ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.
Sep 28, 2020 at 1:01 PM Post #3,721 of 12,553
Actually, your review and another comment I read elsewhere were what made me doubt my original firm decision to just go for the VC haha. Can you comment a bit more about the sub/mid bass differences between the Eikon and VC beyond what was in your post?
Disclaimer: I’ve never heard the Eikon. However, I also had a question about the Eikon vs VC bass. You may find this post and the post it quotes to be helpful.
Sep 29, 2020 at 12:35 AM Post #3,722 of 12,553
Actually, your review and another comment I read elsewhere were what made me doubt my original firm decision to just go for the VC haha. Can you comment a bit more about the sub/mid bass differences between the Eikon and VC beyond what was in your post?
I can give it a try. Of course imperfect memory and all that (I don't own or have either headphone on hand). Sprinkle in lots of YMMV, IMHOs and whatever other acronym suits your fancy of course.

I do think the VC is the superior headphone on many levels. I was just surprised that the Eikon held up as well as it did in my listening.

An apt analogy may be the day I realized how good the Koss KSC75 is. There are times I can pop those on with a decent DAP and grin from ear to ear. If I was stuck on a desert island with that setup (and an unlimited solar charger or something), I think I could be quite happy.

Does that make the Koss better than the VC (or Eikon, or HD650 etc. etc.)? Fudge no, not by a longshot. IMO this hobby comes down to finding your happy spot on the spectrum of value & performance (note: more expensive doesn't always mean better sound). The Eikon is still a damn good headphone for my tastes. I just find the VC to do just about everything better, with the exception of sub-bass. And the VC is no slouch there either.

I won't tell you you made the right or wrong decision, only you can decide that. I can tell you you're in for a treat, the VC is flippin' awesome.
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Sep 29, 2020 at 11:46 AM Post #3,723 of 12,553
I prefer my silver cable vs my copper cable with the Ironwood VC. There is not a huge difference between them IMO, but I did A/B at some point. Mine use Neotech UPOCC copper/silver. FWIW - don't go silver plated or hybrid IMO.
I have a ZMF Verite silver hybrid cable, which I bought for my HE 1000 headphones. I love it in that application. But I also bought an adapter so that I could try that cable with the VC. Right now I have the ZMF 2K copper on the VC. I’ve been so happy with the sound that I haven’t wanted to change anything, not even any of the other three pads that I bought (still using the Auteur lambskin that was on them when they came). But I suppose I should at least try the Verite Silver Hybrid on the VC since I did get the adapter for it. Your post (about silver vs copper cables in general for the VC) has motivated me to do that.
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Sep 29, 2020 at 2:47 PM Post #3,724 of 12,553
Whats the general consensus regarding pad rolling the VC. I am currently using Auteur Lambskin pads but also have a pair of Auteur hybrids available. Anyone using anything different? Would love to know the impression...

Thank you

I'm currently on my second week of listening to the VC and I only have the the default pads that came with my order, which is Auteur and Universe lambskin. Currently I don't have a favorite since I really like them both, and I don't have any other pads to compare with. I've been also swapping between them every few days because it really depends on my mood. Again I primarily listen to EDM. I always imagine myself being at those huge EDM music/rave festivals before the pandemic when listening to the VC.

When listening with the Auteur, I felt like I was just chilling at the back of the huge pack crowd, with plenty of open space for me to sit/stand and being able to breathe, while enjoying the music and watching the light show with a complete view of the entire stage. I felt more depth in terms of width in front of me, with decent amount of height all around me, and I felt like I was in this open cozy space or something. So yea the soundstage is quite nice on these pads. These would be the pads I would use if I want to enjoy the music with a more relaxing experience. I felt very cozy and "warm" with chills coming down my spine whenever the luscious synth strings and pads playing in the background in some of the tracks.

When listening with the Universe pad, I felt like I was much closer to the stage, but more towards the middle of the crowd, and enjoying the time of my life as the DJ drops the tunes. Made me feel like my body was part of the music. At first I didn't understand what this "3D-ness" people were talking about. I thought I was going to witness some kind or surround sound or something, but now I can hear instruments coming from various directions, and sometimes out of nowhere (more like I wasn't aware of them with other headphones and IEM). The "3D-ness" imaging definitely felt more pronounced compared to when I first heard the cans out of the box. Hearing instruments panning left and right very fast made the listening experience very very fun. In terms of the sound, I'd say it pull the vocals slightly more forward, intimate, and brighter. I didn't feel any fatigue with this a brighter sound, even though I'm treble sensitive. These pads are also slightly more comfortable to my ears to wear.

