Help me pick: Unique Melody, Lear or other CIEM for my needs?
Hey guys, I am looking for my first CIEM (China/HK brand preferred) and hoping you guys could help me pick a winner. Budget: $1000 to $1200 Music I listen to: (mainly instrumentals when possible) Mainly- Dubstep, Chillstep, Hip Hop, Trance, Rap. I also like some- Metal, Punk, Rock, Oldies...- cciissccoo
- Thread
- bass china ciem ciem's hong kong lear lear-bd-4-2 merlin unique melody unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Introductions, Help and Recommendations
Custom IEMs :D
So! I've been running with a pair of Shure SE535 LTDs for a couple of years now (I actually have 2 pairs of 535s. Long story) and I've been really happy with the the clarity and the sound signature in general I guess. I tried out a universal pair of JH16 Pros at Jaben Audio and was blown away by...- jtai117
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-miracle jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors shure-se535-v-earphone unique-melody-merlin 1964-ears-v8-eight-driver-custom-iem
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Help me finalize my decision on my purchase.
Hi, Just needed some help to decide on what to get. Here are my choices: Asg-2, SD-3, Merlin, Miracle or any other recommendation for less than 1k. It would be best if you can give a short summary of the sound sig of these earphones i mentioned.- OmsJtmz32
- Thread
- unique-melody-miracle inear-stagediver-sd-3 aurisonics-asg-2 unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 9
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
SoundStage/Theatre/Bass/Power [Need help assuming unlimited budget]
Assuming an unlimited budget, I'd love to get some of the experts on here to chime in.. -- Although the budget is unlimited, the person using these IEM's won't be willing to buy or carry any other accessories other than his iphone 5 (no amp or whatever). Purely the budget is for the...- johntheman123
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-merlin westone-es-5
- Replies: 0
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
$600 good sub bass Custom/Universal iems recommendations
Hay guys So recently i have lost my beloved atrios mg7 with the custom sleeve on them and i am now searching for replacements. I have increased my budget allot since when I was buying my atrios witch was $250. My new budget is now $600. I am looking for mostly costume iems since they seem...- sid12345678910
- Thread
- 1964-ears-1964-q-quad-driver-custom-iem atrio-mg7-pro-red-010-049 aurisonics-asg-2 future-sonics-mg6pro unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 14
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Looking for a Lush, liquid, warm and yet still accurate CIEM, my choose now is between Heir 8A and Unique Melody Merlin. What is the better choose?
Looking for a Lush, liquid, warm and yet still accurate CIEM, my choose now is between Heir 8A and Unique Melody Merlin. I have already own a JH13 and now I am seeking something warmer and more liquid as alternative. Thank you!- ThisIsSteve
- Thread
- fostex-hp-a8-c unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Gotta grand to spend. JH16 or better chain?
So I currently run a pair of Triple Fis with a Fiio e10. I don't have a portable setup yet as the TF10 is tough to move about with. I've got a grand to spend on upgrades and figured I'd see what's is recommended. I was considering the JH16 while it is on sale, but would getting a better chain...- X-Ravin
- Thread
- nerb-handcraft-fiio-x3-leather-case jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors fiio-e10 unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 13
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
What the best custom iem?
Hi. I need help deciding. What the best custom iem for me is? I listening rap, hiphop, r&b, dubstep sometimes metal. And I also love bass. My music player: İphone 5s and Macbook pro 13 retina. And not used dac or amp. I'm not a musician, just a listener. Thanks. (Not budget limits- Buruburu1980
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 3
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Unique Melody CIEM faceplate design question
Hey guys, I'm thinking of getting a Merlin, and would like to get carbon fiber inserts under a colored translucent faceplate, but I can't find any pictures of anyone doing something like that, anywhere, on any CIEM (everyone seems to get clear). Does anyone have any pictures of carbon fiber...- Kaician
- Thread
- unique-melody unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 11
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Um Miracle vs Um merlin
I have a merlin and I will buy Miracle. Is it good choice? IsMiracle better than Merlin? ;)- yh0438
- Thread
- unique-melody-miracle unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Fitear MH335DW vs JH16 pro vs Unique Melody Merlin vs Roxanne
Hi guys, Been using IEMs for a while now. Finally been able to save up some cash and now I would like to upgrade my IEMs to CIEMs. Since i'm going to get married soon, this is possibly the last IEMs I might ever get. Would like to make it a good one. One last hurrah if you will. (wife to be...- yeongman
- Thread
- fitear-mh335dw-custom-in-ear-monitors jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Headphone lwith sound similar to UM Merlin
Getting on and off my beloved CIEMs in the office became a pain in the... (you know where), so I decided that I need to buy a well isolating headphone (without any leak outside), so nobody get's frustrated with my music, but if necessary (and it is often!) I can fast and easily answer to anyone...- PsiCore
- Thread
- fiio-e11 unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Need help (ipod touch + DAC/Amp?)
