Grado Fan Club!
Feb 7, 2016 at 3:37 PM Post #30,646 of 66,261
I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying, when worn correctly, grados are not bright.

You do not need an amp for Grados.

Amplifiers are not supposed to change the character of the sound.

You would be hard pressed to pass an ABX test between an iphone and a clean amp when volume matched.

Edit: must have quoted the wtong post.. This was for the person asking about Grados needing amps.
Feb 7, 2016 at 4:57 PM Post #30,650 of 66,261
There was a time when I didn't believe in burn in as well...But then my not so good sounding speakers one day decided to start sounding magical...Wild believes now. I heard that someone said those speakers need burn in and I was like yeah maybe they will change a little bit and it going to be my perception rather than the speakers, but no change of perception is that powerfull or dramatic as the sound signature change. :D

In my opinion, burn in makes sense. A speaker has to physically move back and forth to produce sound, so it only makes sense to tink that it's suspension will soften up a bit, with time.
As I've said before, I don't think that burn in can change the sound signature of a pair of headphones. It won't make you go from hating, to liking a pair of headphones. If you like them out of the box, you'll probably like them even more after they're burned in .
Feb 7, 2016 at 5:21 PM Post #30,651 of 66,261
In my opinion, burn in makes sense. A speaker has to physically move back and forth to produce sound, so it only makes sense to tink that it's suspension will soften up a bit, with time.
As I've said before, I don't think that burn in can change the sound signature of a pair of headphones. It won't make you go from hating, to liking a pair of headphones. If you like them out of the box, you'll probably like them even more after they're burned in .

Your saying as if headphone drivers are completely, sound = vibration of some shape or form...However, I do have to agree, the sound signature normaly don't change beyond recognition...It's more of, if it sounded like somethings holding it back and now it no longer does. Minor changes, but even then can break someones dream.
Feb 7, 2016 at 6:52 PM Post #30,652 of 66,261

Your saying as if headphone drivers are completely, sound = vibration of some shape or form...However, I do have to agree, the sound signature normaly don't change beyond recognition...It's more of, if it sounded like somethings holding it back and now it no longer does. Minor changes, but even then can break someones dream.

I'm known to say a lot of nonsense, so it's nice to see a normal person that agrees with me.

I was just kidding about saying a lot of nonsense, the truth is that I'm brilliant....Ahhh who am I kidding, I'm a Genius.
wink.gif don't believe me, here's an exemple of my geniousness.
During a hot spell, I contacted the TV news stations, and suggested that they ask everybody to have their air conditionners facing the opposite way, this lowered the outside temperature, and VOILA!, problem solved.

Feb 7, 2016 at 7:08 PM Post #30,653 of 66,261
@robokevin It should be blatantly obvious I'm new to all this here so I may or may not know what I'm talking about, but I really do like my SR80e's. The detail is astounding and zoning out and into the music with them is just great. They have a very unique look to them as well. Not everyone may like it but I personally love the design :p I would say to switch out the s-pads with some other pad though. I'm currently using (sharpied-black, they are honestly not making my ears black at all it's amazing) HD414's, made all the difference.
They can get a little uncomfortable with long wear though, not gonna lie. I don't find it nearly as bad as some people seem to claim, but I kinda fidget a lot with them, especially when I'm doing other things and the pressure on my ears lead to distraction. However if I'm just listening to music and let them be, I get used to them after a little bit. And you might have to get used to the sound in general. I know whoever just said they shouldn't be harsh... but they were harsh for me. And yes, I was wearing them correctly, like I said I fidgeted with them in every position possible :/ The harshness was probably exacerbated by a headache I had though, so I dunno. They're more or less fine now, I just let music run through them for a couple hours a day.
But honestly if you're heart is set on Grados, get some grados! Even if you think you made a mistake afterwards you could probably sell it back to someone and make most of your money back. It's really not that big a deal :3
Feb 7, 2016 at 7:36 PM Post #30,655 of 66,261
  @robokevin It should be blatantly obvious I'm new to all this here so I may or may not know what I'm talking about, but I really do like my SR80e's. The detail is astounding and zoning out and into the music with them is just great. They have a very unique look to them as well. Not everyone may like it but I personally love the design :p I would say to switch out the s-pads with some other pad though. I'm currently using (sharpied-black, they are honestly not making my ears black at all it's amazing) HD414's, made all the difference.
They can get a little uncomfortable with long wear though, not gonna lie. I don't find it nearly as bad as some people seem to claim, but I kinda fidget a lot with them, especially when I'm doing other things and the pressure on my ears lead to distraction. However if I'm just listening to music and let them be, I get used to them after a little bit. And you might have to get used to the sound in general. I know whoever just said they shouldn't be harsh... but they were harsh for me. And yes, I was wearing them correctly, like I said I fidgeted with them in every position possible :/ The harshness was probably exacerbated by a headache I had though, so I dunno. They're more or less fine now, I just let music run through them for a couple hours a day.
But honestly if you're heart is set on Grados, get some grados! Even if you think you made a mistake afterwards you could probably sell it back to someone and make most of your money back. It's really not that big a deal :3

