[GUIDE] Sonic Differences Between DT770-DT990 Models & More
Sep 26, 2011 at 11:06 PM Post #497 of 1,845
I think he's been under a little flak lately for quality concerns, or has that been resolved now?
Sep 26, 2011 at 11:16 PM Post #498 of 1,845

Still $60 is crazy expensive for pads.

After spending over $100 for Stax O2 pads I find $60 a bargain lol :T
On a serious note $60 is quite expensive for pads and it is quite a bit more than I would usually like to pay for pads although there is that one exception...
Sep 28, 2011 at 3:03 PM Post #499 of 1,845
Thanks everyone for the recent tips.

As an update, 5 days burn in, I am using the dt880 600 ohm without any EQ from iTunes. The treble , bass and mids are absolutely mind blowing. The total experience is so good, I sold my FA-003 and don't intend to buy the dt990 or any other headphone.

The dt880 600 ohm throughmy Ld tube amp is heaven multiplied by the universe squared.
Sep 29, 2011 at 4:29 PM Post #500 of 1,845

Thanks everyone for the recent tips.
As an update, 5 days burn in, I am using the dt880 600 ohm without any EQ from iTunes. The treble , bass and mids are absolutely mind blowing. The total experience is so good, I sold my FA-003 and don't intend to buy the dt990 or any other headphone.
The dt880 600 ohm throughmy Ld tube amp is heaven multiplied by the universe squared.

I have the DT990 600 Ohm going through my LD MKIII and I couldn't agree more. Fits my music style perfectly. The bass is outstanding, the mids are good, and with my amp the treble really shines (without the sibilance I get when playing them straight from my computer).
Oct 16, 2011 at 11:42 AM Post #501 of 1,845
No posts in 17 days?
Oct 16, 2011 at 2:21 PM Post #502 of 1,845
Guess not...
Any how.... Is anyone willing to lend me there T70 so I can add it to the comparison?
No posts in 17 days?

Oct 18, 2011 at 3:07 PM Post #503 of 1,845
Wow, this is seriously weird...
It makes no sense but I bought the DT-770 Pro 80 at a local store for dirt cheap. I always wanted to hear it despite it being a so called Bass monster. What's funny is that the guy at the store said it was a flat and neutral studio monitor

I liked it on day one. Enough to listen to it for 6 hours straight without any complaints. Yes, it does have a lot of bass and the mids are quite recessed. A little worse than my white boxed M50 perhaps. Strangely enough often the bass feels somewhat controlled and doesn't bleed into the mids as much as it should. Why? During some songs with massive amounts of bass I don't seem to be getting any loss in sound clarity, which is strange. On the XB500 and D1100 this happens all the time.
I liked the DT-770 Pro 80 so much (despite the mids) that I ordered the DT-990 Pro for the same price. Now what the heck is going on? There is a lot of bass bleed and vocals are especially less forward and kind of hard to hear. I was watching a movie and it seemed like it was all bass and treble and very little mids. With a neutral amp it's a little bit better.
I switch between them and it's definitely noticable that the DT-770 Pro 80 has more bass, but I like the mids a lot more. Even vocals. Huh?! Is my brain playing tricks on me? Less bass bleed on the 770 Pro? Is that possible?
BTW I bought the DT-770 Pro with the hope it would be more comfortable than the DT-880. The DT-880 is painful for me due to the shallow cups. I wear glasses and it seems that due to the design the cups smash the tips of my ears. With the DT-770 Pro I don't have this problem. Cups seem deeper. The DT-990's comfort is a tiny bit better than the DT-880. I loved the DT-880, but not it's comfort. Seems it's perfect for 99% of people who try them though. Probably my glasses are the problem, so no big deal.
So I guess I need to find the DT-990 that has the least amount of bass bleed and the most forward mids. I think there is a good chance the other DT-990's won't be enough of an improvement (when it comes to the bass bleed) over the DT-990 Pro for me to like them. Maybe. I tried the DT-990 250 ohm Premium version and found the mids too cave-like. I had the DT-990 5 years ago and loved it but don't know which version I had. I think it was underamped because I was clueless back then.
Maybe if the other DT-770's go on sale I can try the 250 ohm version. I remember not liking the 32ohm version, but maybe I didn't give it a chance.
Makes no sense how I like the DT-770 Pro 80 more than the 990 Pro. BTW I'm certainly no basshead either. I should have went for the non-pro version of the DT-990, but the Pro version is only $167!
BTW somehow the mids on the DT-990 Pro are too thin and sound funny. Probably due to all that extra treble. Female vocals for the DT-990 is not a good match it seems like.
EDIT: Also..I was surprised at how hard the pro 80 is to drive! I could max out my portable amp and Sansa View and there is not enough volume. Really needs a desktop amp, so probably not a good idea for portable use around the house unless you have an E11 or larger portable amp.
Oct 18, 2011 at 5:12 PM Post #504 of 1,845
Hi all,
I have some questions about the DT-770 600ohm. I'm looking to upgrade from my ATH M-50, and I had been considering the DT-770 and the D2000. The D2000 seemed like a good choice, but the subpar isolation is what is holding me back from picking them up. So I started looking into the DT-770's, and the 600ohm version looks quite appealing right now. Would anyone know whether a Matrix M-stage would drive the 600ohm 770's sufficiently? Or would it be better to just get the 250ohm?

