Ultimate Ears Triple Fi 10 Thread
Dec 29, 2009 at 6:43 AM Post #2,566 of 9,690
Hey all... my first post and a bad way to start out, to say the least. I received my UE Triple Fi 10 Pros today from Amazon, I ordered them on Dec. 4th and got the great $99.99 price. As others have said, I couldn't pass them up at that price. Anyway they arrived today and after opening the box and trying them out with the factory installed tips, I was blown away. I really couldn't believe they sounded that good. I was very pleased. But what the heck, I should try the other tips to see if I might get a better fit, right? As I was gently removing the right rubber tip, the plastic nozzle the tip fits on broke away from the main body! Can't tell ya what made it give way, probably a weak glue joint, but I was/am pretty bummed out. They are going back to Amazon tomorrow. To make my day a complete ball of stuff, I had to package my two month old Nuforce Icon Mobile amp and send it back tomorrow also, the thing wouldn't keep a charge. So I'm back with my ATH-A700's and my computer for a while... oh well.
Dec 29, 2009 at 6:56 AM Post #2,567 of 9,690
Yeah, the nozzle area came off, the two 'pin' type things fell off the post revealing the filters. I am disappointed in the build, my pair went quiet in one side and and the top came off. I've got a replacement pair coming but I'll probably sell it as new since I prefer my IE8 sound over the Triple.fis anyway.
Dec 29, 2009 at 11:10 AM Post #2,568 of 9,690

Originally Posted by was ist los? /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Did I get a defective set? Boomy bass, overly warm sound, lack of clarity and highs.

This was my exact opinion and after reading and agreeing w/ you, I tried the stock medium sized silicon tips again. But this time due to the comfort factor, I tried pulling them out more. And that did it for me. Apparently JAMMING THE COMPLY'S OR SILICONS INTO YOUR EARS AS FAR AS YOU CAN IS A BAD IDEA. :d


Thanks for that. Is there any real difference between the 2? I see you only get 1 size that's going to fit you right for nearly $10 bucks @ Best Buy...kinda lame IMO.


Originally Posted by AzN+LogiK /img/forum/go_quote.gif
has anyone found that with the comply foam tips, it muffles the treble a ton?

Yes. To my ears the comply's are very very comfortable, but they absolutely destroy the sound quality of these things. The freq curve starts @ the top and slopes downward into hell. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! Mids are there, but much less airy. And there's almost no high end spark. I cannot believe the difference when using the Silicon medium tips. The whole sound signature changes into a completely different headphone. Bass now has definition, mids are breathy, and OH WOW highs!

Originally Posted by ZoNtO /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just ordered a box of the Sony tips at Best Buy so I'll try that tomorrow. That's my only beef with mine too: too much high-end loss with the Comply...

I think I might head by BB tomorrow to pick up a pair of those. If they improve the sound or comfort from the stock, I'll be super pumped. Too bad they only give you 1 pair per size though.


Originally Posted by unclejr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
When the Etymotic triple flange is considered COMFY, you know something else isn't fitting right...

OW! Pain...ow! OW! PAIN! I call them the Violators. My brolaw uses them all the time and loves em though.


Originally Posted by unclejr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yep, I looked that up.

Interesting. That's exactly the part of my ear the RE0's tried to pry off and detach from my head. Oddly enough, it feels just fine w/the TF10's. I had been concerned before their arrival as a lot more folks seem to complain about fit issues on the TF10's vs the RE0's, but for me it's the complete opposite. And I couldn't be happier, because I much prefer the TF10's sonics too! I love my TF10 ears.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:28 AM Post #2,569 of 9,690
I picked up a pack of the Sony Hybrids from Best Buy today, and I have to say: so far I'm really impressed. I found that all four sizes worked well for me sound wise (all had a great seal), but the red/SS (smallest) were just a bit too small for use with the large nozzles on the TripleFi. They fit just fine but are slightly uncomfortable - I could probably wear them for an hour or two but then my ears would need a rest.

The other three sizes all fit fine as well imho, but I ended up settling on the green/M sized tips. I could definitely see putting all four sizes on different earphones, or replacing the mediums with the large/small if needed. But YMMV.

I really like these tips, they provide a deeper insertion compared to the gray silicons that come with the TF10, and are more comfortable to boot. They provide an excellent seal - enough that it creates a bit of a suction, and the very soft outer material will be pulled partially inside out upon removal.

However the real surprise (to me) was how great the TripleFi 10s sounded with these. I thought the bass might be a bit stronger due to the deeper insertion/better seal, but the improvement was much more than I would have imagined. The bass is stronger, deeper, and significantly more impactful now. I dialed back the EQ on my S9 a bit (it was at +3 at 80hz due to the low bass roll off on the TF10, now it's at +2) because of it. So that really surprised and pleased me. Even more surprising is that it also "enhanced" the highs notably as well. I have a pretty sharp drop in my hearing between 12-14kHz and had the EQ set at +1 to compensate a little. With the Sony Hybrid tips I found the highs too strong and a bit piercing, and reverted the EQ back to 0 at 13kHz.

I don't want to oversell the SQ "enhancements" I noticed with the Sony Hybrids - they were subtle, but noticeable. However I definitely think the sum is greater than the parts in regards to overall sound improvement of the TF10 with these tips.

I did switch the tips back and forth between the UE grays and the Sony Hybrids and do a bit of A/B listening to ensure that I was in fact hearing what I thought I was hearing, and it seemed to hold up. I'd like to give them a few more days to see if maybe my perception changes a bit after some listening before forming a final opinion.

