
  1. Funsucker

    Are There Sonic Differences Between Final Audio Piano Forte VIII, IX and X?

    I own the Final Audio Piano Forte VIII. I absolutely love them. I have searched here and online to see if there are sonic characteristic differences between the Piano Forte VIII, IX and X. My search has not yielded any enlightenment.   Is there anyone here that has experienice with them and...
  2. music_4321

    Final Audio Design -- Piano Forte IX (aka 1602SS) vs 1601SS

    Piano Forte IX (aka 1602SS) vs 1601SS (photos posted below) Having found a sort of music soulmate in the form of the Piano Forte IX (aka 1602SS) --I've never heard a phone that, in my view, taps into Music the way the IX does-- I decided to get the 1601SS, an IEM I obviously wanted to hear...
  3. EveTan

    The Glorious $1000 Nuggets-An appreciation for the little ones [1Plus2, TG!334, FAD Piano Forte IX, Ocharaku Kaede...and more]

    It's time to give back, After two years of Head-Fi fun.   Below holds (will hold) the thoughts of various esoterica I collected over the past few years. I will most likely be updating this again soon after I get all the other thoughts typed up. But first, the 1P2 has priority as it will be...
  4. lJustinl

    Using an USB DAC or USB AUDIO INTERFACE to listen music.

    Hi,   I intend to upgrade my sound system. I am considering that using and USB DAC or USB AUDIO INTERFACE to listen music. I read some reviews which indicate that using an USB AUDIO INTERFACE will release a very beautiful sound. However, some other reviews show that USB DAC sound is excellent...
  5. SpringBiscuit

    Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread

    Hi guys, i'm a Final Audio Design user, been experienced with their series such as Adagio, Piano forte and Heaven, they sounded awesome to my ears.  The brand had been underrated for quite some time mainly due to the price factor according to some users, however for more and more new product...
  6. Final Audio Design Piano Forte IX

    Final Audio Design Piano Forte IX

    In FAD-speak: "Piano Forte IX archived to produce space expression which bring atmosphere of live hall and a sense of reality of concert hall which is difficult to be produced by conventional earphones. Piano Forte Ⅸ has a stainless body with a mirror-polished finish. Its classy look mirrors a...