I'm still very curious how the rest of the pads will sound like like, like the Verite and Eikon pads, but with all the different kind of materials for each of the pads, I think my wallet will easily fade away, so I guess I'll be stuck with the default ones for now.

EDM Test tracks:
3LAU - Touch [Synth Pop]
San Holo - Light [Future Bass]
Sundance - Won't Let This Feeling Go [Classic Trance]
The Him & Robby feat. Sarah De Warren - Babylonia [Future House]
Will Atkinson - Last Night in Ibiza [Trance]
Will Sparks - Kids These Days [Techno / Melbourne Bounce]
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Sep 29, 2020 at 11:36 PM Post #3,725 of 12,553
I completely agree with your assessment. The stock auteur lambskin pads makes everything sound more open and dynamic. It separates the vocals and the instruments and splits them apart further while keeping the details intact.

I have yet to try to Universe pads, as they are still in the box. I do, however, have the auteur hybrid pads sitting right next to me waiting for trial. With my hectic work schedule, i dont have much time during the week to compare side by side but i ll try to do it over the weekend. I am curious to know, if anyone has tried any fenestrated pads with the VC. The reason i ask is because the fenestrated Auteur pads are literally THE ONLY pads that i use with my Auteur. Nothing else comes close. Period. IMO. Period.
Sep 30, 2020 at 1:26 AM Post #3,726 of 12,553
I completely agree with your assessment. The stock auteur lambskin pads makes everything sound more open and dynamic. It separates the vocals and the instruments and splits them apart further while keeping the details intact.

I have yet to try to Universe pads, as they are still in the box. I do, however, have the auteur hybrid pads sitting right next to me waiting for trial. With my hectic work schedule, i dont have much time during the week to compare side by side but i ll try to do it over the weekend. I am curious to know, if anyone has tried any fenestrated pads with the VC. The reason i ask is because the fenestrated Auteur pads are literally THE ONLY pads that i use with my Auteur. Nothing else comes close. Period. IMO. Period.
Fully agree @shafat777. I tried the included Eikon pads briefly but made Auteur bass-heavy for my taste, less transparent and less euphonic. Auteur pads on Auteur have kept me happy without upgraditis longer than any previous headphone...although the VC may be my next courtship. Do you consider Auteur / VC complimentary if one only wants two over ears in their stable, or are they too similar w/ZMF house sound (as wonderful as that is)?
Sep 30, 2020 at 6:17 PM Post #3,727 of 12,553

I was extremely curious about the similarities and differences between the auteur and the VC. Since i already owned a Auteur LTD, which cost me a pretty penny, i was hesitant to pull the trigger on the VC Camphor Burl LTD, which ultimately also cost me a pretty penny. But when zach emailed me a picture of the Camphor Burl BC, i couldnt wait any longer. TBH, i bought the VC based on looks only, without any idea of what it sounds like.

Now that Ive owned the VC for a month, I can honestly say that I am glad I own BOTH. Please let me clarify....

The Auteur, with the auteur fenestrated lambskin pads using my GSX-mini and Cap modded Liquid platinum, is my favorite headphone for Vocals and mids. It brings out the midrange to the forefront of the soundstage. It emphasizes the vocals so intimately, especially female vocals, that you cant help but lose yourself more deeply in your music.

The VC on the other hand, is the king of clarity. It emphasizes everything. Its so clear and detailed, its hard to explain. Unlike the auteur, which lets you enjoy the vocals and mids, the VC brings up everything aspect of the music. As a result, it lets you decide which part of the songy you want to focus on, becasue its all there, in front of you. All you have to do is focus and choose what you want to pay attention to, and the VC will serve you exactly that.

Granted that I havent used my Auteur a lot since i got my VC, but i bet the next time i put it on, it will let me enjoy the music in a different way than my VC. If i were you, i would atleast audition a VC, if not outright purchase one because chances are, you will fall in love with both of them.
Sep 30, 2020 at 6:42 PM Post #3,728 of 12,553

I was extremely curious about the similarities and differences between the auteur and the VC. Since i already owned a Auteur LTD, which cost me a pretty penny, i was hesitant to pull the trigger on the VC Camphor Burl LTD, which ultimately also cost me a pretty penny. But when zach emailed me a picture of the Camphor Burl BC, i couldnt wait any longer. TBH, i bought the VC based on looks only, without any idea of what it sounds like.