Hi to all! Could you please recommend a portable DAC/Amp or DAC + Amp for my Ipod Touch 4, which will ensure the BEST sound. Headphones : Logitech UE900, Sony mdr-ex1000 (UM Merlin, Westone 5 in plans) Musical preferences : ambient, classical music, metal. Budget : 700-800$- 13th
- Thread
- logitech-ue-900 unique-melody-merlin westone-es-5 sony-mdr-ex-1000
- Replies: 5
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Whiplash twag/twcu v3 custom cable for UM Merlin
Has anyone tried the Whiplash twag/twcu v3 cable on the merlin? Tell me how it sounds! :o- francannn
- Thread
- unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Unique Melody Mentor debut in Tokyo e-earphone festival
Today I had the pleasure of being introduced to Stephen Guo of Unique Melody. He was at the e-earphone Portable Festival in Akihabara for the past two days and brought along a new gem which adds to the Unique Melody line. The Unique Melody Mentor is a 10xBA design of 4xLows (Warning...- AnakChan
- Thread
- unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 849
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Portable AMP/DAC for both home and travel use with UM Merlin
I'll likely be purchasing UM Merlin CIEMs and was wondering if anyone could kindly recommend a solid amp/DAC without a far-fetched price to me. In the time that I have had available I've stumbled upon the FiiO E17 which has a <0.3Ω impedance. ...- Costantino
- Thread
- unique-melody-merlin fiio-e17
- Replies: 4
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Portable Amp for Unique Melody Miracles?
Hey Guys, This is my first post, so please be gentle :D I've just taken the plunge and bought a very good set of IEM's and want to get some decent equipment to drive them. I only ordered the IEM's today, but I would like to have some gear ready for them when they arrive. So I currently...- 182751
- Thread
- unique-melody-mage headphone-amplifiers portable-amps unique-melody-miracle unique-melody-aero unique-melody-merlin practical-devices-xm6
- Replies: 10
- Forum: Portable Headphone Amps
Free Ear Impressions for Unique Melody AUSTRALIA clients.
FREE EAR IMPRESSIONS AND POSTAGE for Aussie customers! Starting Wednesday 20th of July and running for one week, Unique Melody Australia will pay for your ear impressions and postage to our head office for every set of Unique Melody Custom in ear monitors ordered. Please note, this is...- UniqueMelodyAus
- Thread
- unique-melody-mage unique-melody unique-melody-miracle unique-melody-aero unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Sponsor Announcements and Deals
Help a heartbroken man in toronto decide for his first CIEM
First off I have a westone 4R although i love the mids and the soundstage i felt that the high is kinda boring and the low is a bit slow so i decided to ditch it and sold it today now I dont know what to do im looking for a custom IEM or Univesal IEM but my budget is around 600-1000 and there is...- meiaen
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors fitear-to-go-334 unique-melody-miracle jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors tralucent-audio-1plus2 heir-audio-8-a unique-melody-merlin westone-es-5 rhapsodio-rdb-hybrid-2ba-dynamic-driver
- Replies: 17
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Balanced Cables for Unique Melody Miracles
Hi All, I am looking for recommendations for a balanced cable for my UM Miracle custom earphones and would appreciate any recommendations including where to purchase. Many thanks James- Vicks7
- Thread
- unique-melody-mage unique-melody-miracle unique-melody-aero unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 1
- Forum: Cables, Power, Tweaks, Speakers, Accessories (DBT-Free Forum)
Replacement cable for Unique Melody TF10 remould.
So, now that AmpCity have stolen my money and are no longer replying to emails about my order, I need to get hold of a replacement cable for my custom TF10 that they remoulded. Cost is an issue as they've already taken money off me and there is no sign of getting it refunded. I would...- davidjearly
- Thread
- ultimate-ears-triplefi-10-noise-isolating-earphones double-helix-cables-symbiote-se unique-melody-mage null-audio-lune-series-upgrade-cable-mkii unique-melody-miracle headphone-cables unique-melody-aero unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 2
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Need your advice: UM Merlin or UE18?
Hello head-fiers I have been saving money for my next custom since last year. I have been using JH16 for 2 years and I really want a side-grade. The 2 customs that get my attention are UE18 and UM Merlin. I'm very curious about this 2 customs. I have read a lot of reviews about the Merlin...- king8888
- Thread
- ue-18-pro jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors future-sonics-mg6pro unique-melody-merlin westone-es-5
- Replies: 12
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Searching for a CIEM sound like Denon D7000
Hi everyone Right now, I have owned a pair of D7k for 2 years already. So, I want to try a CIEM that have the similar sound with D7k so that I can carry around when I'm traveling. Carrying a huge fullsize headphone on the neck is very painful and uncomfortable. I wonder if anyone can...- king8888
- Thread
- ue-18-pro denon-ah-d7000-headphones jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors heir-audio-8-a unique-melody-merlin westone-es-5
- Replies: 6
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
ACS T1 Live! vs Heir Audio 8.A vs Unique Melody Miracle?
I think I'm ready to dive into the world of customs! This is my first custom IEM (coming from universals) so I'm hoping to be surprised. Price limit is $2000, because I don't have that much money to spend, and I profit by selling TF2 unusual hats. Here's a little bit more about my usage and the...- snappyaxolotl
- Thread
- jh-audio-jh13-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-miracle spiral-ear-se-5-way-reference ultimate-ears-in-ear-reference-monitors jh-audio-jh16-pro-custom-in-ear-monitors custom-in-ear-monitors heir-audio-8-a unique-melody-merlin
- Replies: 40
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors
Thread reserved for future purposes
Thread reserved for future purposes- snappyaxolotl
- Thread
- custom-in-ear-monitors unique-melody-merlin 1964-ears-v6-six-driver-custom-iem
- Replies: 8
- Forum: Portable Headphones, Earphones and In-Ear Monitors