Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Dec 21, 2014 at 2:53 AM Post #5,086 of 11,686
Does anyone have any suggestions as to where I can get them repaired, then? Unfortunately, FAD don't feel the need to reply to my emails.

I have now found the receipt, but I bought them from in October, and am not a Japanese resident. Is Amazon even an authorised dealer?

I would be a shame to have to throw them away...
Dec 21, 2014 at 4:47 AM Post #5,088 of 11,686
I tried both the online form and a direct e-mail. Neither bore fruit.
Dec 21, 2014 at 8:26 AM Post #5,090 of 11,686
do you think they'd open the email quicker if the subject read: "Regarding A Purchase" or "Enquiring About A Purchase"

where someone thinks it's a new sale????

Uh, both will suffice, but your subject title won't have any effect on how fast customer service will open your email. They'll always reply to the earliest sender first. By the way, I believe you meant "inquiring."
Dec 21, 2014 at 8:34 AM Post #5,091 of 11,686
It's unfortunate that Final Audio is taking so long to get to you...

Perhaps try "Sales Enquiry" or something attention grabbing.
Dec 23, 2014 at 10:13 AM Post #5,092 of 11,686
Heaven VII initial impressions (short and succinct).
Pros: clean linear sound that's non fatiguing, excellent imaging, enough of that LAB1 magic (ie. vocals) to draw me in and not stop listening, offers a different flavor, beautiful look and feel, comfortable
Cons: sound lacks in dynamics, a bit of midrange suck-out on certain tracks
Thoughts so far:
I like them, and I think they offer something a bit different in the FAD lineup. They seem like FAD's take on a more studio monitor-ish type of sound: fairly linear, easy to listen to for an extended period of time. They definitely favor good mastering, but the less-than-steller stuff isn't shoved in your face. Likewise their detail extraction is very much on point, but these details don't quite 'pop' on some tracks and are presented in a more holistic way (something I'd say is true of the LAB1 to an extent as well). The midrange and lower treble performance seem like the main emphasis here, and the bass doesn't really have the impact of some of the other Heavens. Some people will prefer this, and some will miss it.
In my case I don't mind the diminished bass presence, but I feel it exacerbates the main gripe I have with the Heaven VII: its sound isn't quite dynamic enough for my liking at times. Things that should hit hard sometimes don't, and there isn't a sharp enough distinction between soft and heavy or quiet and loud passage. For instance when building up to a crescendo, it's often underwhelming; everything is sort of placed on the same dynamic level, on the same plane. Also while I'm griping, I should note a bit of perceived midrange suck-out on some tracks, the telltale sign of which for me is my turning the volume up a bit more than I normally do with my preferred listening levels.
Okay, so, gripes aside there earphones do a lot that I like. There's just enough hint of the LAB1's goodness to give these a mesmerizing effect, and I find myself revisiting them a lot so far. The matte black finish is gorgeous, and I find I can treat them a bit more roughly than the LAB1 which demands white glove treatment; consequently I think I'll be using them for some time to come. The Heaven VII's midrange is simply beautiful, with vocals and pianos having a mesmerizing effect. Instrument timbre is spot on and seductive without using an overly romantic tuning. Spatially, the Heaven VII is open sounding with a nicely "out-of-head" presentation. Imaging is well defined and instrument placement is handled well too.
Dec 23, 2014 at 10:45 AM Post #5,093 of 11,686
Heaven VII initial impressions (short and succinct).

Pros: clean linear sound that's non fatiguing, excellent imaging, enough of that LAB1 magic (ie. vocals) to draw me in and not stop listening, offers a different flavor, beautiful look and feel, comfortable

Cons: sound lacks in dynamics, a bit of midrange suck-out on certain tracks

Thoughts so far:

I like them, and I think they offer something a bit different in the FAD lineup. They seem like FAD's take on a more studio monitor-ish type of sound: fairly linear, easy to listen to for an extended period of time. They definitely favor good mastering, but the less-than-steller stuff isn't shoved in your face. Likewise their detail extraction is very much on point, but these details don't quite 'pop' on some tracks and are presented in a more holistic way (something I'd say is true of the LAB1 to an extent as well). The midrange and lower treble performance seem like the main emphasis here, and the bass doesn't really have the impact of some of the other Heavens. Some people will prefer this, and some will miss it.

