Head-Fi Basshead IEM thread (lists page 1)
Mar 4, 2016 at 11:38 PM Post #4,877 of 12,597
   I just changed the title of this thread to include "head" .
I owned the Z5 via trade and the W50 is 5 BA drivers. The 7550 are 500mW and 16mm.  Sadly unlike the utter destruction of the over ear bass kings myth on Head -fi 2 years ago by simple replicable demonstration that was done by folks around the planet and uploaded to youtube....the IEM can get no such treatment.
Clarity of the Z5 is pretty terrible and surpassed by the cheaper A2.  The bass is not on par with the ASG 2.5 which I just traded as after

The 2.5 and the 7550/800 running Bass Mekaniks at the same time.  Same time.
I am not being rude but at the end of the day this is about bass. You are saying the Z5 has more bass??? The Z5 has a max power input of 100mW. That is 1/5th of the 7550. Only when amping does this spec really show it's face. And I amp....and it shows it's face.
The specs and my own reality don't reflect your impression.
Folks said the Sony Z7 would give the SZ a run for it's money...I said show me this:

This is a mild demo compared to others and it never happened....the Z7 owner never replied.
Never happened
If I could demo the 7550/800 it would be followed by a never gonna happen reply from Z5
16mm 500mw v.s. 16mm with 2 BA modules right in front of the diaphragm  and a much lower power input ceiling ...1/5th. The W50 is not even gonna be responded to.
There are a few bassheads, jmills,jammonster,vapman warrior1975,gikigil and some others but most folks like bass. Basshead and liking bass are not the same thing.

I guess we agree to disagree then. No worries brotha, I respect your opinion. The 7550 is a wonderful IEM, I just can't use it for portable... That was the main reason I sold it, the bass as I said had the best depth and extension and presumably texture as well.
Mar 4, 2016 at 11:44 PM Post #4,878 of 12,597
I guess we agree to disagree then. No worries brotha, I respect your opinion. The 7550 is a wonderful IEM, I just can't use it for portable... That was the main reason I sold it, the bass as I said had the best depth and extension and presumably texture as well.

 It happens all the time. There is no right or wrong there is just bass..
Mar 5, 2016 at 3:34 AM Post #4,879 of 12,597

Lucky we can't do bass tests with IEM or I would make so many people sad. Enjoy the ambiguity of the IEM world.
Video is not safe for work as it contains swear words.

Title of Review: Basshead? apply here.
I got these to review

The company could not be more efficient and kind. I just bought a $1,000 pair of IEM and this set of $24 ones got a tracking # and replies to my mail right away..other company....1000.00 dollar item?...nah...not so much..does that make ANY sense???
Anywayz...they are not basshead. I believe the reviewer thinks they are but I'd blow these. I distorted them and gently put them to the side for a while.  The term basshead gets used waaaaaaaaay too often around here.
Mar 5, 2016 at 9:17 AM Post #4,880 of 12,597
Hawaiibadboy-Bro, I love you man (no homo) but you still can't have my bass!!! :wink:

Speaking of which, I ordered a pair of Tralucent Audio Ref 1 too last night... I used to own the Ref 1 OG, sold it primarily because of fit issues. Been a while since I've heard it, but it's a nice setup. Hybrid, isobaric DD configuration. Always had slamming bass but I'll have to give them an honest comparison to they asg and the Xb90ex.

Not budget IEMS at all, and I already know that they are well past the point of diminishing returns, but I truly loved the Ref 1 OG.

Anyway, going to be a long few weeks... But Xmas is right around the corner!!
Mar 5, 2016 at 9:44 AM Post #4,881 of 12,597
@Hawaiibadboy-Bro, I love you man (no homo) but you still can't have my bass!!!

Speaking of which, I ordered a pair of Tralucent Audio Ref 1 too last night... I used to own the Ref 1 OG, sold it primarily because of fit issues. Been a while since I've heard it, but it's a nice setup. Hybrid, isobaric DD configuration. Always had slamming bass but I'll have to give them an honest comparison to they asg and the Xb90ex.

Not budget IEMS at all, and I already know that they are well past the point of diminishing returns, but I truly loved the Ref 1 OG.

Anyway, going to be a long few weeks... But Xmas is right around the corner!!

