  1. spekkio

    UE 500 Mini-Review

    Introduction   Hello everyone, I am rather new to this board. I recently bought the Ultimate Ears 500 and found that there are not many reviews of it around. So I decided to try my hand at reviewing it. Please forgive me if I have used / abused any audio terms.   General + Testing  ...
  2. dude120

    Question on IEMs

    I'm looking to get the best set of IEM's I can for the price. I'm willing to listen to suggestions, but I believe I've narrowed my choices down to two sets of IEM's.  Would either of these be good choices for the price range, and which one would you be the general consensus to be a better...
  3. arj154

    cheap full sized headphones? £40 max idealy £25-30

    Hi can anyone recommend some good headphones in this price range? its for someone who listens to rock mainly but also pop etc. (this is for my sister) Also sound isolation would be nice as she will be using them on the bus etc and durability as well.    EDIT: i see that theres a buyers...
  4. veggiop

    RE0 with foam tips/shue olives/sony hybrids?

    Hey Guys what difference, if any, would there be in the sound if i use Soundmagic PL30 foamies/Shure Olives/Sony Hybrids? which ones are recommended? i'd like them to last long, and, i have experienced that, the higher frequency sounds that irritate me sometimes are lowered with the small...
  5. TuNeCedeMalis

    Any way to find DBA-02 or ATH-CK10s?

    I've been itching for my first pair of great quality headphones for a little while now. My current consideration for purchase is a sansa fuze, with re0(or zero), and an E5 portable amp.   However, after reading some more, I really want one of the two listed in the title! Does anyone know...
  6. bigheadhifi

    [ask] Advice, RE-zero vs Fischer DBA-02 vs Ety hf5

    Hi guys im  a new guy here in head-fi, and i need some advices. I've been collecting some low end earphones, and i thought that im ready to go higher. I like some clarity and tight bass from my earphone, i have some choices in my mind,, but  i just cant make up my mind, they are:   1...
  7. psgarcha92

    Sony Hybrids/Shure Olives/PL30 Foamies for RE0?

    Hey Guys what difference, if any, would there be in the sound if i use Soundmagic PL30 foamies/Shure Olives/Sony Hybrids? which ones are recommended? i'd like them to last long, and, i have experienced that, the higher frequency sounds that irritate me sometimes are lowered with the small...
  8. TheMessiah

    How to get 5.5mm Jack into ipod 3.5mm input?

    Are there any products out there for this? it seems like all the good IEMs arn't compatible with the ipod. Any help would be greatly appriciated. And can you recomend Some IEMs for under $100USD I dont care for bass I like to listen to soft music but I also like to listen to rap/hiphop so bass...
  9. KjtWicked

    Looking for IEM's to go with my new Droid

    I just got a new HTC Inspire 4g, which will allow me to have music on the go now. I had an Iphone, bu the input jack was broken. I've read through a lot of the reviews of the universal fits, but it's difficult to weed through, and I've yet to find a review that mentions the genre of music that I...
  10. LJH01

    A newbie's comparison between REO's and DBA-02's

    Hello All, I just received my DBA-02's last night.  I bought these because i was looking for the next step after the REO's that I have been listening too for the last 8 weeks or so.  First off  I would like to preface this by saying I have listened to 4 different sets of head phone in recent...
  11. TuNeCedeMalis

    Best portable source for RE-ZEROs?

    I've looked around as much as possible, before feeling I just need to post and ask. I have decided to get the RE-ZERO over the RE-0. I know that the source will have a big impact on the quality that comes through these bad boys, and i know there's the whole balanced cord business as opposed to...
  12. psgarcha92

    tracks for RE0s

    Hey Guys i dont know if this thread belongs here, its more about the IEMs then the music am going to ask about. If it doesnt belong here, my apologies, please move the thread,   What kind of music album / music tracks would show me the cool-ness of my RE0s? what music sounds best on them...
  13. psgarcha92

    tips for RE0s

    Hey Guys i want to buy tips for my new RE0s. i like the small biflanges that came with the RE0s, but they are a little big for my ear canals. are there any snaller biflanges or triflanges? like the ones that come with the Etymotic ER4Ps? (the tri flanges) also, any other suggestions for tips...
  14. Kfcounts

    Help a guy out...... Anyone had to glue their IEMs back toghether?

    I posted this in the RE0 thread, but one of my RE0s has come apart at its seam.  I assume its just a bad glue joint.  I'd like some advice on how best to put them back together.   Which glue is recommended?    Will I be able to get them loose much later if I have to replace the cables...
  15. insular

    I LOST MY ER4P's!

    Really annoying, because I really loved them. I love and need the best isolation and I thought these were pretty good at it. The sound was great and I was happy with them until I lost them somewhere (probably at the beach).   Anyway, I need replacements, and even though I threw up the idea...
  16. Blacklisted

    New and looking for headphones.

    Hey Head-Fi community, new guy here looking for some advice on what to get for my iTouch, preferably in-ear monitors. I am out a lot, I run every day, do work around the neighborhood and would like a pair that can keep out noise that isn't my music. Would prefer in-ears but if they aren't the...
  17. disgruntleddave

    Recommendations for Jazz, some Classic Rock, Radiohead

    Greetings.   I've done a lot of searching on the forums. I'm looking for headphones (sub $300).   My favourite music is Jazz. I'm a jazz player, would prefer a rather neutral set. I listen to various types. Sometimes recordings from a small jazz bar, sometimes big band (more new big band...
  18. jaxxx123

    head direct RE0 vs Klipsch s4?????

    which one should I go with????
  19. happa95

    Thinksound- which one?

    Hey, all. I've recently been entertaining the thought of buying some Thinksound earphones, but I'm not sure which one to get. I currently have Grado SR-80i's and the old Sennheiser PX-100's, and I actually enjoy the dark, smooth sound of the Sennheiser's a bit more than the liveliness and...
  20. psgarcha92

    RE0 Dissapointment

    Hey Guys finally, my RE0s arrived. they are the ones with the L shaped pigtail. now, here comes the important part. i am hugely dissapointed with the quality. do these need some burn in? i paid more than $100 for these because i live in india and shipping charges and everything u know...
  21. smm11

    RE0's unamped and with 128k?

    I know this question has been asked before and have been searching around, but I have not seen a definitive answer. I am buying these as a gift for some of my friends (non-audiophiles) none of which have (or probably will have) an external amp. They are also mostly listening to music at 128k...
  22. Enthusia

    Do your RE0's shock you?

    So here's my weird problem. Everytime I take off my pea coat or wear a fleece sweater my re0's shock the crap out of my ears. Seems like the re0's rub against my clothing and create some sort of static electricity. Is this a known problem, can anybody else try this?
  23. jaqueh

    re0 v ue700

    weird comparison i know, one being dynamic and the being DBA.   But which one is more similar to the sound signature that i seem to enjoy for metal: Cold sounding and very fast, good separation of instruments, decent soundstage (not too important), bass needs to be present, decent timbre...
  24. novicecans

    Considering buying the RE0, but I have a question..

    I own a pair of Grado SR60i and I love them, but I would like something I can listen to while outside/on the bus.  I've read many good things about the RE0, but like the Grados, people seem to point out the lack of bass as its weakness.  I'm actually fine with the way the bass sounds on my...
  25. bik2101

    sennheiser ie7 vs head-direct re-0

    I currently own the RE-0s but after reading a lot of good reviews of the IE7s, I've been thinking about picking up a pair. Can anyone comment on improvement, if any, there will be from the RE-0 to the IE7s?