Chinese / Asian Brand Info Thread (Headphones, IEMs, Amps, DACs)
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Jul 11, 2016 at 6:41 PM Post #31,171 of 35,472
I have ordered the LZ A2s. I hope I enjoy them. The Havi are also very good and I love to ear them. They can really overwhelm you but they are hard to pair and tend go get picky with the music they´re playing.
Anyway, I don´t think I will order these but they look very bulky. How do they fit compared to the b3?

Actually thats the thing, they fit better than the Havi. The TFZ Series 1 is one of THE comfiest iems I have tried to date. The Series 3 and 5 are a bit larger, but I can still sleep on my side while wearing them. While they are not quite flush as the Vsonic VSD3, they are still quite ergonomic, and I would recommend them based on ergonomics and comfort alone.
They also sound pretty darn good :p
To be honest, the more experienced I get with gears, the more my previous notions erode. I would have sworn up and down the street that the Havi sounds night and day better with an amplifier vs just my phone, or that they are super picky about source, but I find that they sound really darn good out of my phone and to be honest they sound good out of everything I have dac/amp wise. Thats not taking into account better sounding dacs ofc, that goes without saying.
And the A2S is what the A3 SHOULD have been IMO. Tip rolling was quite helpful for me in terms of getting a seal that gave me the most balanced presentation. That review will be dropping soon as well :wink:  
Jul 11, 2016 at 7:01 PM Post #31,172 of 35,472
Well this should make your wait easier I think :p





The TFZ Series 3 and 5 are just straight up bonkers. And I mean that in the best way possible. They have opened my eyes to what naturally warm sounding dynamic driver iems SHOULD sound like. All three are fantastic but I would say the Series 3 or 5 are where the special sauce is at IMO.

I would say that the LZ A2S and TFZ series are the new standards for what you can get for <100 dollars these days. Along with the Havi B3 Pro 1 of course :wink:

did you paint the earphone?
Jul 11, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #31,173 of 35,472
I have ordered the LZ A2s. I hope I enjoy them. The Havi are also very good and I love to ear them. They can really overwhelm you but they are hard to pair and tend go get picky with the music they´re playing.
Anyway, I don´t think I will order these but they look very bulky. How do they fit compared to the b3?

did you paint the earphone?
Jul 11, 2016 at 8:02 PM Post #31,175 of 35,472
Jul 11, 2016 at 8:18 PM Post #31,177 of 35,472
Nice review, but I wouldn't necessarily say that the HP150 would run circles around the HP2011 and clearly more details is essential for a better description on your pretty extensive review. The Pro 80's are more efficient, but the HP2011's are more neutral with a wider soundstage. And, I have both to prove that theory.
  Of course, modding the Pro 80's will definitely be an improvement, which I didn't have to do with the HP2011's. Really, I don't mean to bash!......but more details would be nice.

On a lighter note, can you show some picks on the mod you are referring to with HP150 and the mod kit from True-Fi, or a link to their website? .....Thanks in advance.

Do you have the HP150? 
The tru-fi mod has it's own thread -
Don't know how you propose to "prove" something like that, but if you care to try, I'll be more than interested in your method.
Anyway. Comparing the HP2011 to the HP150 just isn't very fair, since the HP150 is on a whole different level IMO. Clarity, separation, soundstage, you name it. From the top of my head, I can't think of anything, really, where the HP2011 can compete. Just my opinion, of course, feel free to do your own comparison between them and disagree with me. I would be very interested in reading your comparison between them.
I make no claims of being a super reviewer, my ears aren't even close to the ones of some people here, but to MY ears, the HP2011 are okay, but nothing too spectacular. To those same ears, the HP150 are amazing. If you think the HP2011 can compete, the more power to you, you just saved about a hundred bucks.
As I said - I didn't want to go into details after such a quick listen, but I might give some more impressions when I've had some more time with the V2. 
Jul 11, 2016 at 9:42 PM Post #31,179 of 35,472

No offense but I agree with @peter123 to a certain extent. People aren't mad at you for sharing impressions, that's fine. What I think gets under people's skin is reading many of your impressions which I don't necessarily agree with, then read you criticise others for thinking there's gear better than what you own. Let's keep this open to everyone's opinion. We all like headphones, so let's let everyone on here have an opinion whether it's what we consider to be a trusted one or not.


It's all good 'Hisoundfi'.....We all agree to disagree, not just me.
  Let's all just keep moving along, its all been seddled.

  Totally agree. For example: I like my TY HI-Z cheapos a lot but some other user who just got them complained about them to be harsh. Now I could tell him I have a super-duper Hifi and know and hear more - I don't.
Just try to read between the lines here and you'll get a decent opinion for your own self. Plus these are mainly cheap products we are talking about, who knows how sound signatures differ from one set to the other in the same series?
Take it easy everybody ...

