The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Oct 5, 2023 at 2:22 PM Post #65,806 of 90,681
I haven't heard the 2021, but the 2023 is the best treble I've ever heard. I'd personally rank it even above Ragnar. "best" means clear, natural, pristine, correct--but not harsh, bright or overly energetic. Caveat is that the Anni really needs a DAP with a good amp (not ideal with SP3K for example), or an external amp.
I have Anni 23, it's a nice IEM. Agreed that it needs amping which I achieve with 475. I think it's more W-shaped than V-shaped depending on the tips. Either way, it's a little too mid-bassy for my tastes but I can live with it.

It would be an insta-buy for me if not for the tuning, which is V-shaped. It's not that I disliked the tuning per se, but I'd have to spend some more time with it to get used to the tuning. What I'd really like is a more reference-tuned IEM, but with the characteristics of that phenomenal treble carried through, coherently, to the rest of the frequency spectrum.
Have you tried Storm?
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Oct 5, 2023 at 2:23 PM Post #65,807 of 90,681
I've never heard Anni 2021, but I heard it has more of a "special sauce" to its treble. Has this been your experience?

Not to my ears no. Unless of course we're just talking about a consequence of a slightly increaased bass presence muting the treble a wee bit.
Oct 5, 2023 at 2:44 PM Post #65,808 of 90,681
1) Subtonic Storm - Amazing electrostatic-level resolution. Technicalities are top-notch. Despite the reference-sounding tuning, the bass comes in with surprising levels of power when the music calls for it. Possible endgame: RS8 -> Nightjar Sovereign Symphony IC -> Brise Tsuranagi -> Nightjar Sovereign Symphony -> Storm.
2) UM Amber Pearl - Incredibly smooth and lush, but highly detailed sound. Incredible pairing with N30LE and RS8.
3) Nightjar Duality - Huge bass shelf paired with excellent tuning balance. Props to the team for such a fun set, while managing to keep timbre and details intact. Sounds even better with the extra 5dB with the impedance adapter.
Where did you hear Duality? It's not available yet. I heard it at CanJam NYC, SG and Socal where Chang had it with him. The current tuning is fantastic.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:00 PM Post #65,809 of 90,681
Going by this graph, I don’t think there is a lot of change. The bass is barely 1-2 db up. The treble is smoothened out and minimised. Not sure, if this can be called a lot of difference or may be it’s this small difference making it sound a lot better than the earlier version. A listening comparison would surely tell the difference.
If it's any extra help, both iem's graphed on that photo have been in my, @freeryder05's & @Svstem's ears respectively and our impressions align. They can chime in if they'd like to.

The Anni 2021 graphed above was also belonging to @Rockwell75 & @Sajid Amit previously.

There's obviously a shared DNA since it's the same drivers config and setup, but wiring was changed in 2023 revision as well as nozzles. I genuinely find the sound variance to be over the 10% threshold making it notable and immediately pronounced upon music playback.

My observations:

Anni 2023 - Aggressive U (Warm-Bright)
- More slam and sustain in the midbass, a sense of "oomph" as opposed to the Anni21's more BA-like bass impact.
- Staging is collapsed in the x axis from left to right, but there is more center stage crossfeed and image pans out in front. This is mostly by virtue of the bass boost. This renders the iem more engaging, but also more intimate.
- Highs are crunchier and less ethereal, somewhat less technically impressive, but more dynamic. (this is a general downgrade over the 2021 model)

Anni 2021 - U-Shape (Neutral-Bright)
- First thoughts when pressing play is that this is an analytical listening experience.
- The estat timbre is whispier and more delicate/ refined and more layered than on 2023 - it's magical really, and it's generally less abrasive.
- It's very hard to rock out with this version of Anni (in my opinion), it's more adequate with acoustical musics and well-recorded material. It's very rewarding to well-recorded material.
- The perceived sub bass volume is very mediocre.

If I can put into example a very unusual but simple difference between Anni21 & Anni23, it's like taking a 64A IEM with Apex modules where Anni 2023 is equivalent to using M20 module & Anni21 using the M12 module.
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Oct 5, 2023 at 3:06 PM Post #65,810 of 90,681
If it's any extra help, both iem's graphed on that photo have been in my, @freeryder05's & @Svstem's ears respectively and our impressions align. They can chime in if they'd like to.

The Anni 2021 graphed above was also belonging to @Rockwell75 & @Sajid Amit previously.

