there is no bass whatsoever. This is partly true at the recording level, and partly true at my ears (its like driving on the highway for 3 hours and then entering a school zone - you feel you are going painfully slow). Is your car less fast?
A good amp, like the O2 most likely WILL be a good upgrade (the HE 400 will scale somewhat on better equipment). The most dramatic change for me was a less bloated bass - it was so tight and layered that at first I thought the sound was actually worse. Very quickly, I realized the O2 had fleshed out the impact and drama in the bass that I couldn't quite get from my laptop. NOT night and day change, but it was a change. The new Schiit Magni is cheaper and comparable, but it is still unclear whether or not it is the O2's equal. It lacks a gain switch (useful to help you match to different sources), and is not portable.
There has been a measured difference between Velours and Pleathers that personally I am not sure I can hear - though I spent minimal time with the pleather before switching to the velour. I think the Velours are better for comfort reasons. They are hard, but my ears don't sweat with them. As Jerg reminded me, make sure you twist the ear cups to align them with your head - major comfort improvement. The cups do twist, they are just so stiff it may not seem like it.
What tracks annoy you the most? It would be interesting to compare them to Florence and the Machine. That is by far the worst offender I've found so far. A shame because I love her music.
Jan 12, 2013 at 1:49 PM Post #4,812 of 22,116
Thanks for the pics jerg! I can't wait till I get my pads. BTW did you guys receive any notification from J$ when he shipped the pads saying that he has shipped them? Or did they just arrive?
Also, has anyone noticed that the nylon on the velours are more transparent than the stock pleather nylon? Would this have big (if any) influence on the sound in the pleather vs velour sound differences?

The difference in the nylon screen density between the velours and the pleathers makes a HUGE difference, in fact I'd say it is one of the defining features differentiating how those earpads sound.
The velour screen is almost completely acoustically transparent so it's as if you are listening directly from the drivers without any attenuation; the pleather screens on the other hand are denser and actually reduce the treble~upper mids noticeably. Which one you'd choose to transplant depends on what resulting sound you want.
Cool, does this screen sound noticeably better than just using, say, a stocking? 

Sorry but I haven't tried actual stockings, I didn't bother because I knew I wanted exactly how the pleather screens sounded so didn't want to go the extra length and test out stocking fabric.
Jan 12, 2013 at 1:53 PM Post #4,813 of 22,116
Nope that's not it. The first track is Walkin Down the Road. Looks like this:


What.cd has 461 Ocean Blvd in 14 different releases spanning seven different formats for most of those releases. Most of them are there in 24-bit FLAC, but that configuration is not there. I'd guess that the setup there is actually incorrect, and it's instead referring to the 2004 bonus disk that came with that re-release, which was re-released itself in 2010 as the rarities edition, but included a different track list and a different cover. I think the one on MOG is not a proper release.
Jan 12, 2013 at 2:44 PM Post #4,814 of 22,116
Took me awhile to get used to all these issues you mention. Here are the "facts" from having spent time listening to them.
As your first "audiophile" phone, and these are just that, you are now in a world where you can hear, rather dramatically, the differences between recordings. On a good recording, good sound, ****ty recording, ****ty sound. That's life.
The shrill female vocal thing is more a recording issue that a phone issue, I have found. Many female artists I own have a "hot" midrange and are badly compressed, to the point that I have observed 0dB clipping in the recording. There is literally nothing to do about it. The sad thing is, I hear this as a weird staticky noise through my phones. Sibilance has not been an issue for me.
The "far away sound", to me, is again partly a recording issue. I find the HE-400 to be very forward, in general.
Lacking body is likely, again, recording-dependent. When I switch from Hip-Hop to metal, it is as if there is no bass whatsoever. This is partly true at the recording level, and partly true at my ears (its like driving on the highway for 3 hours and then entering a school zone - you feel you are going painfully slow). Is your car less fast?
A good amp, like the O2 most likely WILL be a good upgrade (the HE 400 will scale somewhat on better equipment). The most dramatic change for me was a less bloated bass - it was so tight and layered that at first I thought the sound was actually worse. Very quickly, I realized the O2 had fleshed out the impact and drama in the bass that I couldn't quite get from my laptop. NOT night and day change, but it was a change. The new Schiit Magni is cheaper and comparable, but it is still unclear whether or not it is the O2's equal. It lacks a gain switch (useful to help you match to different sources), and is not portable.
There has been a measured difference between Velours and Pleathers that personally I am not sure I can hear - though I spent minimal time with the pleather before switching to the velour. I think the Velours are better for comfort reasons. They are hard, but my ears don't sweat with them. As Jerg reminded me, make sure you twist the ear cups to align them with your head - major comfort improvement. The cups do twist, they are just so stiff it may not seem like it.
What tracks annoy you the most? It would be interesting to compare them to Florence and the Machine. That is by far the worst offender I've found so far. A shame because I love her music.

Have you heard her song 'Breath of Life' by Florence? The mastering on that track is far better then the stuff on her albums, and I find it sounds awesome.
Jan 12, 2013 at 2:55 PM Post #4,815 of 22,116
Sorry but I haven't tried actual stockings, I didn't bother because I knew I wanted exactly how the pleather screens sounded so didn't want to go the extra length and test out stocking fabric.

Interesting. What was your thought process when choosing between the thicker pleather screen vs the more transparent velour one for the J$ pads? I would have thought the more the transparent the better regardless but I haven't heard the J$ pads as I haven't received them yet. Do they have a huge treble spike that you are trying to cut down with the thicker nylon?

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