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  1. rfernand

    PSVANE Horizon Vacuum Tube Giveaway and Audition Event

    McIntosh MHA200 - uses 2x12AT7 and 2x12BH7A Schiit Freya+ - uses 4x6SN7 (so the 6SL7 and CV181work) Bonus: Schiit Folkvangr. I don’t think anything in the list fits.
  2. rfernand

    McIntosh MHA200 Impressions

    Next year it’ll still be $2800, but without the signature.
  3. rfernand

    Cambridge MX10, AX10 Network Streamer

    Just like the CXN, “it just works”. Lack of USB, well… can’t think of a competent DAC with no coax. The built-in dac is not bad at all, btw.
  4. rfernand

    McIntosh MHA200 Impressions

    Same here - while I’ve had a lot of fun rolling tubes on the MJ2, there’s nothing I’d change to the MHA200, tbh. Synergy with Utopia’22 is bananas good.
  5. rfernand

    McIntosh MHA200 Impressions

    RAG2 vs MHA200: Very different soundstage. Blackgroubd and dynamics are better in MHA200. But the Rag2 does so many things it’s a bit of a Goldilocks device.
  6. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    (1) I agree with the characterization Jason says his resident engineers came up to. It is another digital volume control scheme. This is not a diss, it’s just what it is. (2) The white paper is short on details - btw, the AES paper is actually here...
  7. rfernand

    Feeling lucky? A tour of our audiophile factory awaits

    Greetings from the Pacific Northwest in the U.S. of A.! Without a doubt, I’d listen to Peter Gabriel’s So in its entirety (the 2002 remaster). Carefully crafted, timeless, with many sonic innovations including shoving a diaper under the bridge in Tony Levin’s bass to create that muted “Don’t...
  8. rfernand

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    You gotta Gungnir that Schiit! :-)
  9. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I’ve “neglected to return” a friend’s MJ3 for over a month now. It does wonders with a Gungnir MB and DCA Stealth, and perhaps unsuprisingly it preamps my desktop Genelecs nicely as well. I think I ordered my second-run silver the day it was announced, so anytime soon. Should it stay in...
  10. rfernand

    McIntosh MHA200 Impressions

    Impression after a few months of bliss. Yggdrassil A2 + MHA200 + Focal Utopia’22 was a magic combo for me. Unusual, since I always feel no headphone set does Yggy justice. The MHA200 is super opinionated about music placement - it puts the mids very forward, so there is a bit of a 3D “V”...
  11. rfernand

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    I preamp the FV out of a Rag2 out of convenience. Works great. Tried MJ3 out of curiosity. Other than warming up the room, nothing to write home about.
  12. rfernand

    What a long, strange trip it's been -- (Robert Hunter)

    Hard to say. The OG in my big rig it’s DAC endgame, so I never bothered trying others. People whose ears I trust and tried both agree LIM is a little warmer and that’s about it.
  13. rfernand

    Beatles Listening Party: Let's Come Together Now and Then

    Hey, how about we ask an AI to show us “what if they had written this in 1964 when they were young?”
  14. rfernand

    Beatles Listening Party: Let's Come Together Now and Then

    Remember the group broke up before they were 30 years old - and this is John, in his late 30s, in New York , with two lifetimes worth of experiences behind him… … and two 80 year olds are going by notes they made when they were 50…
  15. rfernand

    Beatles Listening Party: Let's Come Together Now and Then

    Put the track through the MHA200 which is super mid forward. Yggy OG, HD600. Pretty glorious. Love me do, oh my. So good.
  16. rfernand

    Beatles Listening Party: Let's Come Together Now and Then

    One thing to note is that John sounds “normal”, so, not like in the bulk of the catalog. He used to thicken things with multitrack and stuff. In the documentary Paul seems to confirm the strings and the slide solo are new. The drums, Paul’s bass, and the piano in the track are re-recorded from...
  17. rfernand

    Beatles Listening Party: Let's Come Together Now and Then

    Controversial? why? Martin and Jackson showed us a few miracles with the re-release of revolver, being able to use machine learning to separate information from the same track and enabling Martin to work on a remix. Those familiar with his work can probably attest The Beatles sound like...
  18. rfernand

    Comment by 'rfernand' on listing 'LCD-X'

    It is not - if I have another pre-2021 LCD-X to list, I will reopen.
  19. rfernand

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    Respectfully disagree with the vendor. (1) you could use the FV’s impedance multiplier if that were the issue, but perhaps more relevant: (2) Grados are low impedance and synergize really well with FV. It’s not just the impedance.
  20. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Cheap is not free, and recabling a large system just because Is wasteful — hence the hesitation.
  21. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    A little nervous if I have to purchase new cables, tbh. Added as an option, cool. As the only option, may take a while to see the value in the jump.
  22. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Focusing on measuring one point far past the listening area and extrapolating said measurement to the entire regime of the device to summarize its performance is a stretch. At the end of the day, people like what they like. I will say I do dislike responses of the form “You’re wrong about X...
  23. rfernand

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Please be a Gungnir-sized diff buffer balanced out phono preamp with MI/MC/MM switches and front knobs for load selection and mono mode and curve selection with 4 gain modes in silver with or without tubes for $1499 or less…
  24. rfernand

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Well, it depends on what you’re looking for :wink: Some folks prefer Modi Multibit 2 to, say, Bifrost 2/64. If you don’t need balanced output, MM2 may be the best for you.