Is there one headphone you think is extremely overrated?
Jun 29, 2005 at 1:15 AM Post #46 of 83

Originally Posted by NeilPeart
1. MS1
2. K240S
3. SA1000
4. ATH-A500
5. HD25-SP

Nice breakdown. Then the K240s would be the best all around <$100 phone because it's comfort easily exeeds the MS-1 and there is no glaring need to spend extra money on pads and no longer be a $100 phone.
Jun 29, 2005 at 1:35 AM Post #47 of 83
Bose QuietComfort 2
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:00 AM Post #48 of 83

Originally Posted by cire
i disagree. i dont see how saying anything like that with good solid proof makes the person have a closed mind. i hate cigarette smoking and it sucks with a passion (it pisses my asthmetic lungs off), but does that make me not open minded? certainly not

It may be bad for YOU, but for others it can be something social, something relaxing, etc. I would say cigarette smoking is more on the side of bad habit than not, but a cigar every once in a while for example is quite nice, and smoking doesn't bother everyone. You have demonstrated your close-mindedness quite clearly, since you assume what is bad for you is also bad for others, a mistake people here make frequently.

Jun 29, 2005 at 2:02 AM Post #49 of 83
Sony Qualia 010 - I liked these cans, but at about 25% of their going rate.

Sony SA5000 - I've heard so many folks say that these are just the cat's ass...well, that's what they sound like to me - a cat's ass.
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:05 AM Post #50 of 83

Originally Posted by elrod-tom
Sony Qualia 010 - I liked these cans, but at about 25% of their going rate.

Sony SA5000 - I've heard so many folks say that these are just the cat's ass...well, that's what they sound like to me - a cat's ass.

did you try recabling the cat?
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:07 AM Post #51 of 83

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
did you try recabling the cat?

Oh man, I just sprayed coffee all over my work rig!! Nice....
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #54 of 83

Originally Posted by Averse
I think it's about time Grado did something about comfort. Just look at the grado mods thread. Practically everyone has bought Beyer parts just so thier noggin doesen't ache. If I'm going to spend some decent money on a can I don't want to spend an additional 5 days and $50 just so I can wear them without thinking about them all the time. Mostly for issues of comfort and fatigue I sold my MS-1s.
When they address that I won't consider them overrated anymore.

I personally think the Grado comfort issue is overrated. When I first got my MS-1, they felt fine, then they started to hurt after an hour. After living with them for a while, either they've loosened up, or I have. I can forget they're even on. Since then I've switched to modded HD 414 pads and I like the way they sound and feel. I don't look at the Grado modding scene necessarily as a sign of product weakness. I'm sure a lot of us here like to tweak. I mean, my MS-1 was fine stock, but it's been fun to play with pads.

All our heads are shaped differently, so clearly Grados weren't designed with your head in mind. Apparently they fit me pretty well. So if Grado changes things to appease you, then I'm screwed, and we can't have that.
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:45 AM Post #55 of 83

Originally Posted by Rhydon
For me, it would have to be the shure E3C's. I dont ever want to hear something so medicore again in my life.

+1 : for me, Shure E3 are totally overprized and disappointing headphones...but some people like this s...t (usually,they don't like Ety ER4P...very very strange too)
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:49 AM Post #56 of 83

Originally Posted by Cocovitsch
+1 : for me, Shure E3 are totally overprized and disappointing headphones...but some people like this s...t (usually,they don't like Ety ER4P...very very strange too)

+2...I liked the isolation but thought these sound awful out of my 3G iPod. I much preferred my E2s.
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:56 AM Post #57 of 83

Originally Posted by Averse
Nice breakdown. Then the K240s would be the best all around <$100 phone because it's comfort easily exeeds the MS-1 and there is no glaring need to spend extra money on pads and no longer be a $100 phone.

Well for $5 the modded Sennheiser HD414 pad is both very comfy and sounds great. I find the MS1 quite comfortable for ~ 2 hours of uninterrupted listening. I also prefer its comfort to the K240S because the AKG’s pleather pads are sweat-inducing, and it's less portable than the MS1 (though it isolates a bit more being semi-open). My favorite pads are the silver Beyers (sadly unavailable on sub-$100 cans). I also find the K240S to be a tad too bassy at times, but it can sound better than the MS1 with the right amplification; however the K240S is over $100 at many locations, whereas the MS1 is $99 nearly everywhere. Still, the K240S is one of the best bangs for buck around.


Originally Posted by bangraman
There's also the 'living with it' thing. A meet impression does not make you an expert on it... in many ways, quite the opposite.

I've actually owned most of the cans I discussed and spent considerable time with the others (borrowed from friends, traded, etc.). I love the "quite the opposite" remark - it reeks of humility and grace.
Jun 29, 2005 at 2:58 AM Post #58 of 83
This is probably getting off the subject a little bit, or expanding it, depending how you look at it. But my biggest dissapointment are my custom ear molds I had made for my ER-4's. They only really good when the phones aren't inserted into them, and they don't sound right. It's pretty much the biggest waste of $80 I ever spent, the tri-flanges with some OtoEase work much better.
Jun 29, 2005 at 3:05 AM Post #59 of 83

Originally Posted by HiWire
Bose QuietComfort 2

Ach, please don't remind me...yes folks...i once owned the bose quiet comfort 2's, paid a nice 299 plus tax for them at best buy...dont flame me i know. I thought i was the coolest kid on the block, rocking them with my ipod, looking at everyone all hard and saying "wassup."

...and then i got the sr60's and realized how bad the bose sounded, especially for the price...i woke up from the matrix, and here i am today
Jun 29, 2005 at 3:08 AM Post #60 of 83

Originally Posted by jesse_w
This is a poor way to go about things. If you have an extremely strong opinion about something, chances are it's a biased and careless opinion. Things tend alot more towards middle ground than people would have one believe. I disregard all opinions that say X is crap or Y is better than everything else for a given whatever--they're useless, and clearly mean the person does not have an open mind.


I understand what you are saying, but that's not what I meant. I guess I should have phrased it differently. The second half of the statement (the part you didn't quote) more accurately represents the point I was trying to get across.

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