There's obviously a shared DNA since it's the same drivers config and setup, but wiring was changed in 2023 revision as well as nozzles. I genuinely find the sound variance to be over the 10% threshold making it notable and immediately pronounced upon music playback.

My observations:

Anni 2023 - Aggressive U (Warm-Bright)
- More slam and sustain in the midbass, a sense of "oomph" as opposed to the Anni21's more BA-like bass impact.
- Staging is collapsed in the x axis from left to right, but there is more center stage crossfeed and image pans out in front. This is mostly by virtue of the bass boost. This renders the iem more engaging, but also more intimate.
- Highs are crunchier and less ethereal, somewhat less technically impressive, but more dynamic. (this is a general downgrade over the 2021 model)

Anni 2021 - U-Shape (Neutral-Bright)
- First thoughts when pressing play is that this is an analytical listening experience.
- The estat timbre is whispier and more delicate/ refined and more layered than on 2023 - it's magical really, and it's generally less abrasive.
- It's very hard to rock out with this version of Anni (in my opinion), it's more adequate with acoustical musics and well-recorded material. It's very rewarding to well-recorded material.
- The perceived sub bass volume is very mediocre.

If I can put into example a very unusual but simple difference between Anni21 & Anni23, it's like taking a 64A IEM with Apex modules where Anni 2023 is equivalent to using M20 module & Anni21 using the M12 module.
Good explanation.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:30 PM Post #65,811 of 90,681
If it's any extra help, both iem's graphed on that photo have been in my, @freeryder05's & @Svstem's ears respectively and our impressions align. They can chime in if they'd like to.

The Anni 2021 graphed above was also belonging to @Rockwell75 & @Sajid Amit previously.

There's obviously a shared DNA since it's the same drivers config and setup, but wiring was changed in 2023 revision as well as nozzles. I genuinely find the sound variance to be over the 10% threshold making it notable and immediately pronounced upon music playback.

My observations:

Anni 2023 - Aggressive U (Warm-Bright)
- More slam and sustain in the midbass, a sense of "oomph" as opposed to the Anni21's more BA-like bass impact.
- Staging is collapsed in the x axis from left to right, but there is more center stage crossfeed and image pans out in front. This is mostly by virtue of the bass boost. This renders the iem more engaging, but also more intimate.
- Highs are crunchier and less ethereal, somewhat less technically impressive, but more dynamic. (this is a general downgrade over the 2021 model)

Anni 2021 - U-Shape (Neutral-Bright)
- First thoughts when pressing play is that this is an analytical listening experience.
- The estat timbre is whispier and more delicate/ refined and more layered than on 2023 - it's magical really, and it's generally less abrasive.
- It's very hard to rock out with this version of Anni (in my opinion), it's more adequate with acoustical musics and well-recorded material. It's very rewarding to well-recorded material.
- The perceived sub bass volume is very mediocre.

I appreciate the detailed explanation, and this isn't a hill I'm willing to die on or anything but I stand by my impression that it would be a classic case of audiophile exaggeration to imply that, beyond the slight bass boost, there is anything more than subtle refinements and differences in the sound of both IEMs. Plugging in the 23 I was instantly taken back to the sound I well remembered, with only tweaks to the bass noticeable. I had a similar impression when I a/b'd the two back in NYC. I would particularly take issue with the idea the treble is somehow less technically impressive on the 23. Sub-bass volume is comparatively mediocre on both IEMs. As with all things, YMMV and all that.

If I can put into example a very unusual but simple difference between Anni21 & Anni23, it's like taking a 64A IEM with Apex modules where Anni 2023 is equivalent to using M20 module & Anni21 using the M12 module.

I don't know those modules specifically but don't they just tweak the bass levels slightly? If that is the case I would agree as that's what I find the most strikingly different between the two IEMs.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:32 PM Post #65,813 of 90,681
Where did you hear Duality? It's not available yet. I heard it at CanJam NYC, SG and Socal where Chang had it with him. The current tuning is fantastic.
Chang had an updated prototype at the Subtonic/Nightjar booth. Heard from other Head-Fiers that this revision saw a big improvement in clarity.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:34 PM Post #65,814 of 90,681
If it's any extra help, both iem's graphed on that photo have been in my, @freeryder05's & @Svstem's ears respectively and our impressions align. They can chime in if they'd like to.

The Anni 2021 graphed above was also belonging to @Rockwell75 & @Sajid Amit previously.

There's obviously a shared DNA since it's the same drivers config and setup, but wiring was changed in 2023 revision as well as nozzles. I genuinely find the sound variance to be over the 10% threshold making it notable and immediately pronounced upon music playback.

