FiiO E17 "ALPEN" - First Impression + Final Thought
Mar 12, 2012 at 4:33 PM Post #2,146 of 6,777

it's very hard to do something like that. the closest, easiest test that is easily deployable and done that deals with some aspects of this would be something like an 320kbps MP3 or AAC vs Lossless test using foobar ABX to see if you can hear it. Many get 50% meaning ...a guess as in many head fi'ers can't tell the diff, if it's that then I would recommend doing an 128kbps vs 320kbps or something lesser quality vs something higher quality, and make it even more drastic like 128kbps vs lossless if you still can't hear. I did an 320 kbps vs lossless test and expected to get a 50% guessing rate..i actually got 1% amazing 
 and felt pretty proud. if you want insturctions on how to do this properly then just ask me, 

I can definitely hear the difference between 128 and 160, 192 and above - I know that for certain as it was the purchase of some Shure E2C in-ear phones a few years back which caused me to start to get interested in HiFi stuff. It also caused me to re-rip all my MP3's from the original 128kbps to 192kbps (at the time, I've now gone lossless).
I can certainly hear the difference between my Grado SR325is and the Beyerdynamic DT1350's, though they're both excellent cans.
I haven't noticed any difference between the 320kbps audio I get from Spotify and my lossless ripped audio from CD when played via digital-out to the AUNE at 96khz/24bit, listening with the Grado's. Perhaps a very slightly harsher sound on the higher frequencies, but I doubt I could pick one from the other in a blind listening test.
Just did a quick Google to look for foobar ABX, it's Windows only and I don't run that at the moment, but I'll certainly look to have a play with that and see what results I get - I'm genuinely interested in seeing what my ears actually can detect...
Mar 12, 2012 at 5:50 PM Post #2,147 of 6,777
Basically you need a lossless copy of a song, preferable CD ripped by yourself using iTunes or even more preferably using EAX, haivng one on hand would work too. Encode it into wav following the instructions below, and encode it into an ALAC track and then another into 320kbps MP3 using itunes insturctions(#1) below on how to rip. Then follow ABX directions(#2)
ok. to get your CD's into lossless is pretty easy. first open up itunes. then go to edit and then preferences.(even if you are on a Mac, you know what i mean)  now move to the "general" tab if it isn't already. go down. do you see "When you insert a CD:" ? make sure it is set to "Ask on Import CD" it should be. this sin't very important and you can change it. next. go to "Import settings" it's right next to it. the first dropdown box will say "import using" drop the box down and choose Apple Lossless Encoder. Settings are automatic. and check error correction box :D and press OK. now insert your CD intor your drive. leave itunes open. and rip it :D now you will see your music. to make sure it's lossless. right click and click get info. it should have apple lossless codec and a high bit rate (like 700-1000kbps). to always see bit rate. go to "view" and then "view options" and check the bit rate box. some prefer to use EAC, but really. ... you don't need to. it's safer as it error checks more thoroughly. but setting it up is hard for most users.. just use itunes. itunes encodes and does it very verywell.
you might notice now or ...just notice one day that when you right click on a song now. you see the option "Create Apple lossless version" this will be here as long as you didn't change the settings. remember the import settings box? despite it seeming to mean just CD ripping. it's a system wide setting for encoding too. SO now you might think!! YEs I CAN make all my songs lossless? don't..DID YOU READ THAT? DONT. yes you COULD make the songs you bought that are AAC 256kbps into lossless with that option but it doesn't mean anything and you shouldnt do it. lossless just means a perfect copy of that original. you will get the same file. except with a larger useless size and ALAC encoding now.ALAC's file end is .m4a some think it's .alac. it's not. .m4a is also the file ending of AAC files. this is because ALAC uses MPEG 4 audio wrapper. m4a. lolz :D don't get confused. .m4a could mean a few file types. not just ALAC. but just telling you.. so yes you could make it lossless. but don't.
so now i went over how to turn your CD's into lossless and what lossless is and if you can or should turn your already bought songs into lossless. 
next. is itunes files bad? HECK NO! itunes rips it very very well. heck. most can't tell AAC 256kbps from lossless :D AAC 256kbps is also said to be superior to MP3 320kbps. but ..what to do? do a test.
read this thread on the bottom. it's a lossles vs mp3 320 test. i have insturctions on how to do the test below.
here. download foobar. when downloading use full installation.
download the two tracks on the page. drag them into foobar. select both of them. right click-->utilies-->ABX two tracks
if the ABX two tracks does not appear download tthis
read that.

