The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Jan 3, 2023 at 7:38 PM Post #45,286 of 90,990
Even though I almost never practice my undergraduate major, I did have my degree in Electrical Engineering. The analogue signal passing through different cables can be a tricky business.

I did hear difference, though not by much between my Dunu Amber and Z1R stock cable. I guess much more expensive cable will make larger difference.

Theoretically, there might exist a perfect cable through which signal will not be altered in anyway. However, in realiaty, cable by design, intentionally or unintentionally will affect the signal and that change in term of the sound we hear, will be the "coloring" from the cable.
Jan 3, 2023 at 7:39 PM Post #45,287 of 90,990
New toys have arrived!

First premature impressions:

1. Looks like Chiron really changes sound of Trailllii. To my ears it thins out mid-bass a bit, provide better notes edges, details and improves separation. I moved to stock tips now, CP100 also sounded good, AZLA Crystal congested bass transitions. Does not have the lush magic of stock specially tuned 1960 cable.
Not the best match with EVO - while bass section sounded tremendously, but further scooped mid bass took more body from mids.

2. Empire Ears EVO are really cool! Such a sub-bass rumble! An all-rounder to me using aftermarket tips and cable.

3. Had hard times trying to find an optimal size of stock Final E tips. BCD effect disappeared for me once moving to smaller tips. And it is hard to find bigger tips without excessive pressure to ear canal.

4. Genesis cable is a step behind in ergonomics to Traillii stock or Chiron. While it makes sound more balanced and snappy it steals some body, rumble and fun compared to other options.

5. Driver flex is a weird thing to experience 😬

6. I don’t like how both EVO (1960/CP155) and Traillii (Chiron) sound with SP3K.
Cayin N8ii seem to be better powered, layered and holographic.
Jan 3, 2023 at 7:50 PM Post #45,288 of 90,990
On that note, behold, my biggest guilty pleasure of 2023: the Xanadu Audio Khopensh, along with the corresponding Anubis upgrade cable. These were a surprise holiday gift from my wife. She knew I was looking at hifi stuff and tapped into her Chinese network of what I assume is mostly aurally trained ninjas to grab these for me from a hifi shop in Guangzhou. We'd originally ordered the metal versions (still sorting that out with the seller) but they sent us the resin ones instead. The cable is pure silver with gold coating, palladium coated connectors, and matching hieroglyphics themed y-splitter and 4.4 end jack, plus some Con-X connections for good measure. It'll probably be going with me into my own sarcophagus at this point. We could barely find anything on the company outside of the single press release and the taobao listing:

The IEMs themselves sport a pair of dynamic drivers, 4 balanced armatures for mids, and 4 electrostatics for highs, and they're a healthy amount of sparkle at the top with a whole lot of dynamic driver boom at the lower end.

Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking: did I order them for the tech specs, or did I order them because they look like Yu-Gi-Oh, Moon Knight and Jotaro Kujo teamed up for a headphone collaboration?

I'm in my thirties: of course I ordered them because they make me feel like Yu-Gi-Oh.

I regret nothing.
A JoJo mention in the watercooler, never thought I could read about :D
Jan 3, 2023 at 7:53 PM Post #45,289 of 90,990
From where did you buy the AMP14? I'm waiting Audiophonics to have stock.
From official German reseller NT-global, their online store is called hifi-passion I sent you a PM
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:03 PM Post #45,290 of 90,990
A JoJo mention in the watercooler, never thought I could read about :D
I tried to find a suitable meme to reply with, and instead actually ended up finding Jojo headphones! And of course Onkyo makes them.
Even though I almost never practice my undergraduate major, I did have my degree in Electrical Engineering. The analogue signal passing through different cables can be a tricky business.

I did hear difference, though not by much between my Dunu Amber and Z1R stock cable. I guess much more expensive cable will make larger difference.

