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  1. Cocovitsch

    er-4p bass

    ER4P have very good bass with a good player (Creative Zen Touch,Sony VAIO Pocket, Sony HD3,etc...) I don't understand any complaints about a lack of bass except for Ipod's users because Ipod has no bass...
  2. Cocovitsch

    Is there one headphone you think is extremely overrated?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Rhydon For me, it would have to be the shure E3C's. I dont ever want to hear something so medicore again in my life. +1 : for me, Shure E3 are totally overprized and disappointing headphones...but some people like this s...t (usually,they don't like Ety...
  3. Cocovitsch

    correct my (er-6, er-6i, e3(c)) assumptions?

    Quote: Originally Posted by stopwhispering The detail and "brightness" of the highs are pretty important to my decision, so new question: Will the EQ settings on my Karma be able to make up for the lack of bass that the er-6/er-6i's apparently have? if great details and...
  4. Cocovitsch

    Sony Vaio Pocket 40gb 249.99 straight

    Vaio Pocket is the best player I had in my life (after so many including Zen, HD1,HD3,IHP120...) really a masterpiece...and a great synergy with ER4P/S
  5. Cocovitsch

    er6i vs e3c

    Ety ER6i aren't perfect but E3C are incredibly overated and overprized headphones... I suggest Ety ER4P,more expensive but much better than other two...
  6. Cocovitsch

    MD33 vs E2c

    Quote: Originally Posted by benjamind In that case the ER6i would beat the E2c when it comes to treble. If you're a treble freak then the ER4P is probably the best phone you could get, short of the Westone UM2, which is even better still. However, when it comes to a warm and...
  7. Cocovitsch

    Will the Shuffle sink Creative?

    Quote: Originally Posted by yyoo I love a woman, and she loves me...and her iPod. In that order, I hope. My SO is a PC user. The iPod is her first Apple product. At any rate, I can understand how you may not "love" any products, if you've never owned something of exceptional...
  8. Cocovitsch

    Sennheiser HD 650 = the emperor's clothes?

    Return your HD650 et take something like Beyer DT 880...
  9. Cocovitsch

    Will the Shuffle sink Creative?

    Quote: Originally Posted by yyoo Who cares? I love their products. Whatever motivates Apple, as long as they keep producing some of the best designed and friendliest software and hardware in the world, I will buy their products. A man love a woman... not a company or product...
  10. Cocovitsch

    Canal phones for Creative Zen Touch

    Quote: Originally Posted by jacquer I'm looking for canal phones for my zen touch. I listen mainly to rock and industrial music (NIN, Tool, Alice in Chains, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, etc.;d). I can spend only about 120 euros. What would you recommend me? maybe er-6i or e3c...
  11. Cocovitsch

    anyone dislike the ETYs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr Iriver That is part of why I dislike the ety sound. It is artificial as described, and horribly thin. no... Ety ER4-P are not "horribly thin"... you can dislike ety's sound signature without write excessive opinions... I dislike Shure e3C's sound...
  12. Cocovitsch

    anyone dislike the ETYs?

    Quote: Originally Posted by kyrie I dislike the Etys for their artificial sound that sounds as if it's been passed through a "sharpen" filter. They also lack midrange and bass detail, not to say mass. I use Ety ER4-P on a Creative Zen Touch : no artificial sound, good bass and...
  13. Cocovitsch

    iPod Suffle - Hot or Not?

    Quote: Originally Posted by yyoo I am an Apple FAN and a Windows software developer. Interestingly, many of the Windows software developers I know are Mac users. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a MUCH higher proportion of Mac users among Windows developers than among the...
  14. Cocovitsch

    iPod Suffle - Hot or Not?

    Quote: Originally Posted by yyoo Not at all. As I mentioned, Apple's competitors will HAVE to cut prices, so their profit margins will be squeezed. This will help usher out the weaker competition, and even the big guys will feel the pinch at their bottom lines. Three years from now...
  15. Cocovitsch

    New iPod Shuffle

    A new bad product for kids,women and newbies : Apple's speciality... This **** will sell better than Muvo V200 or Iriver 795 with great marketing : pathetic...
  16. Cocovitsch

    iPod Killers... Please suggest/review

    Quote: Originally Posted by ChickenScrtchBoy Generally, the creative players are said to have horrible software. iTunes, I don't hear any complaints. No...Sony has horrible software : eg SonicStage...But Creative's "Mediasource" is a very good and ergonomic program...
  17. Cocovitsch

    iPod Killers... Please suggest/review

    For you,Creative Zen Touch is best choice... great SQ,great autonomy,good design and low prize...better than IPOD in every part... I had many HDD players and own only two now : Zen Touch 40 Go and Sony NW-HD1 (for portability)...
  18. Cocovitsch

    Creative to spend $100 mil in marketing for MP3 players

    Quote: Originally Posted by Taphil Doesn't Creative need more than one good product (Zen Micro ) first? Doesn't Apple need more than one good product and not a toy for kids and girls ?
  19. Cocovitsch

    Creative vs. iRiver

    For an audiophile, no discussion : Zen Extra is much better for Sound Quality (i had each player)...Better sound,Better HQ,EAX,60go... For functions, Iriver is better...
  20. Cocovitsch

    the best sounding portable mp3 player(POLL)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Zoide Doesn't the Zen Touch lack lossless (except for .wav)? Wouldn't that limit either A) its storage capacity, or B) its sound quality? I think Quality difference between loseless and MP3 320 (for Creative) or Ogg 256 (for Karma or Iriver) isn't a...
  21. Cocovitsch

    the best sounding portable mp3 player(POLL)

    Quote: Originally Posted by epithetless Cocovitsch, how would you say the Zen Touch and the NWHD-1 compare to each other? I've managed to play the waiting game with hard disk players thus far, but I'm finally getting impatient. For now, I have no MP3 collection to speak of (I actually...
  22. Cocovitsch

    the best sounding portable mp3 player(POLL)

    Yes! i'm a serial owner of mp3 jukeboxes ! But currently, i use Zen Touch and NWHD-1 daily as portable players and JB3 as "Hi-fi" player...I don't believe about things like "synergy"... For an European user (i live in France), it's very surprising to read comments about Ipod as "audiophile...
  23. Cocovitsch

    the best sounding portable mp3 player(POLL)

    I got so many MP3 players... Sound Quality Rating : 1. Creative JB3 2. Creative Zen Xtra 3. Rio Karma 4. Creative Zen Touch 5. Sony NWHD-1 6. Ipod 3 7. Iriver IHP120 8. Archos Gemini