  1. Rimo

    Help a rookie - Triple-fi 10 vs Fischer Audio DBA 02 vs Head-Direct RE0 vs something?

    Hello guys!   I have a new MP3-player, Cowon D2+ and want a good IEM now. When I´m looking around and trying to get good recommendations I´m just looking around in a jungle full of options.   I have been recommended three items that looks great but need a final choice and maybe you can...
  2. disgruntleddave

    I kinda regret picking up hd600s

    Firstly, I haven't gotten an amp yet. Am listening to them through a headphone output in my computer speakers. At least I have a slighlty better than super crappy sound card, instead of the one that's on board.   I listen to a lot of music at work, and I'm not bringing those big honkers here...
  3. SimonF

    Upgrading my Brainwavz M3

    Hello there.   I have a pair of Brainwavz M3 since December of 2010 and I want to make an upgrade of them. I would pay US$140.00 (max), but I'm kind of confused when I search IEM's in the Multi-Review of Jocker. The music that I listen are basically progressive / metal / power / grunge /...
  4. SarafAtak

    Good bang for buck IEMs

    Hello all   Apologies in advance if I use any technical terms in completely the wrong context...   I would like to narrow down a search for a good pair of in ear monitors anywhere between £50 and £150. Its not particularly the price i'm interested in but sound quality / value. I have...
  5. DCofficehack

    IEM for Classical, with a $150 budget

    I've been reading lots of threads, and as usual, my head is spinning. Too many options, but with little clarity as to where to go next.  I have a good idea of what to buy below $100 and what to buy if I could go above $150 (the ER-4 seems to get high marks for classical).  But what's in between...
  6. keanex

    Reactions to headphones you haven't listened to in a while.

    Recently I dusted off my RE0 to use while going on a trip to the south. I didn't want to bring my Ad900 on the plane for obvious reasons. I realized I like these more than my review indicates, though I am not using an E7 with them, but they still fall flat for me. The bass impact even with +1...
  7. psgarcha92

    RE-ZERO dissapointment

    Hey Guys yet again, am kind of dissapponted with my RE-ZEROs i mean, when my RE0s broke, my dealer said he doesnt have any 0s rite now, but a pair of ZEROs left.i brought them paying the cost difference.i had used the 0s for more than a week and was in the process of falling in love with...
  8. mLink

    Upgrading from RE-0 - $300 budget

    When I first got my RE-0, I loved them.  It was the first time I was hearing all the details and nuances in songs I had been missing. But, I've grown a bit tired of them.  They are too thin, cold sounding, un-involving, and borderline fatiguing.   I'm looking for some IEM's or on-ears up...
  9. seanmo

    Help me choose active/sleep IEM's

    I need some help...I'm frozen and can't decide ;) My main set of IEM's are monster miles davis tribs, which I love, but they are not good active IEM's and since they are a bit spendy, I want to be careful with them I also have RE0's, M1's and monster turbine refurbs...have owned w3, eterna...
  10. AngryBaconGod

    The Most Neutral $100 IEM?

    If your budget is $100, and you wanted an IEM which is as neutral as possible, what would you choose? By neutral I mean lacking overt colouration, a decenly flat response curve, does treble, mids, and bass equally well. And all 'rounder. Probably some would consider this a boring sounding IEM...
  11. psgarcha92

    RE0s dead. get RE-Zeros as replacement or RE0s?

    hey guys my 1 week old Head Direct RE0s died on me today.the left earpiece is not working anymore. now, i was thinking of recabling them with the EP630 cables, but, i talked to the Head-direct Authorised dealers here in india, and they said that they might be out of stock with the RE0s.but...
  12. Melee

    Best Headphones for Me?

        I am looking for a great pair of headphones for anywhere between $50-$200. I will spend whatever I need to in order to get respectable quality to fit my needs but I'm not really expecting the greatest headphones ever made, of course. I can go a little above $200 if needed but would...