Now that Ive owned the VC for a month, I can honestly say that I am glad I own BOTH. Please let me clarify....

The Auteur, with the auteur fenestrated lambskin pads using my GSX-mini and Cap modded Liquid platinum, is my favorite headphone for Vocals and mids. It brings out the midrange to the forefront of the soundstage. It emphasizes the vocals so intimately, especially female vocals, that you cant help but lose yourself more deeply in your music.

The VC on the other hand, is the king of clarity. It emphasizes everything. Its so clear and detailed, its hard to explain. Unlike the auteur, which lets you enjoy the vocals and mids, the VC brings up everything aspect of the music. As a result, it lets you decide which part of the songy you want to focus on, becasue its all there, in front of you. All you have to do is focus and choose what you want to pay attention to, and the VC will serve you exactly that.

Granted that I havent used my Auteur a lot since i got my VC, but i bet the next time i put it on, it will let me enjoy the music in a different way than my VC. If i were you, i would atleast audition a VC, if not outright purchase one because chances are, you will fall in love with both of them.
Very, very helpful @shafat777, and appreciated. Funny you should mention female vocals as I am listening to sandy Denny sing swet and pure as I type, and Auteur always nails this such that I get shivers each time.

Yes, when (if) we ever get back to CanJams and meets, VC will be my 1st audition. I really appreciate your insights above!
Sep 30, 2020 at 8:32 PM Post #3,729 of 12,553
IMHO, the Auteur sounds closer to the VC than the VO does. Both w/ auteur pads. YMMV.
Sep 30, 2020 at 10:20 PM Post #3,730 of 12,553
IMHO, the Auteur sounds closer to the VC than the VO does. Both w/ auteur pads. YMMV.

Have you tried the VC with any fenestrated pads? I ve always wondered what a closed verite would sound like with a fenestrated pad, even though they are not made for eachother.
Oct 1, 2020 at 12:16 AM Post #3,731 of 12,553
I received mine this past Sunday. Currently letting them burn in. I'm very surprised on how light they are. I'm also surprised how they're so damn easy to drive. I had no trouble playing music from my Samsung S10+ and my laptop directly through the headphone jack without any volume issues at all! Of course I will be listening to them via my Bifrost 2/Asgard 3 stack if I'm at my desk, and through my portable Cayin C5 (or just my phone) if I'm just roaming around.

I'll write some impressions once I get used to these cans, before and after burn-in. I primarily listen to EDM (like 95%), along with some lo-fi hip-hop, jazz, and classical and other genres. Mine came with the default solid Autuer and Universe lambskin pads.

I laughed at myself when I looked at the mirror with these on my small head, but they sure are comfy! I still can't believe I ended up buying VC. The only other cans I have are my Ultrasone 900. Normally I wouldn't spend more than $300. All my past gears were either on sale, had points saved up and used it towards the final price, or second-handed. In the end I took the plunge and simply jumped straight towards the summit-fi territory. Pretty cool experience.

That’s a neat story. The other cool thing is that you didn’t have any frustration and were able to leapfrog right into the summit fi end of things. With very few exceptions, the theme seems to be that people are absolutely loving the VC, with a lot of us kind of shocked at how good they really are.
It’s kind of nice to be in that position isn’t it?
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Oct 1, 2020 at 4:08 AM Post #3,732 of 12,553
Have you tried the VC with any fenestrated pads? I ve always wondered what a closed verite would sound like with a fenestrated pad, even though they are not made for eachother.
I have not. Im one of those dudes who wrestle and sweat for twenty minutes swapping pads on ZMF headphones. I tried three different pads when I first got my VC, I much preferred the Auteur non-perf, and havent looked back.
Oct 2, 2020 at 5:30 AM Post #3,734 of 12,553
I am using the stock pads that shipped with my headphone, they sound wonderful to my ears.
After about two weeks the headphones are opening up a bit. I am not sure how many hours are on them, but the sound is just fantastic.
Killer timbre...there is some meat on the bones when it comes to the overall sound of the VC.

I was going to wait to use my better tubes after the headphone has fully burned in...but not so sure that I am going to make it.

I am quite enjoying working my way through my music library...head bobbin'...feet tappin' 😃

Like all ZMF headphones that I have heard, the bass is so dang good.
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