Calling All "Vintage" Integrated/Receiver Owners
Feb 14, 2014 at 4:02 AM Post #11,746 of 19,145
Listen for any faint crackling noises, which hopefully will be nothing more than noisy pots.
Also...after the unit warms up, I always smell each receiver for a tobacco/nicotine smell which usually indicates the previous owner(s) were smokers. I can't stand that smell and had to pass up a nice Pioneer receiver because of it.

*If* you can stand that smell up close for say a day - usually, most of the fine dust/debris can be cleaned off, but it is lots of (gruesome) work. Then it has eventually chance for the smell to eventually subside to an acceptable level.
I had to endure my own above medicine once with the Yamaha CRW-F1 cd burner (the best of its ilk- ever) - I felt like I was cleaning previous owner's ashtray  for about a year's worth of "spent cigarettes" (English not my first language). The damn thing was so smoked that the only course to get the lens (and everything else...) clean so that it would read the CD-R was to use Q-tips (LOTS of them...) moistened with alcohol .
It is still happily burning CD-Rs....
Feb 14, 2014 at 6:02 AM Post #11,747 of 19,145
Here she is back together, shinned up, and all controls treated with DeoxIt.  Sounds fantastic!!!

Brilliant work SB, I've enjoyed following this one. 
  I promised some pcitures of the SX-1980 with my recent pick-up: a pair of McIntosh XR 1051s. Oh man, do they sound great!


Very special! Really, an idyllic set up. Is that a Sansui reverb unit to add some purrdy colors too! 
Feb 14, 2014 at 9:06 AM Post #11,748 of 19,145
That's a great looking system you have there, Tim! Congrats.
Feb 14, 2014 at 10:06 AM Post #11,750 of 19,145
  Very special! Really, an idyllic set up. Is that a Sansui reverb unit to add some purrdy colors too! 

Thank you! I do love how the Sansui lights up. I've considered making some removable LED modifications so that the brightness changes randomly.
That's a great looking system you have there, Tim! Congrats.

Thanks Rob! When I picked the speakers up, I was no more than 20 minutes from your place. Totally worth the drive.
  Congratulations! I see we have almost the same setup now Wotts, but don't worry, I have one last McTrick hopefully coming. No hints, too rare.

Oooo...I can't wait to see!
Feb 14, 2014 at 12:58 PM Post #11,751 of 19,145
I guess Luxman LV-110 is considered as a vintage amp?

Feb 15, 2014 at 12:52 AM Post #11,752 of 19,145
I put in blue LED's in my Marantz 2226B and it looks AMAZING! now all I need is a LED for the dial pointer and the STEREO indicator. It's really difficult to replace those meter lamps because the old plastic housing is so brittle that it breaks with the slightest touch, the bit of plastic that holds the meter lamps in place broke but the stiff wires hold them in place enough at least. 
Feb 15, 2014 at 2:34 AM Post #11,753 of 19,145
  I put in blue LED's in my Marantz 2226B and it looks AMAZING! now all I need is a LED for the dial pointer and the STEREO indicator. It's really difficult to replace those meter lamps because the old plastic housing is so brittle that it breaks with the slightest touch, the bit of plastic that holds the meter lamps in place broke but the stiff wires hold them in place enough at least. 

Brrrrrr.... BLUE LED, that is. I am the last person in this world complaining regarding looks - if it sounds good and looks like s..t, OK with me. EXCEPT for blue LEDs. Even on current equipment, whenever and wherever possible, I ALWAYS replace them with something not making my eyes sore. This goes so far that I refuse to audition a new component at dealer's if he does not cover that damn thing with CD or similar object...
Otherwise, yes, old plastic has to be treated extremely gently - one "look" too hard, and it breaks.
Feb 15, 2014 at 2:58 AM Post #11,754 of 19,145
I hate the whole "Look a me" LED syndrome with audio components. I understand companies/designers competing for attention inside the listening room BUT as the customer, I'm ready to show many a model the door!

Feb 15, 2014 at 3:20 AM Post #11,755 of 19,145
  I put in blue LED's in my Marantz 2226B and it looks AMAZING! now all I need is a LED for the dial pointer and the STEREO indicator. It's really difficult to replace those meter lamps because the old plastic housing is so brittle that it breaks with the slightest touch, the bit of plastic that holds the meter lamps in place broke but the stiff wires hold them in place enough at least. 

Good luck trying to change the 'Stereo' bulb. I tried on my 2220, most fiddly thing I've ever attempted (and failed). I've read that there are top brain surgeons that refuse to go near them!  
Feb 15, 2014 at 3:33 AM Post #11,756 of 19,145
  I hate the whole "Look a me" LED syndrome with audio components. I understand companies/designers competing for attention inside the listening room BUT as the customer, I'm ready to show many a model the door!

It is amusing but not funny - at home I hate light/LED "Christmas tree" with passion, I positively adore it while recording - in darkened concert hall,  black component with black knobs & tiny white>whitish>pale remnants of white markings are night@mare; LEDs denoting the position of EVERY switch most welcome. Looks "grouse/garish to the max" in the listening room at home; poor manufacturers, they can hardly please this one lone analogsurviver, let alone the public at large...
The control to switch the "christmas tree" on or off seems to be the only real solution.
Feb 15, 2014 at 4:15 AM Post #11,757 of 19,145
  Good luck trying to change the 'Stereo' bulb. I tried on my 2220, most fiddly thing I've ever attempted (and failed). I've read that there are top brain surgeons that refuse to go near them!  

Seriously? I had no problem whatsoever on my 2230. Just peeled the dial plate and diffuser off, and it was sitting right there. Same fuse lamp that is in the rest of the dial assembly.
Feb 15, 2014 at 4:28 AM Post #11,758 of 19,145
Seriously? I had no problem whatsoever on my 2230. Just peeled the dial plate and diffuser off, and it was sitting right there. Same fuse lamp that is in the rest of the dial assembly.

Really..? Hmm.. Just couldn't get the little box that the bulb is in - out, in order to get inside. I could see that it was a different type of bulb too! 
Feb 15, 2014 at 8:51 AM Post #11,759 of 19,145
It is amusing but not funny - at home I hate light/LED "Christmas tree" with passion, I positively adore it while recording - in darkened concert hall,  black component with black knobs & tiny white>whitish>pale remnants of white markings are night@mare; LEDs denoting the position of EVERY switch most welcome. Looks "grouse/garish to the max" in the listening room at home; poor manufacturers, they can hardly please this one lone analogsurviver, let alone the public at large...
The control to switch the "christmas tree" on or off seems to be the only real solution.

I often listen in low to moderate lighting, either by lamp or candles. Occasionally in the dark. I'd be less willing to push components off the 12th floor if indicators were soft, muted. Eventually, I may have to discretely place some film over the offenders, tastefully so.
Feb 15, 2014 at 9:00 AM Post #11,760 of 19,145
My minty McIntosh MA230 has arrived, my office rig is now complete. Woot woot! Numfar! Do the dance of joy & celebration!!


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