My observations:

Anni 2023 - Aggressive U (Warm-Bright)
- More slam and sustain in the midbass, a sense of "oomph" as opposed to the Anni21's more BA-like bass impact.
- Staging is collapsed in the x axis from left to right, but there is more center stage crossfeed and image pans out in front. This is mostly by virtue of the bass boost. This renders the iem more engaging, but also more intimate.
- Highs are crunchier and less ethereal, somewhat less technically impressive, but more dynamic. (this is a general downgrade over the 2021 model)

Anni 2021 - U-Shape (Neutral-Bright)
- First thoughts when pressing play is that this is an analytical listening experience.
- The estat timbre is whispier and more delicate/ refined and more layered than on 2023 - it's magical really, and it's generally less abrasive.
- It's very hard to rock out with this version of Anni (in my opinion), it's more adequate with acoustical musics and well-recorded material. It's very rewarding to well-recorded material.
- The perceived sub bass volume is very mediocre.

If I can put into example a very unusual but simple difference between Anni21 & Anni23, it's like taking a 64A IEM with Apex modules where Anni 2023 is equivalent to using M20 module & Anni21 using the M12 module.
I think rolling cables between the Venom and Liquid Links Martini was a much bigger difference than the minor changes between 2021 and 2023.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:35 PM Post #65,815 of 90,681
Chang had an updated prototype at the Subtonic/Nightjar booth. Heard from other Head-Fiers that this revision saw a big improvement in clarity.
Yes, I agree with those impressions as I heard all 3 versions. The current Duality sounds like an upgrade to Singularity rather than its own thing. I do prefer the impedance adapters over the switches ala Diva.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:39 PM Post #65,816 of 90,681
Sadly I haven’t.

The thing about Storm is that it is hard to drive and sensitive to cable choice. If you don't hear it with a good pairing, it can sound boring and flat. When you get it right, though, you get magic.

I suspect that the ranking of Storm will go up over time as more people get to hear it and hear it properly amped. It will still be a limited release product. They are not going to do what Oriolus did and dramatically increase production and then kill the resale price. Traillii's advantage is that is sounds good with everything.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:42 PM Post #65,817 of 90,681
Tally so far:

Elysian Annihilator x14
Oriolus Traillii x14
Fir Rn6 x13
Subtonic Storm x12
Campfire Audio Trifecta x11
Fir Xe6 x10

Noble Audio Viking x7
Nightjar Singularity x7
VIsion Ears Phönix/LE x6
Sony IER Z1R x6
Campfire Audio Bonneville x5
Unique Melody Mentor x5
Fir Electron 12 x4
FATfreq Grand Maestro x4
Elysian Diva x4
FatFreq Maestro SE x4
Aroma Fei Wan x3
64 Audio a/u12t x3
Empire Ears Raven x3
Noble Ronin x3
VE/AK Aura x3
Fitear DC TI x3
AüR Audio Neon Pro x3
Symphonium Crimson x3

Sennheiser ie600 x2
Aroma Thunder x2
Campfire Audio Supermoon x2
Vision Ears EXT x2
Vision Ears VEX x2
Dita Perpetua x2
Penon 10th x2
Sound Rhyme DTE900 x2
Empire Ears Legend Evo x2
Aroma Jewel x2
Final Audio E5000 x2
Night Oblivion Butastur x2
Softears Turii Ti x2
Custom Art Fibae 5 x2
Campfire Audio Andromeda x2
Empire/AK Odyssey x2
Airpods Pro 2 x2
Nostalgia Audio Camelot x2
AüR Audio Aurora x2
Sound Rhyme SR8 x2
64 Audio u4s x2
Unique Melody Mason x2
Unique Melody Amber Pearl x2
NightJar Duality x2

7th Acoustics Supernova
Sennheiser ie900
Empire Ears Bravado MKii
IMR Acoustics Titan
IKKO OH5 Asgard
UM Mest
Fitear TG334
Etymotic ER4XR
Thieaudio Monarch MKiii
634ears Miroak-II Cocobolo
Hyla Audio TE-5B
Plunge Audio Unity
Penon Serial
64 Audio a/u18s
Simphonio P0
Canpur 622B
Vision Ears VE8
Campfire Andromeda Emerald Sea
MA Eclipse
64 Audio Fourte Blanc
KIwi Ears Cadenza
Shure KSE-1200
Goldplanar GL-AMT16
Shure SE846
Kinera Imperial Loki
Oriolus Szalayi
Beyerdynamic Xelento 2
FATfreq Maestro Mini
Campfire Audio Ponderosa
Softears Turii
Rhapsodio Eden
Ambient Acoustics MAD24
64 Audio Nio
Unique Melody Le Jardin
Custom Art Hybrid 3 Pro
Custom Art FIBAE 7 Unlimited
Moondrop Variations
Penon Impact
Soranik Basilica
Truthear Nova
64 Audio Volume
Empire Ears Legend X
Technics EAH-TZ700
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:51 PM Post #65,818 of 90,681
I think rolling cables between the Venom and Liquid Links Martini was a much bigger difference than the minor changes between 2021 and 2023.
I considered getting a Venom for my Anni 23.