now do the test. or just read the page. most audiophiles ..can not tell it apart..well not tell it apart. but have a hard time too.. remember to hide results. it messes u up..well it did for me
if that is too much for you then here:
the files are already provided, just follow #2 insturctions from above to set it up. Remember to HIDE RESULTS. the first time i did it and din't hide results, i got a normal score, the results severely put a bias and placebo on me making me do some statistical calculations and just randomly chose a track at times. that got me an average score. i do it with results hidden and with patiene the next time and what i thought i was hearing in the diff actually proved true
foo_abx 1.3.4 report
foobar2000 v1.1.11
2012/02/17 14:29:49
File A: K:\A.wav
File B: K:\B.wav
14:29:49 : Test started.
14:31:31 : 01/01  50.0%
14:32:00 : 01/02  75.0%
14:32:14 : 02/03  50.0%
14:32:37 : 03/04  31.3%
14:32:48 : 04/05  18.8%
14:33:13 : 05/06  10.9%
14:33:44 : 05/07  22.7%
14:34:02 : 06/08  14.5%
14:36:21 : 07/09  9.0%
14:37:05 : 08/10  5.5%
14:37:35 : 09/11  3.3%
14:37:46 : 10/12  1.9%
14:38:53 : 11/13  1.1%
14:39:33 : 11/14  2.9%
14:39:47 : 12/15  1.8%
14:40:03 : 13/16  1.1%
14:40:45 : Test finished.
Total: 13/16 (1.1%)

well when you get on a windows machine i hope you can try it :) And yes,...320 vs lossless is extremely hard...very very hard. most head fi'ers fail so don't worry :)
Mar 13, 2012 at 12:22 AM Post #2,148 of 6,777
Good tool ABX,
found an youtube video
Mar 13, 2012 at 5:57 AM Post #2,149 of 6,777
The E17's L-R balance feature is a godsend, especially for me (my hearing is skewed towards the right). I think it's the best portable amp that FiiO has ever made in terms of features and sound quality, I'll probably be getting one for myself soon.
Mar 13, 2012 at 11:03 AM Post #2,150 of 6,777

The E17's L-R balance feature is a godsend, especially for me (my hearing is skewed towards the right). I think it's the best portable amp that FiiO has ever made in terms of features and sound quality, I'll probably be getting one for myself soon.

Thanks, in one years ago or even before. some user send mail to us ask we can develop an amp with balance feature because they have imbalance problem of their ear. 
Glad to hear that it can help someone because I don't find any other amp with such function.
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 13, 2012 at 9:56 PM Post #2,151 of 6,777
I ordered the first shipment of the FiiO E17 and have had it since. I just diagnosed the E17 as having background noise. I tried hdmi > tv > toslink, nvidia graphics card hdmi > monitor > coaxial, pc > usb, and all of them display the noise. I have usb power charge off, gain set to 0 and volume set to 22. I tried both my UE Triple Fi 10's and they both have the noise, however, my ATH-M50's do not; in fact I've been using my M50's and not the Triple Fi's, which is why I just recently noticed it.
Mar 14, 2012 at 12:13 AM Post #2,152 of 6,777
I've noticed noise too with IEMs, but those were, much like yours, very sensitive IEMs so I didn't think much of it...
But now that you mention it, I don't know if that was part of their design.
Mar 14, 2012 at 3:12 AM Post #2,153 of 6,777

I ordered the first shipment of the FiiO E17 and have had it since. I just diagnosed the E17 as having background noise. I tried hdmi > tv > toslink, nvidia graphics card hdmi > monitor > coaxial, pc > usb, and all of them display the noise. I have usb power charge off, gain set to 0 and volume set to 22. I tried both my UE Triple Fi 10's and they both have the noise, however, my ATH-M50's do not; in fact I've been using my M50's and not the Triple Fi's, which is why I just recently noticed it.

I tried the same setup as your but I don't detect any noise on my TF10.
Mar 14, 2012 at 5:18 AM Post #2,154 of 6,777
Havent checked this topic in like a week or two...when will this be sold on amazon?  also are there any sites that have this available now?
Mar 14, 2012 at 6:45 AM Post #2,156 of 6,777
I think it has to do with the noise that pops up sometimes. I only get it on 6 to 12 dB where i would need to wait or turn the volume up even more to get rid of noise, that is supposidly in there by the digital volume design. 
Could it be external noise?
Amazon won't get it until we get a steady shipment over to the U.S, it seems fiio is currently focusing on main distro's and side unofficial distro's largely haven't gotten them yet.
Mar 14, 2012 at 7:30 AM Post #2,157 of 6,777
Anyone have issues with 24/88 files? My unit won't play flac files coded as such over usb at all and will play over toslink but with clicks and drops channels randomly...
Mar 14, 2012 at 11:44 AM Post #2,159 of 6,777

I also don't detect any noise with my IE8 and IE80.
BTW here is my review of the E17:
For me, it's a keeper

Thanks for this post. I plan on getting the E17 and pair it up with my IE80s.
Mar 14, 2012 at 2:15 PM Post #2,160 of 6,777
So its mid march, and the distribution for the second batch was supposed to go out by now. Still no word though. I wonder if they pushed it back to April ?

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