1. M

    Bunch O' vintage Japanese headphones!

    Wanted to show off my lastest acquirements from the land of Japan! As you can tell I'm a very happy boy 😆 So surprisingly I love the Pioneer SE-4's outta all of them, maybe the 9's too but not the L series L40,401,20. The L20A's are fab but all are kinda uncomfy on my ears I'm more an over ear...
  2. M

    Detachable cable mod - Pioneer SE-505

    Mods please move to the appropriate sub if needed. As the title suggests, I own (now 2 pairs) these bad bois I love the sound etc... and wanted to mod them with a detachable cable, wasn't comfortable since I owned one pair now I have two of em I feel comfortable to give it a go! My main...
  3. sebaz

    Fiio BTR15 impossible to pair with Pioneer VSX-935 receiver.

    The Pioneer VSX-935 is excellent in many ways, but Bluetooth is not one of them. In fact, the Bluetooth implementation is absolute garbage. Not only the amount of steps that you have to go through to get to actually pair anything, but more than anything, how buggy and unreliable it is. If it had...
  4. H

    Pioneer SE-700 repair upgrade restore (plus random info)

    I have a pair of pioneer se-700 that have the usual broken cable near the ear-cup connection. The previous owner has already chopped the plug end 10-15cm shorter to fix an earlier break in the cable. When they did this they replaced the original plug with a large gold plug that looks very out or...
  5. N

    [HELP] Mi HD Pro replacement: Philips Hi-Res Audio PRO6305BK Vs. Pioneer Hi-Res Audio SE-CH3T

    Hi all, So I had been using Mi HD Pro earphones for some time. It was just perfect for me. I am not much into bass stuff. I like granular and clear sound. And Mi Pro HD probably had the perfect sound, BUT the durability of wires left a lot to be desired. The wires kept breaking and...
  6. J

    Pioneer HDJ - X10. Top Pioneer Headphones

    I would like to create a thread of this headphones because I don't see so much thing about them in here. I was a user of Sennheriser HD280 PRO, then i bought the Sennheiser HD 25. I was not satisfied by anyone of these headphones. The HD25 are over ear, i didin't like the feel, they don't...
  7. S

    Best DAP with Tidal // Google Play for CIEM use?

    I use CTM-500Elite CIEM’s and usually listen on my Pioneer XDP-100r which is great but there is a little noise floor that’s annoying at times, and I mostly use Tidal to stream especially in offline mode I want to upgrade new something new, I’ve looked at a lot of DAP’s out today’s and...
  8. M

    I need help to use my vintage pioneer CS-307 speakers

    I have some really old speakers but I can't figure out how to use them. I'm relatively new to this whole technology thing and would really like some help. My speakers are of the pioneer brand and the model is Cs-307. I would really appreciate if someone would help me to use the speakers. Cause...
  9. Pioneer CH3

    Pioneer CH3

    Sound Graphene-Coated diaphragm for Hi-Res Audio. Rare-earth magnets for dynamic sound. 8 Hz–40 kHz frequency response covers Hi-Res Audio spectrum. Design Luxurious alumite-processed high-texture gloss earphone finish. Available in five attractive color variations. Fit Supports...
  10. MarcoC978

    Best 60€ cans for music production?

    Hello, world! So, let's cut it short and straight to the subject. I want to find the best headphones for music production costing 60€. NOTE: They must be from Thomann. NO LOCAL DEALS. I already have a few options and requirements: Audio-Technica ATH-M30X/20X (What's the difference between the...
  11. Todd

    Pioneer Elite UDP-LX500 @ TTVJAudio.com

    Hi All, The new Pioneer Elite UDP LX500 Universal Disc Player fills a gap left with the departure of OPPO from the Universal player scene. We think very highly of this new offering from Pioneer Elite and can recommend it to you as a very fine audio player as well as being an excellent Blu-Ray...
  12. Jaywalk3r