Welcome to The Dark Side (Grado). I don't know you, and I already love you!

Allow me to quote you, ''But honestly if you're heart is set on Grados, get some grados!''
 Rarely have I read such profound advice, so thank you.

S.F. Buddy, you do know that this is the ''Grado Fan Club'' thread.
That's a great suggestion, don't get me wrong, it's just that for 99.9% of us here, it's too late, much too late.
I like reading posts that make me smile, but yours actually made my sides hurt.

Seriously though, I'm glad that you like your SR80e, you might want to give the L = large, earpads, I have them on my SR80e, and in my opinion, these earpads take them to the next level.
Oh!, and I like to kid around, so no hard feelings S,F.
Feb 7, 2016 at 7:43 PM Post #30,656 of 66,261
  If I go Grado, it's going to be between sr80e and sr225e.   I don't really have a budget but I'm value-conscious and always looking for the 'bang for the buck' sweet spot.  It seems like the sr225e is the way to go.  But can anyone tell me the REAL differences between the two?  Spec-wise, the main difference is 20-22khz.  I'm pretty sure I can't hear over 20khz.  But will sr225e perform significantly better?
Lastly, these are 32 ohm headphones, but browsing this thread, many people like to use amps with them.  This may be a dumb question, but why?  I would expect plenty of volume out of my phone unamped (it powers my 38 ohm audio technicas just fine).  Is it because amps will change the nature of the sound?  Should I get an amp?  It seems a lot in this thread like Little Dot I+.  What differences can I expect with this amp vs unamped?  Are Grado OK to listen to unamped?  Even if I get an amp, I still would like a headphone that is at least *decent* unamped, for versatility purposes (I do business travel and spend a lot of time in hotel rooms).
I've got sr225e, little dot i+, and some GE tubes in my Amazon cart right now, and waffling back and forth over pulling the trigger.  Help!!!
PS:  I post in this thread because I want a biased opinion :)  I've really got my heart set on Grado, I can't really explain why.  I just want to make sure I don't make a mistake.

My bang for the buck Grado is the SR125e - great all around headphones...  
There are definite differences between the 80e and the 225e.  Generally as you go up the Grado line, soundstage and detail improve.  The 80e can have an in-your-head sound which can be a little one dimensional.  The 225’s soundstage spreads out, and the bass will have more control.  The other difference is the fit as they have different cushions - whichever you prefer will be up to you.  
For amps, Grados are easy to drive and sound great straight, without an amp.  I haven’t tried tubes but I use a portable Leckerton and Schiit audio Magni2.  I didn’t hear any difference with the Leckerton, but I do hear a difference with the Magni2 vs. straight out of my laptop.  Not a level matched A/B, though...
Feb 7, 2016 at 11:39 PM Post #30,658 of 66,261
Hello fellow post rock fan!