Theoretically, there might exist a perfect cable through which signal will not be altered in anyway. However, in realiaty, cable by design, intentionally or unintentionally will affect the signal and that change in term of the sound we hear, will be the "coloring" from the cable.
I don't get why it especially matters, though. To me, it always seems like threads devolve into one of two camps: either cables definitely make a difference, or they don't. Nobody buys a $50,000 Rolex and feels the need to justify how it quantitatively tells time better than the $20 Casio you can purchase at Wal-Mart. They didn't buy the Rolex because it's a "better" watch; they bought the Rolex because it's a nicer watch. They can afford it, and they want to have it and show it off and good for them. Do I think it's stupid to drop that much on a watch? Sure, but if I had a lot more money to swing around I'd probably feel differently. Either way, other people wearing Rolexs don't make me mad; I don't have to tell them their watch doesn't tell time better, and they don't have to prove to me that it does. All of which is a roundabout way of saying, it's ok to like expensive shiny things, especially if you can afford them. No one should feel the need to justify that with science or whatever. We don't buy select headphones because science has proven their sound is superior; we buy models because we like them. And again: that's ok.
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:07 PM Post #45,291 of 90,990

I would like to thank @MusicTeck for the opportunity to review this IEM.



General Information:
2600 USD, 2DD+4BA+4EST

Transparent, in the realm of clear/neutral with a bass boost.

The shells are a touch smaller than Odin and are on the larger side of iems due to the unique opposed DD arrangement.

Dual DD bass drivers (opposed drivers) give a faster, substantive bass feel however isn’t as cavernous as Legend X but has the texture and thickness I would expect from a Dual DD setup. Bass details and decay shine on this set, the driver can keep up with bass flutters of guitar or electronic music well. This is an antithesis to Trifecta’s slow and rumbly bass presentation, and I love Camelot's DD performance as well.

Mids are the weakest point for me on Camelot, it is overly polite in presentation. Female vocalists and violins are my go to genres to evaluate mid performance. On Camelot, the violins seem distant and lack distinct ‘bite’ or intimacy. With Sueye Park’s first track of Paganini: 24 Caprices, the violin seem distant and just beyond my grasp, as if I’m chasing a feeling that’s just out of reach. On UM’s Indigo, the presentation is completely different. I can see the violinist in front of me, the violin slowly enveloping my very essence until I’m just a foot way from Ms Park and I’m on the edge of the violin, being lost in between the strings. Camelot gives the impression I’m listening to her performance through speakers or perhaps behind a window, peeking through the blinds Jim Halpert style. Camelot’s mids are smooth without harshness, however I find this works to its detriment as it robs the engagement of the music, this can be experienced with female vocals. Given Camelot’s lack of character of the mid performance, I would describe it veering towards flat and overly smooth. It would be difficult to find the smooth and silky mid presentation objectionable, especially for those new to the hobby. For seasoned audiophiles, perhaps we would expect a little more to get our blood pumping.

Upper Mids and Treble:
This set has pulled back upper mids and a relaxed treble. This is intentional to allow for longer listening sessions, as I have nary a hint of fatigue throughout my listening sessions. However, when listening to EDM (Lose You by Tiesto), I miss the extension of upper frequencies I find on DIVA which results in suboptimal reproduction of the ‘air’ of the mix and a more sedate presentation. Furthermore, when listening to orchestra (Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith Opening), the wind and strings hit a glass wall during the crescendo.

Camelot is a very safe tuning from Nostalgia Audio, defined by the best bass presentation I’ve heard yet from a Dual DD arrangement. If you are looking for a smooth inoffensive listen, a set you can simply put on and not be distracted by, I can see the appeal of Camelot. If Nostalgia Audio can engineer Camelot with more presence/engagement in the midrange, this iem could serve as a great ‘casual counterpoint’ to Empire Ears Odin. The bass reproduction on Camelot is tight yet substantial, bassheads should demo Camelot for this aspect alone. The Odin was an iem I wanted to love, but the tuning was overly aggressive in the upper mids and could only be enjoyed in short durations despite the incredible technicalities. Camelot suffers from the opposite, it’s a set I can enjoy for longer, but I crave more technicalities and engagement (particularly in the midrange) from. If Nostalgia Audio can address these shortcomings, they could have a real winner.

*All listening was performed directly with Chord Hugo 2 + 2Go.
This was such a fun read and a very relatable impression from my own Camelot review.