I have no idea why these sound so much better than the gray silicons (maybe it's the seal), but I can't help but recommend them. I wasn't really expecting much, if any change in SQ with them so I don't think it's just the power of suggestion. Whatever it is, they really seemed to have moved the TF10 from a 'phone that I was "happy enough" with considering the price, to one that I am extremely satisfied with.

I'll have to look back through the thread to see if others had a similar impression of these tips, and I'm really curious to see what the rest of you think if you do end up picking up a pair.
Dec 30, 2009 at 6:43 AM Post #2,570 of 9,690
mesasone, your impression of how the Sony Hybrid tips changed the sound matches my experience with them exactly. Before the Sonys I was saying how the bass needed to be eq'd up and that the highs were missing. As soon as I got the Sonys in it was like a had a different set of headphones. Suddenly I understood how they could be considered top of the line.

My experience was that the longer I wore the hybrid tips, the more impressed I got. Only problem I had was that I was still limited to ~90 minutes of wear before I started getting uncomfortable. After I got the impressions for my custom molds I saw why. I've got extraordinarily narrow ear canals, so it's quite likely no IEM would be comfortable for extended periods.

For those who are unimpressed with the sound of the TF10s, stop by Best Buy and pick up a set of the Sony Hybrid tips. Figure it's ~$8 to give the TF10 one last shot. Considering the initial investment it's not much extra, and if they don't work you'll probably be able to unload the tips on someone here.
Dec 30, 2009 at 7:14 AM Post #2,571 of 9,690
Or just return them within 30 days.

I'm getting my impressions done Monday and my Westone ES cable is in the mail now! YAY!
Dec 30, 2009 at 7:20 AM Post #2,572 of 9,690
Or just return them within 30 days.

I'm getting my impressions done Monday and my Westone ES cable is in the mail now! YAY!
Dec 30, 2009 at 10:58 AM Post #2,573 of 9,690
You guys with hybrids should put up the tips that don't fit you in the FS forum ... maybe trade them with someone who doesn't want the size you do want.
Dec 30, 2009 at 3:19 PM Post #2,574 of 9,690
Yeah the hybrids really are nice. I put some one that were about the same size as the UE medium silicones and they worked perfectly. Great seal, pretty comfortable, and they don't make out with my earwax like the Comply foamies do.

I'll just be returning my tips to Best Buy though next week when I send these out to get customized.
Dec 30, 2009 at 3:22 PM Post #2,575 of 9,690
Yeah the hybrids really are nice. I put some one that were about the same size as the UE medium silicones and they worked perfectly. Great seal, pretty comfortable, and they don't make out with my earwax like the Comply foamies do.

I'll just be returning my tips to Best Buy though next week when I send these out to get customized.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:36 PM Post #2,577 of 9,690
Call me a skeptic, along with the fact that fitment is so personal. I went to look at the Sony tips and judging from the package they appear to be the same size as the stock UE tips. They do sound and fit very well. I took the survey from Ultimate Ears that was sent to my email a week or so ago and suggested that better materials are available for tips. Sony is on to it. These tips are in fact different, yes, putting the tips on the stem takes some effort. Well worth it, thanks for the (pun) tip.
Dec 30, 2009 at 5:44 PM Post #2,578 of 9,690
Thanks to forum member schneller, I was able to get one. I like the Triplefi 10 more than my RE0, except I can't wear them for more than 30 minutes as I find them uncomfortable. Any recommended tip? I also believe these phones deserve the extra expense of getting them into a custom fit. Any recommended audiologist in metro/suburb DC area ?
Dec 31, 2009 at 11:29 PM Post #2,579 of 9,690

All listening i through the Iphone 3Gs no EQ.

I had a pair of the Sennheiser Ie8's for a month ( which I returned) after getting the triple Fi-10's on the amazon deal.I cannot justify $400 versus $99. I am glad I had a free chance to audition the IE8's.

The triple fi's almost sound a little sibilant, but I prefer the highs to the IE8's! The IE8 were a bit flat sounding (even after 200 hours of break in)
The bass of the Senn 8 is a bit fuller, but so far I am not disappointed with the multi-driver 10 bass. To date , the senn's have the best In-ear bass I have ever heard. On the Pretender's Message of love, the drums on the Sennheiser's smoke the Triple fi's. More detail, fuller more fleshed out bass.

The presentation is also very different. It seems like there is a lot more hiss on older analogue recordings, perhaps due to differing impedance. I think there is more information on the Triple fi's.

For the money , I should have got a second pair. I got the VI model so I could answer calls and control the device remotely.

IF I had to shell out full price for both,that would be an interesting question. I will let you know in a week of more listening. Right now, I would lean to the triple fi's.

The fit is awful and the headphones are really not very ergonomically designed. The Shure's 530 are a much nicer design.

Best for the next 10.

Jan 1, 2010 at 2:09 AM Post #2,580 of 9,690
I own both the TF10 and the IE8. Ruefully, I wasn't able to take advantage of the insane price reduction on the TF10. So when I bought mine, I believed that I was purchasing top-tier IEMs because they were certainly priced accordingly. I've spent a lot of time with both phones and I like them for different reasons. I'd be hard pressed to make a choice between them on sound signature alone. I do prefer the way the TF10 does bass compared to the IE8. It just sounds more controlled to my ears.

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