It’s a difficult decision because Liquid Links doesn’t have interchangeable connectors and Annihilator uses Pentaconn connectors. A Venom purchase would mean I could only use it with the Annihilator.

That said, may I ask the differences you noticed going from the Martini to Venom?
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:54 PM Post #65,819 of 90,681
Could you please elaborate on DIO prototype. Is it from Elysian Acoustics? This so the first I am hearing of it for some reason.
It was around in Singapore but no cable. Some prototypes had Centurion, some had Code23. I found it a better listen than Anni 23 due to the stronger bass response , but I couldn’t give you a straightforward answer due to the last time I heard the prototype which was Canjam SG. I think the price would be pretty prohibitive of it becoming a favorite however.

Also, I’d still hold this opinion, if it came with centurion as the cable it would be worthwhile even if it costs Storm/Trailii money.
Oct 5, 2023 at 3:55 PM Post #65,820 of 90,681
Tally so far:

Elysian Annihilator x14
Oriolus Traillii x14
Fir Rn6 x13
Subtonic Storm x12
Campfire Audio Trifecta x11
Fir Xe6 x10

Noble Audio Viking x7
Nightjar Singularity x7
VIsion Ears Phönix/LE x6
Sony IER Z1R x6
Campfire Audio Bonneville x5
Unique Melody Mentor x5
Fir Electron 12 x4
FATfreq Grand Maestro x4
Elysian Diva x4
FatFreq Maestro SE x4
Aroma Fei Wan x3
64 Audio a/u12t x3
Empire Ears Raven x3
Noble Ronin x3
VE/AK Aura x3
Fitear DC TI x3
AüR Audio Neon Pro x3
Symphonium Crimson x3

Sennheiser ie600 x2
Aroma Thunder x2
Campfire Audio Supermoon x2
Vision Ears EXT x2
Vision Ears VEX x2
Dita Perpetua x2
Penon 10th x2
Sound Rhyme DTE900 x2
Empire Ears Legend Evo x2
Aroma Jewel x2
Final Audio E5000 x2
Night Oblivion Butastur x2
Softears Turii Ti x2
Custom Art Fibae 5 x2
Campfire Audio Andromeda x2
Empire/AK Odyssey x2
Airpods Pro 2 x2
Nostalgia Audio Camelot x2
AüR Audio Aurora x2
Sound Rhyme SR8 x2
64 Audio u4s x2
Unique Melody Mason x2
Unique Melody Amber Pearl x2
NightJar Duality x2

7th Acoustics Supernova
Sennheiser ie900
Empire Ears Bravado MKii
IMR Acoustics Titan
IKKO OH5 Asgard
UM Mest
Fitear TG334
Etymotic ER4XR
Thieaudio Monarch MKiii
634ears Miroak-II Cocobolo
Hyla Audio TE-5B
Plunge Audio Unity
Penon Serial
64 Audio a/u18s
Simphonio P0
Canpur 622B
Vision Ears VE8
Campfire Andromeda Emerald Sea
MA Eclipse
64 Audio Fourte Blanc
KIwi Ears Cadenza
Shure KSE-1200
Goldplanar GL-AMT16
Shure SE846
Kinera Imperial Loki
Oriolus Szalayi
Beyerdynamic Xelento 2
FATfreq Maestro Mini
Campfire Audio Ponderosa
Softears Turii
Rhapsodio Eden
Ambient Acoustics MAD24
64 Audio Nio
Unique Melody Le Jardin
Custom Art Hybrid 3 Pro
Custom Art FIBAE 7 Unlimited
Moondrop Variations
Penon Impact
Soranik Basilica
Truthear Nova
64 Audio Volume
Empire Ears Legend X
Technics EAH-TZ700
Considering there’s only 50 sets in the wild how is Storm making such a huge impression on people? Wow

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