As you have a lot in common with me I'd like to say a few things:
- The best bang for the buck low-and-mid-range Grado for Post and Prog Rock IMHO is the MS2. If you can move onto the MS Pro it's another matter, but from 300 usd downwards I think the MS2 meets my criteria for soundstage and details. All Grados do classic rock and jazz quite well, but again, I prefer the 325e/ms2e most.
- Grado is perfectly ok to listen to unamped, but I don't advocate doing so. However, if you decide to amp it, remember you need a DAC too. I'm using the odac and ld i+ combo and I can't be happier.
- If you decide to go with the I+, buy the cheapest version, because the stock tube options are quite meh to me. Some good choice of tubes for the I+ are EI Yugoslavia 6hm5 and GE JAN 5654, all dirt cheap.
- Last of all, it's rather hard to compare between Grados, since they all follow the same "house sound". So I could say that if you buy the 225e, you bought 75% of the ms2e, but that 25% makes a whole new different experience. But others will disagree, I'm pretty sure. So all in all, Grados are similar but different as well. Best you can do is audition them in person first, but the 225e, the 325e and the ms2e can't do you wrong. I just happen to think the ms2e is better choice for your music (I'm sticking with the 325e since I listen to Metal more than other types of Rock)
Ps: definitely go for Grado! First time I heard the eletric guitar sound on my 60i, I was like "Holy s*** that s*** is possible???" Grados do the eguitar like nothing else can!
Hey guys,

I'm seeking some input.  I'm relatively new to quality headphones.  I bought a pair of Shure e3c IEMs (I guess they were the precursor to the se315s) about 12 years ago, and they bit the dust about a month ago after giving me a whole lot of use.

I wanted to try on-ear headphones this time, so based on ratings on Amazon and reviews, I bought Audio Technica ATH-M50X.

Now, it's important to note that I listen to music two ways:

1. Casually, when working or doing something.  I usually listen to electronic music, ambient, hip hop, or 80s alternative pop.

2. For enjoyment of the music and nothing else.  In this case I usually listen to progressive rock/metal, post-rock (like mogwai, godspeed, explosions in the sky), SOME (non-progressive) classic rock, or sometimes, but rarely, jazz.

For use case #1, the ATH-M50X could not have been a better choice.  For use case #2, they're not very good.

So, I'm thinking about getting another set of headphones specifically for critical listening.  My main objective here is to get better performance in the mid-range and separation.  I am OK with open-backs for this purpose.

It's really coming down to Grado vs Sennheiser.  I'm kind of leaning more towards Grado because they seem like the sound signature is a little more fun, I love the look, and I love that they're made in the USA.  Grado seems to excite me a lot more than Senns.  Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to try out anything in person.

Do you think Grado would be a good fit here?  Could you compare and contrast the differences between Grado and Sennheiser options?  Let's say, 80e vs 558,  225e vs 598?

If I go Grado, it's going to be between sr80e and sr225e.   I don't really have a budget but I'm value-conscious and always looking for the 'bang for the buck' sweet spot.  It seems like the sr225e is the way to go.  But can anyone tell me the REAL differences between the two?  Spec-wise, the main difference is 20-22khz.  I'm pretty sure I can't hear over 20khz.  But will sr225e perform significantly better?

Lastly, these are 32 ohm headphones, but browsing this thread, many people like to use amps with them.  This may be a dumb question, but why?  I would expect plenty of volume out of my phone unamped (it powers my 38 ohm audio technicas just fine).  Is it because amps will change the nature of the sound?  Should I get an amp?  It seems a lot in this thread like Little Dot I+.  What differences can I expect with this amp vs unamped?  Are Grado OK to listen to unamped?  Even if I get an amp, I still would like a headphone that is at least *decent* unamped, for versatility purposes (I do business travel and spend a lot of time in hotel rooms).

I've got sr225e, little dot i+, and some GE tubes in my Amazon cart right now, and waffling back and forth over pulling the trigger.  Help!!!

PS:  I post in this thread because I want a biased opinion :)  I've really got my heart set on Grado, I can't really explain why.  I just want to make sure I don't make a mistake.
Feb 8, 2016 at 12:48 AM Post #30,659 of 66,261
I'm known to say a lot of nonsense, so it's nice to see a normal person that agrees with me.

I was just kidding about saying a lot of nonsense, the truth is that I'm brilliant....Ahhh who am I kidding, I'm a Genius.
wink.gif don't believe me, here's an exemple of my geniousness.
During a hot spell, I contacted the TV news stations, and suggested that they ask everybody to have their air conditionners facing the opposite way, this lowered the outside temperature, and VOILA!, problem solved.

Yup...Mad genius same as me. :p
Feb 8, 2016 at 2:09 AM Post #30,660 of 66,261
I had the SR80E and now I have a certain sr225e that the difference there are, the 225 is more detailed and more transparent open.
By the way but what is the correct way to wear your grado?

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