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  1. lmilhan

    Stock (as in NYSE) Advice

    Quote: Originally Posted by SP Wild What!!! I took out a massive loan from the bank, quit my job, and tossed all that money into the stock market.... and I have no idea what you're talking about. Perhaps I over estimate my entrepreneural capabilities...or...
  2. lmilhan

    Stock (as in NYSE) Advice

    Quote: Originally Posted by nealric Index funds X 1,000,000,000 Specifically LOW COST Index Funds. Check out Vanguard, they have the lowest costs for index funds in the business. Get your asset allocations figured out (stock to bonds ratio appropriate for you and your...
  3. lmilhan

    Rich people make me angry!!

    Are you sure he is actually wealthy, or does he just have the illusion of wealth? I know people who earn $200k+ per year, and are broke as a joke - dozens of credit cards maxed out, a huge house with multiple new cars parked in the driveway, and they live from one paycheck to the next. In other...
  4. lmilhan

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    Quote: Originally Posted by Ttvetjanu Boondock saints II - 6.9/10 I wanted this to be as good as the original. Sadly, it wasn't. Not... even... close. And 6.9 is being VERY generous.
  5. lmilhan

    Rate The Last Movie You Watched

    ...DIE. I can't believe that I wasted 2.5 hours of my life watching this "movie". Shame on EVERY single person who was involved in making this movie (*except maybe for the CGI team). Avoid this Hollywood drivel at all costs. * If you are a masochist, and feel that you absolutely must...
  6. lmilhan

    Continuous Backup Software

    I swear by SyncBack SE for all of my synchronizing/backup needs. Easy to use, and you can schedule backups and syncs any way you want. I wouldn't be caught without it. 2BrightSparks | SyncBackSE
  7. lmilhan

    What is the first song you play when you get new cans?

    I can't believe this thread has grown to 3 pages and not a single person has mentioned Michael Jackson yet. Off The Wall and Thriller are (IMO) among some of the best sounding records of all time. Also none of the following songs/albums are slouches: Allen Toussaint - The Bright Mississippi...
  8. lmilhan

    Ghost Sightings

    Quote: Originally Posted by nealric No, but I'm sure plenty of people think they have. I couldn't have said it better myself, so I will just go ahead and re-use your comment, while adding emphasis to the word "think".
  9. lmilhan

    the official "Iowa sucks" thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by HyperDuel Can we do a sink New Jersey thread? Sign me up! Southern NJ is by far the biggest s**thole I have ever been in. I cannot wait to escape from this place. I dread to think of what this place will turn into once the Casinos file bankruptcy...
  10. lmilhan

    We discuss tips for Saving money to upgrade

    It's actually very simple to save money, but very few people have the discipline to follow a few simple rules: 1) Do a written budget each month, and follow it as close as humanly possible. This will likely free up a couple of hundred dollars each month since you will see where all of your...
  11. lmilhan

    Is this legit?

  12. lmilhan

    What video game have you beaten the most times?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Redo It's not out for another 3 weeks Haha, my mistake. I of course meant Mass Effect. Can you tell that I am excited about Mass Effect 2?
  13. lmilhan

    What video game have you beaten the most times?

    Borderlands Fallout 3 Mass Effect 2 Too Human Resident Evil 4
  14. lmilhan

    I'm seriously upset right now

    Good for you! Feel blessed that your ears are happy with such affordable buds. Your Denons will easily sell in the For Sale forums, so you can recoup your money that way. I would recommend selling the Denons, leaving Head-Fi and never look back! Congratulations - I wish I was as blessed as...
  15. lmilhan

    Avatar The Movie

    Saw Avatar with the wife. We opted to see it in Real 3D, as neither of us like IMAX (too loud, too big, disorientating, too expensive, too many people, just way too much of everything for us to comfortably enjoy a movie). WARNING POTENTIAL SPOILERS AHEAD Pros: Sure was pretty to look at...
  16. lmilhan

    D7000 instead of D5000 - Worth the cost?

    I have owned, and extensively listened to, all models of the Current Denon Headphone Lineup. Are the D7000s worth going for over the D5000s? Short answer: YES! Long Answer: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSS!
  17. lmilhan

    If you could take a mulligan (do over) for one thing in your life, what would it be?

    Holy crap. Hearing about other people's horrible lives/problems makes me realize just how great my life is... At any rate, my "mulligan" would be to invest 15% of my annual income starting at age 13 (when I got my first paying job), and continued to do that for the rest of my working life...
  18. lmilhan

    What's the biggest sacrifice you made for headphones?

    Quote: Originally Posted by btf1980 I live within my means, so I don't have to sacrifice anything. If I can't afford it, then I don't buy it. If we all lived that way, and exercised patience, then maybe this recession would have never happened. Amen!
  19. lmilhan

    Orpheus - HEV90 just sold for 20K-plus on ebay

    Quote: Originally Posted by kool bubba ice It comes down to income.. 20,000 to a man who has a mid 6 figure income is like 2,000 to the rest of us.. So in those terms, it's not that expensive at all.. But since most people can't relate, it does sound nuts.. I hope he enjoys it...
  20. lmilhan

    Californication on Showtime, Anyone?

    Quote: Originally Posted by DeusEx On another note, I didn't even know who Rick Springfield was, until Californication... Which, by my estimate, puts you at about age 27ish? Because in the early 1980s, if you were old enough to wipe your own butt, there is no way in hell you...
  21. lmilhan

    MMOFPS, anyone?

    Borderlands is fantastic fun, assuming you have 3 other buddies who will play regularly with you. The online portion isn't "Massive" though - only 4 players at a time. Assuming you have other buddies who play regularly with you, and you play all 4 of the classes up to level 50 and complete 2...
  22. lmilhan

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Quote: Originally Posted by redshifter SO JEALOUS! Not to rub it in more, but... All of the concert/play staff were wearing black shirts that said "Charlie Work" on the back. The venue dressed up the bar to look like Paddy's Pub, and all of the (very hot) cocktail waitresses...
  23. lmilhan

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    Always Sunny is the funniest show on TV right now, IMO. And it is a good replacement for Arrested Development (which I sorely miss and am still pissed to this day that they took it off the air). I digress. Believe it or not, my wife and I went and saw a live version of "The Nightman...
  24. lmilhan

    No more debts!!!

    Good for you! I too am working toward a Debt Free goal. I am doing pretty well at age 39, with my only debt being my house mortgage, which I am paying down at an accelerated rate - and all the while putting 20% of my annual income into retirement accounts (Roth IRA, and 401k). Very exciting...
  25. lmilhan

    Are you getting/have you gotten the H1N1 flu vaccine?

    Quote: Originally Posted by mgrewe Not a chance. H1N1 is overhyped by the media big time, IMO. Ya think?: Flickr Photo Download: Swine Flu Mortality