Grado Fan Club!
Oct 9, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #9,751 of 66,744
  That's a MAD Ear HD Super 2 - a little more powerful/versatile with a separate power supply.
It uses different output tubes (EL84/6BQ5) than the MAD Ear +.

JAN = Joint Army Navy = tubes made for military use...

Very nice, I also had seen this on the MAD website but didn't recognize it.
Thanks for the explanation of (JAN)!
Oct 9, 2013 at 9:07 PM Post #9,752 of 66,744
  dang, and another (a little more pricy)  Grado RS1i -Balanced, Moon Audio Upgraded, Extras

I saw that one.  I think it's about $300 worth of cable that one really doesn't need.  Unless, you have a special balanced headphone amp that you're in a great need of a pair of RS1i headphones.  I do think I read where quite possibly, Moon Audio, sends the headphones and cable to Grado and has them do the soldering.  It seems like a bit of time since I last heard it, and think it was Moon Audio.  Maybe, another vendor though.
Oct 9, 2013 at 9:37 PM Post #9,753 of 66,744
I have not even tried my AKG Q701 with this amp yet.....can't get myself to take my RS1i off with this combo.

Like I said before, the differences seem very subtle at first, but the more you listen the better it gets.....I am not sure that I even want to touch the stock tubes, to be honest....    :)

ENJOY!....Please let us know your impressions

TBH, I haven't really listened to my Q701s since I got my RS1i.... It may well be time to sell them. I really want to try the PS500!
Oct 9, 2013 at 9:55 PM Post #9,754 of 66,744
TBH, I haven't really listened to my Q701s since I got my RS1i.... It may well be time to sell them. I really want to try the PS500!

i'm rocking the ps500 at the moment
Oct 9, 2013 at 9:56 PM Post #9,755 of 66,744
I saw that one.  I think it's about $300 worth of cable that one really doesn't need.  Unless, you have a special balanced headphone amp that you're in a great need of a pair of RS1i headphones.  I do think I read where quite possibly, Moon Audio, sends the headphones and cable to Grado and has them do the soldering.  It seems like a bit of time since I last heard it, and think it was Moon Audio.  Maybe, another vendor though.

My main rig is a set of balanced speaker taps.  More juice than I will ever need for a set of cans, as this could probably make magic smoke come out of the HE-6.
Oct 9, 2013 at 10:01 PM Post #9,756 of 66,744
there are a few people who think i'm UNBALANCED !
Oct 10, 2013 at 7:48 AM Post #9,757 of 66,744
My main rig is a set of balanced speaker taps.  More juice than I will ever need for a set of cans, as this could probably make magic smoke come out of the HE-6.

But, the ortho headphones and the planars - HifiMan and Fostex are great at accepting wattage.  The Fostex T50RP is capable of 3 watts, if I've read the specifics correctly.  Similar for the Hifiman, if not a bit better.
Dynamic drivers such as the Grado, I think it can be quite risky.  Then again, I think Grado only charges $150 to service the RS1i, so getting the drivers replaced after a good listening session might not be that bad after all.
Oct 10, 2013 at 7:59 AM Post #9,758 of 66,744
But, the ortho headphones and the planars - HifiMan and Fostex are great at accepting wattage.  The Fostex T50RP is capable of 3 watts, if I've read the specifics correctly.  Similar for the Hifiman, if not a bit better.
Dynamic drivers such as the Grado, I think it can be quite risky.  Then again, I think Grado only charges $150 to service the RS1i, so getting the drivers replaced after a good listening session might not be that bad after all.

Man, not for nothing, but I understand the function of the volume pot 

I tend to listen to music below 90 dB's, and in 30 years of running bass rigs in excess of 1000 watts , I have yet to blow a speaker.  I just like lots and lots of headroom
Oct 10, 2013 at 9:33 AM Post #9,759 of 66,744
  The 12AX7 & ECC83 are different names for the same tubes.
5751 is a less popular lower gain version (mostly JAN) that is interchangeable.
Lloyd seems to use the 5751 tubes, not sure why. Nonetheless his amps sure sound sweet!

I received an e-mail from Lloyd this morning about the power tube used in the Ear+HD, and he said he is going to use the 12AX7.
Not that I've heard either tube, but the 12AX7 is supposed have more impact and slam to it , is this correct? And the 5751 tube is mellower?
Is this why you said "Lloyd seem to use the 5751 tubes, not sure why"?
Oct 10, 2013 at 10:07 AM Post #9,760 of 66,744
  I received an e-mail from Lloyd this morning about the power tube used in the Ear+HD, and he said he is going to use the 12AX7.
Not that I've heard either tube, but the 12AX7 is supposed have more impact and slam to it , is this correct? And the 5751 tube is mellower?
Is this why you said "Lloyd seem to use the 5751 tubes, not sure why"?

The 5751 has lower gain than the 12AX7, hence less impact and slam.
The important thing is how Lloyd designs the amp to utilize the different tubes and their designs.
I've never heard of anyone not being thrilled by the stock tubes Lloyd provides. (In my case NOS Rogers, which are Canadian Phillips).
You will be fine with whatever tubes the good Dr. prescribes....
Oct 10, 2013 at 11:14 AM Post #9,761 of 66,744
  The 5751 has lower gain than the 12AX7, hence less impact and slam.
The important thing is how Lloyd designs the amp to utilize the different tubes and their designs.
I've never heard of anyone not being thrilled by the stock tubes Lloyd provides. (In my case NOS Rogers, which are Canadian Phillips).
You will be fine with whatever tubes the good Dr. prescribes....

I switched from 12ax7 to 5751 tubes in my Bellari HA540 tube amp a while ago and have never looked back. It is an OTL design so you are really "listening to the tube" and the 5751 is definitely mellower (the sweetest midrange you ever heard with Grado RS1 or PS500). The nos 5751's are far superior - my favorites are a Mazda triple mica and RCA blackplate (expensive but worth it). My main amp now is a Woo WA7 which is a whole different beast and offers a more detailed sound, but the 5751 is an awesome tube in the right application!
Oct 10, 2013 at 12:37 PM Post #9,763 of 66,744
Yes.  I can understand that as most of us would be able to maintain proper control.  My comment though was mostly in regard to an "Accident" happening as those can occur.

Oh yeah, those...
Watch, once I explain how anal I am about these things, including turning off the volume 30 years after my last turntable 'incident', I will do something so stupid and funny that I will just have to share it with all the grado-philes and wait for the inevitable 'told-you-so"
So let me not bring the wrath of the gods of irony down upon my head, and give you a simple thank-you for the reminder

Oct 10, 2013 at 1:58 PM Post #9,764 of 66,744
i've been fortunate the time or two i forgot to unplug, during powering up, and down, and switching from speakers to headphones etc
the lyr could make something go poof real quick
Oct 10, 2013 at 2:31 PM Post #9,765 of 66,744
Question for all you Grado-heads (am I in the right thread? 
), does anybody listen to Muse in particular with their Grados? If so, how does it sound and on which Grados in particular have you listened to them?

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