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  1. exX08

    speakers to xbox?

    i dont have a receiver i just use the hdmi out but i do have the rca cable. i was searching and found this thing...maybe it will work with the DD? 5.1 Game Console Audio Adapter - 970150-0403 - Logitech 970150-0403 (Video Cards) - - electronics, computers...
  2. exX08

    speakers to xbox?

    im not sure where this goes so i posted it in the computer forum too. i have a pair of logitech x-530 or somthin like that. it's been a while since i got them. anyway its a 5.1 setup and i was wondering if there was somethin i could get so that i could use them for my xbox 360...
  3. exX08

    need help with setup

    so i have a pair of logitech x-530 or somthin like that. it's been a while since i got them. anyway its a 5.1 setup and i was wondering if there was somethin i could get so that i could use them for my xbox 360? like a cord or something? thanks...jordan
  4. exX08

    I found the Bose Tri-Port Sound for 1/3 the price.

    Yea and the more I listen to them the more I love them.
  5. exX08

    I found the Bose Tri-Port Sound for 1/3 the price.

    So basicaly I needed a new pair of headphones. I used to have some ER4P's but I sold them cause I needed the money. Anyway I didn't want to pay a lot and I didn't want to do any research. So I just went to Best-Buy and picked a pair out. I got the phillips HP-430. It was around $43. I got home...
  6. exX08

    Rivet International Stereo Earphones.... Very nice and a good price.

    So I picked up a new pair of some headphones I saw at CompUSA. I needed a new pair because I sold my ER4P's. I saw these Rivet International Headphones so I picked them up. I was going to get the marshmallows but they didn't have black. First thing they were only $30. They actually sounded...
  7. exX08

    What are the most expensive headphones in the entire world?

    I doesn't matter price because I could make a pair of Headphones and price them at $100,000 and then they would be the most expensive.
  8. exX08

    How much for a custom impression from Audiologist?

    Quote: Originally Posted by trose49 Not sure what you would gain. $50.00 isnt much when ordering $1000.00 iems but for er4p's I dont know I would spend the money. What are you talking about? I am getting custom molds not cutome phones. That means I am getting tips to fit my...
  9. exX08

    How much for a custom impression from Audiologist?

    I want to get some for my ER4P's but $50 is a bit steep, I could do it myself and save $35. I don't know how it would turnout though.
  10. exX08

    How much for a custom impression from Audiologist?

    How much does it cost to have the whole thing done?
  11. exX08

    Johnny Cash Thread... Good Things Only

    ...Walk the Line," and "Ring of Fire," Johnny Cash has distinguished himself with his deep voice. He will be missed forever and always. I know this is a bit old, but I thought I'd share my feelings of such a wonderful idol in the music industry. *Please keep all negative and derogatory marks...
  12. exX08

    ER4P's + Zune Still Going Strong....

    Quote: Originally Posted by jmourik The 30gb drive isn't big enough for me, and I wouldn't mind a bit more battery life... Well you could always get it modded to 80GB. They also have an upgraded battery.
  13. exX08

    ER4P's + Zune Still Going Strong....

    Quote: Originally Posted by bellsprout how can u enjoy er-4 unamped? Very Carefully.
  14. exX08

    Going custom for ER4P...

    Just decided I am going to order the custom kit at the EarPlugStore. I feel it is going to be a pretty wise investment. I'm going to have to wait 3 weeks until I can get the money but I will be fine until then Any comments on comfort/sound/isolation would be very nice. Also, how good...
  15. exX08

    how long will a headphone last

    If you take good care of them, they should last for a very long time. Mabey 30-50 years.
  16. exX08

  17. exX08

    ER4P's + Zune Still Going Strong....

    Quote: Originally Posted by Aevum the battery life and the Microsoft DRM still dosnt convince me on the zune, but i hear that the sound quality is very very good, i guess its not just a recycled toshiba gigabit player, congrats on the buy, and double the congrats if you´re happy...
  18. exX08

    K1000 in "The Iron Giant"

    Quote: Originally Posted by M0T0XGUY Eh, I really don't think they intentionally knocked off the K1000's in this movie. Probably just a coincidence, because the top headband is just about the only thing that gives it away as the famous AKG headphone. And, speaking of History 9...
  19. exX08

    ER4P's + Zune Still Going Strong....

    Wow, after some 5 months of use, I still feel I have made the best purchase of my life. A Zune and a pair of Etymotic ER4P's make a perfect pair. I need a better pic for my Avatar though. Thanks everyone who helped me pick them.
  20. exX08

    K1000 in "The Iron Giant"

    Thanks for getting that. I wonder if they did that on purpose to make them look like them or if it was a pure accident? Probably purpose, it's pretty hard to think up that design.
  21. exX08

    K1000 in "The Iron Giant"

    If you want to cry, try watching "Life Is Beautiful". I watched it in class and man, I usually hold up pretty strong, but I almost completely lost it there.
  22. exX08

    K1000 in "The Iron Giant"

    So we were watching "The Iron Giant" movie in my History 9 Honors class the other day. I happened to spot one of the generals in a army base wearing a pair of K1000's. Can you believe that? I really wished I had that movie to get the frame where it is. If anyone has it, watch it and look for...
  23. exX08

    Getting rid of microphonics

    Quote: Originally Posted by musicmind If its uncomfy, how about using some heatshrink tubing over it to smooth any offending rough edges? That would also make sure the tie stays in place. Half baked idea gone perfect. I love it.
  24. exX08

    Etymotic ER-4S's - The Different in-ear-Tip Varieties

    Yea, complies.
  25. exX08

    Saw someone wearing a K340 T-Shirt!!!!!

    So, I havn't been around here in a while, but, I saw a kid at my school wearing a K340 T-Shirt. I don't know where he got it but I want one. It was just an all black shirt with a pair of all white K340, not detailed but you now what I mean. Anyone els see anyone with Headphone T-Shirt?