Thank you for taking your time to write this!
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:14 PM Post #45,292 of 90,990
I don't get why it especially matters, though.

It doesn’t matter, but the cable believers (I am one, but I had to draw the line on dabbing with cables mostly as I find their "flagship" prices astronomical and not something I care to invest in) don't want to hear that their $3000 copper cable is no different to the $50 one on AliExpress.. and the non cable believers don't want to be told that their IEMs could sound "better" with a higher quality cable.

It's a never ending cycle. :deadhorse:
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:17 PM Post #45,293 of 90,990
I tried to find a suitable meme to reply with, and instead actually ended up finding Jojo headphones! And of course Onkyo makes them.

I don't get why it especially matters, though. To me, it always seems like threads devolve into one of two camps: either cables definitely make a difference, or they don't. Nobody buys a $50,000 Rolex and feels the need to justify how it quantitatively tells time better than the $20 Casio you can purchase at Wal-Mart. They didn't buy the Rolex because it's a "better" watch; they bought the Rolex because it's a nicer watch. They can afford it, and they want to have it and show it off and good for them. Do I think it's stupid to drop that much on a watch? Sure, but if I had a lot more money to swing around I'd probably feel differently. Either way, other people wearing Rolexs don't make me mad; I don't have to tell them their watch doesn't tell time better, and they don't have to prove to me that it does. All of which is a roundabout way of saying, it's ok to like expensive shiny things, especially if you can afford them. No one should feel the need to justify that with science or whatever. We don't buy select headphones because science has proven their sound is superior; we buy models because we like them. And again: that's ok.
Some people may not agree on the luxury goods attribute of the cables. However, I can see the value of bling bling in audio gears. For example, the exactly the same ZMF headphones, with LTD edition, aged wood, the price difference can be $1,000. On classified, it is very clear that lower priced barebone ZMF headphones go slower while those much higher priced LTD edition with aged wood will be gone very fast. Sonically, they are identical (I know someone will chime in that difference wood will make a sonic difference, but I don't think that's the reason people pay for them).
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:21 PM Post #45,294 of 90,990
It doesn’t matter, but the cable believers (I am one, but I had to draw the line on dabbing with cables mostly as I find their "flagship" prices astronomical and not something I care to invest in) don't want to hear that their $3000 copper cable is no different to the $50 one on AliExpress.. and the non cable believers don't want to be told that their IEMs could sound "better" with a higher quality cable.

It's a never ending cycle. :deadhorse:
Some people may not agree on the luxury goods attribute of the cables. However, I can see the value of bling bling in audio gears. For example, the exactly the same ZMF headphones, with LTD edition, aged wood, the price difference can be $1,000. On classified, it is very clear that lower priced barebone ZMF headphones go slower while those much higher priced LTD edition with aged wood will be gone very fast. Sonically, they are identical (I know someone will chime in that difference wood will make a sonic difference, but I don't think that's the reason people pay for them).
All I'm saying is, anyone who feels the need to convince someone one way or the other--either that their stuff is a waste of money, or alternatively that their luxury purchases are justified scientifically--comes off as remarkably insecure to me. Enjoy your stuff--you don't have to justify that to anyone else. Alternatively, if you don't believe in this stuff, don't go picking fights with others over it to somehow prove you know better (yes, reddit, I'm talking to you). People in this thread are remarkably chill, but I'm perpetually astounded by just how angry and mean I've seen threads become over people trying to disprove the value in other's tech.
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:23 PM Post #45,295 of 90,990
since it is my money I am spending, I don't really care what other people think.

This should be our community motto (or one of them).

I don't get why it especially matters, though.

There are always going to be different camps of people on whatever issue is at hand-- this is fine. The issue is really, as someone else allude to somewhere, one of tolerance-- some people are so convinced their position is the right one that they need to evangelize about it. Fortunately people like that don't hang out in this thread-- or Head Fi at all really as far as I can tell. This fact is one of the reasons I enjoy this site above other audio communities.
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:25 PM Post #45,296 of 90,990
Yes, and... I am a "believer" (in so far as I believe my ears) but if you found me a $50 copper cable that sounded like OTL I would snatch it up and never look back. (I happen to think my Liquid Links Martini is one of the best cables I have heard on pretty much whatever I have put it on, for example.)