Yea, I saw that too.....Thanks for your comments and help. Cheers!  

Jul 11, 2016 at 9:47 PM Post #31,180 of 35,472
  Do you have the HP150? 
The tru-fi mod has it's own thread -
Don't know how you propose to "prove" something like that, but if you care to try, I'll be more than interested in your method.
Anyway. Comparing the HP2011 to the HP150 just isn't very fair, since the HP150 is on a whole different level IMO. Clarity, separation, soundstage, you name it. From the top of my head, I can't think of anything, really, where the HP2011 can compete. Just my opinion, of course, feel free to do your own comparison between them and disagree with me. I would be very interested in reading your comparison between them.
I make no claims of being a super reviewer, my ears aren't even close to the ones of some people here, but to MY ears, the HP2011 are okay, but nothing too spectacular. To those same ears, the HP150 are amazing. If you think the HP2011 can compete, the more power to you, you just saved about a hundred bucks.
As I said - I didn't want to go into details after such a quick listen, but I might give some more impressions when I've had some more time with the V2. 

Thanks for your reply! I didn't really mean to bash, I was just more curious of the sound signature you were inquiring about coming from your HP150.
.....Can the HP150 still be bought today? And how much do they go for?
Jul 11, 2016 at 10:07 PM Post #31,181 of 35,472
  My set of the TFZ lineup has arrived in Chicago, I should be receiving these in the next couple of days. I'm really excited about these things! I've heard positive feedback from just about everyone who's tried them, especially the series 3 and series 5.

I really enjoy mine, I think they come very close to my Arias. I look forward to your thoughts... I initially didn't like them, but they really grow on you. They're more tilted towards the bass, but with mods they are pretty neutral. I think the mids are better pulled off on the TFZ at moderate-high volumes, and with harakiri mod the bass is just perfect. Aria gets the upper hand in treble extension though.
Jul 11, 2016 at 10:16 PM Post #31,182 of 35,472
Well this should make your wait easier I think :p





The TFZ Series 3 and 5 are just straight up bonkers. And I mean that in the best way possible. They have opened my eyes to what naturally warm sounding dynamic driver iems SHOULD sound like. All three are fantastic but I would say the Series 3 or 5 are where the special sauce is at IMO.

I would say that the LZ A2S and TFZ series are the new standards for what you can get for <100 dollars these days. Along with the Havi B3 Pro 1 of course :wink:

Could you give short comparison between the 3 and 5. I'm looking for a good IEM with V-shaped signature atm. I can get the 3 for 45usd and the 5 for 60usd. Is it worth paying extra for the 5?
Jul 11, 2016 at 10:25 PM Post #31,183 of 35,472
I really enjoy mine, I think they come very close to my Arias. I look forward to your thoughts... I initially didn't like them, but they really grow on you. They're more tilted towards the bass, but with mods they are pretty neutral. I think the mids are better pulled off on the TFZ at moderate-high volumes, and with harakiri mod the bass is just perfect. Aria gets the upper hand in treble extension though.

How does these mods work?
Jul 11, 2016 at 10:41 PM Post #31,184 of 35,472
How does these mods work?

The mod I've done is very simple.
I've only done one mod -- the "harakiri" mod (Japanese Seppuku reference). This involves poking a thin needle into the bass port, puncturing a film that is just below the shell surface. Once the needle penetrates the thin film, you'll feel it and you can stop there. If you go further, you risk hitting the driver as well. It's really not that hard to do, it's easy to go slow and stop right after you break the film. This mod decreases the bass. Stock tuning, these are pretty bassy and definitely a good bit above neutral. Opening a small hole in the film lets air to escape the back of the housing, which will result in more neutral/natural bass levels.
Another mod, which I have not done, is removing the filter from the iem. You just lift the silver plate on the nozzle, and underneath there's a foam (HifiMan) filter. Just remove it and put the silver grill back on. This makes them more treble forward. I prefer to avoid sibilance or shoutiness so I left this alone.
There's also another mod which involves venting the actual tip... didn't bother to do that because it seems complicated, but the user said after he did all of these mods, they're so good that he's selling his Andromeda.
If you're interested in reading more discussion about the TFZ 5 you can search up "tfz endgame" on google :)
Jul 12, 2016 at 12:18 AM Post #31,185 of 35,472
  Could you give short comparison between the 3 and 5. I'm looking for a good IEM with V-shaped signature atm. I can get the 3 for 45usd and the 5 for 60usd. Is it worth paying extra for the 5?

The 5 is godlike. speaking as having owned $500+ IEMs and sampled a bunch? These are giant killers.
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