Dec 9, 2011 at 6:28 PM Post #541 of 937

Way harder to compare FRs now (at an angle and some is chopped off up top) :p

The stuff chopped up on top isn't that important for these purposes! The angle is to get a better sense of the speed of the drop so I wouldn't have to make two graphs. Still experimenting. May still go back to the old ones. Part of it was because I wanted to animate the new ones to go from -30db floor to -50db floor.
Dec 10, 2011 at 4:38 PM Post #543 of 937
Here are the old-style ones:

Revision 2

Nice fast decays, but driver matching not as good as LCD3.

Revision 1

Jan 23, 2012 at 7:08 PM Post #544 of 937
@purrin: Is there any way for you to acquire a T1 again? I stumbled over and on a whim equalized the 8 kHz band to -4 dB (build-in 10-band-equalizer of Banshee on Ubuntu 11.10). It suddenly sounded more natural and balanced, the tinnyness and piercing shapness was greatly reduced! I would be VERY interested in measurements of ADE-T1s and equalized T1s. Would that be possible?
Jan 23, 2012 at 7:25 PM Post #545 of 937
Someone has to send him a tampon modded pair of T1's then.  He's not getting paid for this.  I also agree that would be really fascinating to see what would happen in the csd plot. 
Send him yours! 
Jan 23, 2012 at 8:43 PM Post #546 of 937
@purrin: Is there any way for you to acquire a T1 again? I stumbled over and on a whim equalized the 8 kHz band to -4 dB (build-in 10-band-equalizer of Banshee on Ubuntu 11.10). It suddenly sounded more natural and balanced, the tinnyness and piercing shapness was greatly reduced! I would be VERY interested in measurements of ADE-T1s and equalized T1s. Would that be possible?

Actually I did acquire another T1. This is a good one sounding one too. What you did on reducing the 8kHz lever on your 10 band EQ is perfect. Good ears!
The CSDs below have the floor moved down to -40db. With the older measurements I took, the floor was only down -30/-36, so these graphs will look considerably messier. There is quite a lot of stored energy between 7-8k.



Jan 23, 2012 at 9:53 PM Post #547 of 937
Uh, I'm confused, is that with equalization or just the baseline to equalize against? Because the 8 kHz area still looks as aggressive as the first measurement you posted ;)
Jan 24, 2012 at 2:40 AM Post #551 of 937
Thanks, is nice to have the 2D along with the CSD so that it is easier to understand which FR spots have the residual energy.
(Hope not too much more work to provide both together...)
Jan 24, 2012 at 4:07 AM Post #552 of 937

Thanks, is nice to have the 2D along with the CSD so that it is easier to understand which FR spots have the residual energy.
(Hope not too much more work to provide both together...)

I may be going back to the old one.
Jan 24, 2012 at 4:32 AM Post #553 of 937

I may be going back to the old one.

Not to sound like a five year old but WHY???? Old single line charts? or some other water fall chart?
Jan 24, 2012 at 9:56 AM Post #554 of 937
@purrin: Could you slap a 10-band-Eq with -4 dB at 8 kHz on that T1 and measure it again? I'm curious what the effect on the FR and resonances is. Hum... then again, I tested 2 equalizers in maybe not equal circumstances, but they sounded different with the same setting... mh. maybe I'm doing it wrong.
Jan 24, 2012 at 10:32 AM Post #555 of 937

@purrin: Could you slap a 10-band-Eq with -4 dB at 8 kHz on that T1 and measure it again? I'm curious what the effect on the FR and resonances is. Hum... then again, I tested 2 equalizers in maybe not equal circumstances, but they sounded different with the same setting... mh. maybe I'm doing it wrong.

In theory, I believe, cone resonances (what purrin measures with his top secret method 
 ) are minimum phase phenomena. So, in theory, if you know the exact frequency, dB level and Q factor of a resonance you can completely eliminate its effects by applying an equal value minimum phase parametric filter . Audyssey (and other similar products) work in this way.  Linear phase and/or band equalisation will not produce the same results. 
They are differences in the implementation of minimum phase filters in the various software. One software that, I think, has very good minimum phase parametric filter implementation is FABfilter Q.
One final note: if you equalize based on published plots, remember that your headphone maybe has a little different plot than the one measured. So, maybe it is better to apply a bit less dB level than the one shown in plot.

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