I think a lot of the animus towards cable "believers" is that some of us automatically - especially in the two-channel world - think more expensive is by definition better and that by buying the most expensive [insert component], they have the best sound without having to test it and are done. They open themselves up to some ridicule, I would think. But those who spend way too much of their adult lives listening to all kinds and ranges of cables with all kinds and ranges of sources and headphones have earned the right to their conclusions (even when, every once in a while, the most expensive also happens to be the best). :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:32 PM Post #45,297 of 90,990
In other news I can't wait for NYC!!

@HiFiHawaii808 @RTodd @jwilliamhurst @Frankie D @twister6 really looking forward to connecting with you guys.

Anyone else planning on making it sound off in here so we can count down the weeks together :)
Was planning on being there both days but will likely have to make it a day trip contingent on my mom’s health at the time. Will update closer to the event.
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:46 PM Post #45,298 of 90,990
I used to think that I heard a difference with cables. then, I started listening to the arguments from the sound science guys and they made some sense, so I attributed any difference I heard to operator error on my part and maybe confirmation bias. I became a cable agnostic.

Then, I started really spending a lot of time a/b testing different IEMs with different cables, tips and sources. Now, after having heard hundreds and hundreds of combinations over an extended period of time, I am now convinced that cables absolutely impact sound. I will listen to 3 or 4 different sets on a given day. So, this is not a one and done situation. To me, the debate is over because I have convinced myself beyond any reasonable doubt that they make a difference and since it is my money I am spending, I don't really care what other people think.
I wasn't trying to start any arguments or tell anyone they are wrong for hearing what they hear. I just personally have not heard any difference. Granted, I have never heard a cable above maybe like $200 dollars. I would never presume to tell anyone they are wrong for hearing what they hear, regardless if I agree with it or not. I will just say though that until I hear it for myself, there is no way I will be convinced, and if the only way to achieve that is to spend large sums of money, then that just doesnt have any value to me personally.

But beyond that, since again its not an argument I want to pick and I am not trying to convince anyone one way or another, the point was more just about how the different communities seem to have different truths about this hobby. I don't think its a universally accepted truth in this hobby that cables absolutely make a huge (or any) difference to sound. Just that if you only browse head fi, then you would certainly be led to believe that they absolutely do.
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:48 PM Post #45,299 of 90,990
I wasn't trying to start any arguments or tell anyone they are wrong for hearing what they hear. I just personally have not heard any difference. Granted, I have never heard a cable above maybe like $200 dollars. I would never presume to tell anyone they are wrong for hearing what they hear, regardless if I agree with it or not. I will just say though that until I hear it for myself, there is no way I will be convinced, and if the only way to achieve that is to spend large sums of money, then that just doesnt have any value to me personally.

But beyond that, since again its not an argument I want to pick and I am not trying to convince anyone one way or another, the point was more just about how the different communities seem to have different truths about this hobby. I don't think its a universally accepted truth in this hobby that cables absolutely make a huge (or any) difference to sound. Just that if you only browse head fi, then you would certainly be led to believe that they absolutely do.

You also don't hear much of a difference with sources either right (or am I mis-remembering).
Jan 3, 2023 at 8:53 PM Post #45,300 of 90,990
You also don't hear much of a difference with sources either right (or am I mis-remembering).
Yup. I don't really share a lot of the opinions a lot of you guys have on here. I don't think any of you guys are wrong or anything, I just havent heard much that has convinced me of some of these things. I think the headphones themselves (transducer) is likely something like 90% of the sound, and everything else can just tweak it. And most of what is discussed is probably hyperbole and a lot of the differences that are discussed are a lot smaller than it would seem. I think part of that is by design, since it would be really difficult to put things into words without describing them as larger than they actually are.

As I said though, I mostly keep quiet about it because I am not anyone else and I have no idea what anyone else may hear. I don't think anyone is wrong for hearing things I may not. I am just cautious about having to spend huge sums to hear them. Nor would I want anyone else trying to tell me that I am wrong for not hearing what they say they hear.

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