    The Etymotics HF5 Thread

    The reason behind this thread is to share my enthusiasm about the Etymotics HF5 In Ear Monitors. I strongly believe these IEMs deserve to be ranked among the very best of them, and as this belief has slowly grown on me, I also wish to share my findings and give potential buyers some tips to...
  14. Reima

    Suggestions for Replacement of REO Earphone

    My daughter has been using a pair of REO earphones for the past 15 months. She really loves the sound but during the first year we had to return the earphones to Head Direct because of problems with the cable. Unfortunately the cable has failed yet again and the phones are no longer under...
  15. psgarcha92

    Amp for SansaFuze>LOD and RE0 combo

    Hey Guys Recently i brought a pair of RE0s. am going to use it with an LOD (My source being a Sansa Fuze v2). i'd like to ask, what amp works great for the Sansa Fuze>LOD>Amp>RE0s combo? laying emphasis on DIY, i'd already chosen the Mini3. but i would like to know experiences you guys had...
  16. jant71

    What's New From DUNU?

      Dunu is a Chinese earphone brand. They have had some notoriety even outside of China with their Itube armature earphones. Starsonic is the OEM for Dunu. I previously bought the Starsonic HDDS earphones to try out. I was recently contacted by Starsonic to try out and evaluate some of their...
  17. richenbals

    On the fence, help me take the leap

    First of all, I'd like to say hello as a long time stalker and first time poster.   I decided to start an account tonight because I need some advice.   I'm on the market for a new set of IEMs. Well, let me restate that, my first set of IEMs. I've hated ear buds since I can remember the...
  18. psgarcha92

    RE0 Recabling

    Lost one of my earpieces due to a bad cable on my RE0s today. Fascinating, it opened my mind to the possibility of Re-Cabling my RE0s with better cables.Previously i was thinking of recabling them with the Creative EP630 cables (Super Durable is what i feel about them, coz i've been using them...
  19. ballzac

    IEM suggestions ~$100 Australian

    I'm looking to buy some IEMs. I will probably get them from headphonics. I am looking to spend $100 (Australian) give or take a bit. The main reason I'm getting them is so I can listen to lectures on my long train ride to and from uni. Obviously a cheaper pair would be okay for that as long as...
  20. psgarcha92

    Guys with RE0s & RE-ZEROs chime in

    Hey Guys, now, i've got 1 day today to decide between RE-ZERO ans RE0s. my RE0s died a day before yesterday, and i'd be getting the replacement -or- a pair of RE-ZEROs as a replacement   the points to be taken care of are below: i)if i get the RE0s, the money i have would be spent in...
  21. TuNeCedeMalis

    First impressions of the Hifiman RE-ZEROs (first pair of IEMs!)

      My RE-ZEROs came in earlier today. Here are my initial impressions after a few hours of usage. I doubt any of this will be educational to experienced IEM users. As my first pair of IEMs, I figure my initial impressions may matter to others who are considering these as their first pair as...
  22. Mdraluck23

    RE0's Broken... How should I fix them?

    I recently purchased some Head Direct RE0's from amazon, and they were shipped on 4/19/10. I have been using them a fair amount, left them in their case overnight, and I just went to take them out for some listening, and this had happened:     It is a clean break, but does anyone know...
  23. Astridax

    Help chosing a pair of IEMs for varied music tastes :S?!

    Ok, I know there is a million threads about things like this, but I really can't decide due to my music tests being so, well, varied.    I am looking at some iems around £80 which due to the UK market getting screwed by taxes, you can assume to be $80. At the moment I have a pair of...
  24. Magnus Cromulus

    Yet another request for help (though this one has a few specific and thanks you all in advance :))

    I'm sure you guys are probably sick of these, but I would like some recommendations.  In searching the boards, there are quite a few posts already, but I do have some specific requirements that I did not see in the posts going back a few months.   What I am looking for is the following...
  25. psgarcha92

    Soundmagic or Fischer earhooks for RE0

    Hey Guys, I've been using my RE0s Over-The-Ear style, and i am afraid that it might be straining the wire, and want to get Earhooks for that reason (i walk alot wearing my RE0s). i saw those Audeo Phonak Ear Guides, but the Fischer Earguides and SoundMagic Earguides are readily available and...