Also are the 770 Premiums being discontinued/updated? I couldn't find the 600 ohm 770 on Beyerdynamics website, amazon only has 1 left in stock, and headroom has them on sale. Seemed a little fishy to me.
Thanks in advance
Oct 18, 2011 at 5:40 PM Post #505 of 1,845
I think it would do a nice job but not an adequate one. 
I don't think they are being discontinued but if they are then that means the T70/T70P are taking it's place. I always has the strange suspicion that the new "T" line were going to replace the "DT" line. I really hope they don't get disco'd.
tdockweiler, I don't know man. When I had the DT770 Pro 80Ohm I noticed they had a lot more of this "bass bleed" than my DT990 had. If could be amp or source related but who knows. I always drive my stuff with powerful amps so the amps on my end may just be damping the bass just right.
The 600Ohm DT990 has tighter bass so you might want to look there. I'm not saying it'll be a ton better but should be a nice improvement.
Hi all,
I have some questions about the DT-770 600ohm. I'm looking to upgrade from my ATH M-50, and I had been considering the DT-770 and the D2000. The D2000 seemed like a good choice, but the subpar isolation is what is holding me back from picking them up. So I started looking into the DT-770's, and the 600ohm version looks quite appealing right now. Would anyone know whether a Matrix M-stage would drive the 600ohm 770's sufficiently? Or would it be better to just get the 250ohm?

Also are the 770 Premiums being discontinued/updated? I couldn't find the 600 ohm 770 on Beyerdynamics website, amazon only has 1 left in stock, and headroom has them on sale. Seemed a little fishy to me.
Thanks in advance

Oct 18, 2011 at 6:38 PM Post #506 of 1,845

Hi all,
I have some questions about the DT-770 600ohm. I'm looking to upgrade from my ATH M-50, and I had been considering the DT-770 and the D2000. The D2000 seemed like a good choice, but the subpar isolation is what is holding me back from picking them up. So I started looking into the DT-770's, and the 600ohm version looks quite appealing right now. Would anyone know whether a Matrix M-stage would drive the 600ohm 770's sufficiently? Or would it be better to just get the 250ohm?
Also are the 770 Premiums being discontinued/updated? I couldn't find the 600 ohm 770 on Beyerdynamics website, amazon only has 1 left in stock, and headroom has them on sale. Seemed a little fishy to me.
Thanks in advance

The Beyerdynamic Pros have a more of a clamping force, better seal on the ears (more bass), to be used by musician/professionals in studios.
The Beyerdynamic Premium has a "softer" clamping force (balanced sound), more for the every day consumer.
Premiums appear to cost more then the Pro versions
I have the DT-770 Pro 250-Ohm, NICE! HEADPHONES!.

Oct 18, 2011 at 7:44 PM Post #507 of 1,845
Just thought I would throw in my two cents and say "very nice thread Zombie X"!
Keep up the great work.
I'm going to try and check out the DT series this weekend.
Oct 18, 2011 at 8:14 PM Post #508 of 1,845

I think it would do a nice job but not an adequate one. 
I don't think they are being discontinued but if they are then that means the T70/T70P are taking it's place. I always has the strange suspicion that the new "T" line were going to replace the "DT" line. I really hope they don't get disco'd.
tdockweiler, I don't know man. When I had the DT770 Pro 80Ohm I noticed they had a lot more of this "bass bleed" than my DT990 had. If could be amp or source related but who knows. I always drive my stuff with powerful amps so the amps on my end may just be damping the bass just right.
The 600Ohm DT990 has tighter bass so you might want to look there. I'm not saying it'll be a ton better but should be a nice improvement. 

I'm going to try various amps between for the DT-990 Pro and see if anything changes. Maybe the sound will improve after 10+ hours of use. I never had a Beyerdynamic headphone that needed burn-in to sound good, but it won't hurt. I also have an amp/dac I could try with forward mids that might help. It makes the D2000 and M50's mids seem a lot better.
I'm so cheap lately that I only went for the Pro versions because they're dirt cheap now ($167 each). If I get the DT-990 600 ohm version I'll wait until they go on sale. $300 is pretty high when it will just be my "fun" headphone. Not like I don't have enough of those already! On one hand I want to avoid the 600 ohm version, but then again I don't think even the 32 ohm version is good for portable use (around the house). Sure wish my stupid head played well with the DT-880 because I really liked it.
Been listening to both the DT-770 Pro 80 and DT-990 Pro all night. Definitely prefer the DT-770 Pro 80. DT-990 sounds a bit more clear, but it's treble is really bothersome. More so than I thought. The treble of the DT-770 doesn't even remotely bother me. To my ears, the DT-770 Pro seems more natural.
I think there is definitely less upper bass on the DT-770 Pro compared to the DT-990 Pro. Who knows...This is definitely one of the first bass heavy headphones I like that I don't need to EQ to enjoy.
One thing I should note is that the DT-770 Pro 80 does seem to sound best from very good portable amps. It sounds great with the Total Airhead! The bass is more bloated on my Headroom Micro Amp. I'll try it more later with my E9.
Feels weird liking the 770 Pro 80 so much. Not the normal headphone I'd like. I guess I may get rid of the DT-990 Pro and see how the DT-770 Premium's compare to the Pro versions.
Hopefully the Premium version doesn't have the shallow cups of the DT-880. So DT-770 Pro is a keeper for me...so far. Definitely one of the most comfortable headphones ever made IMO. I could fall asleep with them on my head.
Oct 20, 2011 at 10:31 AM Post #510 of 1,845

Feels weird liking the 770 Pro 80 so much. Not the normal headphone I'd like. I guess I may get rid of the DT-990 Pro and see how the DT-770 Premium's compare to the Pro versions.

there is a big difference between my pro 80 and premium 32 770's
the premiums still have great sub bass but just not as much quantity, and treble closer to that of my 990/600.
i wonder if the difference between the premium 990 and the pro 990 is as big as it is with the 770/80 and the premuims.

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