    Need a hack/workaround to play non-Apple DAP through HomePod

    I have a Pioneer XDP-02U DAP inbound. It will be my primary mobile source. When I'm at home, I keep my music in my local iTunes library and listen through a pair of HomePods. Currently, I'm using my iPhone as my source, so as I'm walking in the door, I can switch the output to my HomePod, and...
  13. Camper1995

    New DAP stuck in Factory Reset Protection, cannot use the device

    Hi guys, so recently I bought (on eBay) the Pioneer XDP-100R for fun, to try it out since it looked promising enough for an affordable price. However when I opened up the package and launched the device, I got the very first andriod initialization screen where you have to select langauge, wifi...
  14. awt.chu

    Help me to decide

    can you help me to choose between these 2 iem. so that i can finally buy my tier 3 of new iem . because currently i am using co donguri right now
  15. _Bionic_

    IEM Recommendations for XDP-100R

    Hi folks, I have a Pioneer XDP-100R which I use to listen to all my music, it's a combination of 16/24bit FLAC and 16bit MP3's. At home, I listen with Sony MDR-1A cans but at work I am currently using some AKG IEM's which were bundled in with my Samsung S8 phone. At the moment I'm using a...
  16. S

    Astell & Kern-70 DAP + Bowers & Wilkins P9 headphones

    After much reading i pretty much decided to buy Astell & Kern-70 DAP and B&W P9 headphones. Does anyone own this gear? Can anyone tell me if it´s a good combination? Does anyone have experiences of Pioneer XDP-30? Does AK-70 sound better then Pioneer XDP-30? Thanks
  17. Beng Yeow

    Pioneer's new TOTL Closed Back SE-Monitor 5 headphones

    Taking many a cue from its flagship SE-Master 1 design, audio specialist Pioneer has just added a new headphone to its ever-growing range - the SE-Monitor 5 - offering hi-tech audio performance as well as support for both balanced and unbalanced audio. This new set of closed-back, over-ear cups...
  18. Steve80

    Onkyo DP-S1 Rubato / Pioneer XDP-30R Private

  19. SubSTI

    Pioneer XDP-300R | Twin DAC ES9018K2M | Balanced Out | Android | MQA | 2x MicroSD | WiFi | AptX

            http://pioneer-headphones.com/japanese/dap/xdp-300r/   Specs are similar to Onkyo DP-X1, but with an improved headphone jack / top plate to address the issues the DP-X1 and XDP-100R had with the loose jack. Speaker and bumper of the XDP-100R are gone.   Roughly in the same...
  20. tisumner

    Suggest me a set

    I currently own Pioneer Steez but would like a bit more sound, both treble and bass wise, with nice clear sound- I have a budget of about $80.00, what do ya'll suggest?
  21. takato14

    Pioneer Master-1S?

    These...   http://www.ebay.com/itm/111253804572?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1426.l2649   Never seen them before, tried to win them but a trader backed out on me so I got screwed over. Anyone have them or any information? Google is useless...
  22. Hawaiibadboy

    The Hardest hitting Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")

    What are the best bass headphones? This is the hunt for the "Top 10" Bass headphones on the consumer market. The list will be compiled and based on identical set-ups (or similar) and tracks with identical Eq sloping/boosting...
  23. daniel521

    Are Pioneer headphones good?

    I haven't heard much about them, what can you tell me about them?
  24. postrock

    Compact Portable Headphone Roundup (16 Phones including PortaPro, PX-100 II, V-Jays, Tracks, K430, and more)

    Introduction We seem to be in a “golden age” in terms of the number of good sounding, lightweight, portable headphones that are available on the market. Portable music players and digital music files have become the norm. And for many, such as me, IEM headphones are just not an option. In this...
  25. nickrobotron

    Does a vintage receiver cut it as a headphone amplifier?

    I have a pair of AKG K601's and I've read here that they are hard to drive. I have two restored vintage receivers (Marantz 2250B and Pioneer SX-850) and a modern NAD C 740 receiver. The headphones sound incredible on all three receivers, but I'm wondering if I'm missing something. Would it be...