 I have been rec'd the TAr1 before but could not find them. looking forward to your impressions. I was going to pull the trigger on some Kumitate but the company is off the grid and instagram,twitter and blog are rarely updated and they never got back to me...and I wanted to buy the things.
A user on here designated himself the exclusive go between and that is not happening with $1,500.
Mar 5, 2016 at 10:30 AM Post #4,883 of 12,597
Hell no, that's crazy. That's a lot of money to trust someone with. I would not want to be that guy, if the smallest thing goes wrong, he'd get a lot heat. Thanks, but no thanks.

Yesh, especially the way some people are on HF- be prepared to issue A LOT of refunds1
1cf. any thread about crowdfunding projects and preorders.
Mar 5, 2016 at 2:40 PM Post #4,885 of 12,597
  A user on here designated himself the exclusive go between and that is not happening with $1,500.

The day you don't need one unofficial proxy to buy Kumitate Labs IEMs i promise you i will not only buy them but also post about how to get them.
I'm in the exactly same boat as you HBB and it really sucks cause I tried them, know how bad I want them, and I am TRYING to give them my damn $1.5k!
The middleman idea is bad enough. Even big operations who do middleman transactions as their business model (like Massdrop) still mess up on people's orders and have to take the heat from both sides.
Personally I'll happily use my ASGB and EX800ST until something better comes along, but for now I just want to upgrade to the MOJO.
Mar 5, 2016 at 2:59 PM Post #4,887 of 12,597
Sounds like the Fitear situtation- can't even buy them in Japan if you're not a permanent resident.
Mar 5, 2016 at 3:08 PM Post #4,888 of 12,597
Where are they located? Ridiculous you can't make a purchase.

Japan, however as I understand it they're not taking purchases from anyone right now.
I don't think it's like the Fitear situation but please don't quote me on that.
I heard the Kumitate rep tell me that he'd let me know when they're available for international ordering. I don't know any more than that, so please don't ask. I'll post more as I learn more.
Anyway, I got my Spiral Dot tips in today. As I always use Comply tips that is what I will be comparing against.
ASG-B has same nozzle size/shape as 2.5, so if you have 2.5's you can use these. the small size Spiral Dots are very small, barely larger than the nozzle so it's a dream for people like me and @thejammonster . I am noticing slightly more bass than the comply (barely any) and the highs are just slightly more forward than with the Complys. i think the comply smoothed it a bit. I actually can't tell any SQ difference between the Spiral Dots and the stock tips Aurisonics tips (not the smalls but the next bigger - the smalls barely work for me for some reason) except the Spirals are a better fit so they isolate better. They also don't do that annoying thing Aurisonics stock tips do where if you put them in at the wrong angle they close up. BASS!
XB90EX/7550 I've never heard the mids and highs be this clear.on the 90EX. Bass seems unchanged from the Sony stock tips and detail is not lost on the high end but is smoother. I had to swap between the stocks and Spiral Dots a couple times cause I couldn't believe I wasn't just imagining the difference in clarity on highs.
Still waiting on my Sony hybrid tips but I know those can be made to fit on the ASG-B as well.
Mar 5, 2016 at 3:41 PM Post #4,889 of 12,597
regarding kumitate lab custom iem. yeap. they are somewhat like the fitear situation now where they only accept orders within japan. (but fitear has international distrubutor mostly asia that will take in orders as well).

and i am not really a rep from kumitate lab. i just happen to communicate with ito-san occasionally. regarding international orders he is sure making plans for it, he even found an international representor to start talking to global distributors. so if you are really interested, all you can do is to wait for it.
Mar 5, 2016 at 3:47 PM Post #4,890 of 12,597
Hype train probably hits smaller manufacturers more like a tornado than a cash truck-have read some business stories like this: huge influx of orders they're not equipped to handle so they invest in production capacity, and then a year later the bottom drops out when something new comes along. If they are playing it cautious, probably a good choice- I imagine why the middleman option is sometimes desirable.
Anybody here tried the AAW Nebula One yet? On the Spore canjam thread described as bass-oriented by someone, always skeptical not knowing a persons' preferences though. Might take a flier on it after selling some stuff. Kinda weird specs- 10mm titanium coated, FR rated to 10hz, but 100db sensitivity with 3mW max input?!

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