In my case I don't mind the diminished bass presence, but I feel it exacerbates the main gripe I have with the Heaven VII: its sound isn't quite dynamic enough for my liking at times. Things that should hit hard sometimes don't, and there isn't a sharp enough distinction between soft and heavy or quiet and loud passage. For instance when building up to a crescendo, it's often underwhelming; everything is sort of placed on the same dynamic level, on the same plane. Also while I'm griping, I should note a bit of perceived midrange suck-out on some tracks, the telltale sign of which for me is my turning the volume up a bit more than I normally do with my preferred listening levels.

Okay, so, gripes aside there earphones do a lot that I like. There's just enough hint of the LAB1's goodness to give these a mesmerizing effect, and I find myself revisiting them a lot so far. The matte black finish is gorgeous, and I find I can treat them a bit more roughly than the LAB1 which demands white glove treatment; consequently I think I'll be using them for some time to come. The Heaven VII's midrange is simply beautiful, with vocals and pianos having a mesmerizing effect. Instrument timbre is spot on and seductive without using an overly romantic tuning. Spatially, the Heaven VII is open sounding with a nicely "out-of-head" presentation. Imaging is well defined and instrument placement is handled well too.

Thanks for posting impressions.

The bolded sounds like every other set of impressions I post =\

Would you say the lower midrange is the dulled/sucked out portion? Or is it less cut and dried than that?
Dec 23, 2014 at 11:09 AM Post #5,094 of 11,686
Dec 23, 2014 at 12:11 PM Post #5,095 of 11,686
Heaven VII initial impressions

Thanks for your impressions. Are these based on stock tips? I'm usually not very particular about tips, simply because there's different strokes for different folks. However, with the Heaven VII, I feel that stock tips absolutely don't bring out the best in them, especially in the low range. I'd love to hear your thoughts e.g. on Sony hybrids in comparison.
Dec 23, 2014 at 1:58 PM Post #5,096 of 11,686
@ vwinter: For me the effect is subtle but cumulative / more noticeable as I listen. The lower midrange, yes. I find this is usually the area where these problems occur (eg. the TH900 and LCD-X). 
@ james444: I haven't experimented with any flanges yet as I'm not a fan of them, but I find the Shure style foam tips add low end presence to the Heaven VII's signature while sacrificing a bit of air.
On a related note, I have a minor gripe with the aesthetics of the matte black version: the plug is still silver in finish instead of black as well. Still though, I think this is one of the nicest looking FADs to date. The designs on the back of the shell are different from those of the LAB1, and they give the earphones a tactile dimension.
Dec 23, 2014 at 2:19 PM Post #5,097 of 11,686
Nice to have another set of impressions to supplement James'. I think I'm gonna pass on the H VII after all. It seems to occupy this no man's land in between the SS and UERM, so I feel like I'd just be treading ever more redundant territory if I were to buy it. It does seem to be a fantastic alternative to the SS though. With that said, how do you feel about the finish on the VII? Is it anodized? I was curious about how something like that would hold up over a prolonged period. My iPhone 5 looked like absolute crap after 2 years of service. 
Dec 23, 2014 at 4:02 PM Post #5,098 of 11,686
@ james444: I haven't experimented with any flanges yet as I'm not a fan of them

Any flanges, as in not even single ones? I'm not a fan of dual / triple flanges either, but I find some single flanges (like Sony hybrids) extremely comfortable.
  I think I'm gonna pass on the H VII after all. It seems to occupy this no man's land in between the SS and UERM, so I feel like I'd just be treading ever more redundant territory if I were to buy it. It does seem to be a fantastic alternative to the SS though.

To me, they're in redundant territory as far as sound signature is concerned. But since I neither like the SS (too fragile) nor the UERM (too cumbersome) for commuting, they're by far my favorites in that regard.
Dec 23, 2014 at 4:09 PM Post #5,099 of 11,686
Yeah... and to top it off, I've got the Supra coming, which SGS describes as a baby UERM :l not sure what I'm thinking these days :l 
I did order the ASG 1 Plus though. We'll see about these "Rockets on steroids" claims. 

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