The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:14 PM Post #16,711 of 91,343
KR5 is more balanced between mid and sub, whereas XE6 is more mid bassy with amazing sub extension. KR5 bass is kinda just … there. It’s fast and impactful, same great texture. XE6 is slower and more analogue, gives off proper subwoofer vibes to me. It pushes around more air to my ears too.

If bass is priority then it’s XE6 for me.
How about bass on the XE6 versus NE4? Solid middle ground between KR5 and XE6?
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:16 PM Post #16,712 of 91,343
I think it's the Mirage. (3 Drivers, 1 BA Low, 1 BA Mid, 1 BA High)
I had it down that it was a good possibility for Metal.

oops, wrong quote to quote

Sorry I edited because I realized I didn't respond to what Scuba was actually talking about. The IEM in question is either the Maven or the Mirage...UM's lineup is truly beguiling.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:20 PM Post #16,713 of 91,343
How about bass on the XE6 versus NE4? Solid middle ground between KR5 and XE6?

Let me get back to you, I should have the NE4 by the end of the week. I do recall NE4 having a really satisfying bass presence as far as the tuning goes but it was missing a bit of the air/depth/texture from the XE6. The lesser (but still slightly emphasized) lower mids on the NE4 give it a more separated bass shelf. So while the bass itself isn’t as emphasized as the XE6, the fact the lower mids aren’t as elevated makes the bass stand out a little more versus the XE6.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:21 PM Post #16,714 of 91,343
Yep, still keen on the TA, just so I can say I've heard the Sony sound (and what the Sony IEMs/headphones were tuned with). That said I realise this 'locks' me in to the Sony system (which is not necessarily a bad thing), but also depends on me finding said Sony sources for reasonable prices on the used market. The C9 option is attractive because it's just one device, and doesn't lock me in to anything. Decisions, decisions.
finally got to listen to the z1r with the zh1es....and sorry to say that it's the best pairing that I have with the Z1R.

Better than Hugo 2 and Dave in terms of musicality. The treble is a bit bright on the hugo 2 and dave, but perfect on the zh1es
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:23 PM Post #16,715 of 91,343
finally got to listen to the z1r with the zh1es....and sorry to say that it's the best pairing that I have with the Z1R.

Better than Hugo 2 and Dave in terms of musicality. The treble is a bit bright on the hugo 2 and dave, but perfect on the zh1es

Nothing like that Sony -> Sony synergy. I see a DMP Z1 in your future.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:24 PM Post #16,716 of 91,343
No-- but carrying the chonky M8 around in my pocket for too long added undue stress to the connectors at times. It's one of the reasons I bought a more portable SR25ii for out and about.
You know. You fix one part of your chain and another part of the chain takes its place.

First time I broke a 2.5mm pin was when I put my DAP on the counter at the airport, I needed to grab a credit card out of my brief case, the DAP came off the counter and was spared any damage, but the 2.5mm pin snapped off. Then, when I got that cable reterminated to 4.4mm, something similar happened and the 2 pin in my ears got pulled out and tweaked. My lesson. Do not put down the DAP. Hold it or take it out of your ears.
I broke a 2.5mm plug at the airport too, and it took the socket on my DAP with it. My Onkyo DP-X1 was in my pocket, and I unplugged my IEMs for check-in. The plug went out with no resistance as usual. Then, I eventually realized the DP-X1’s 2.5mm socket was hanging off the plug, and there was a hole in my DAP where it once was. ‘Turns out, the plug had ever-so-slightly bent in my pocket, and it ripped out the socket when I pulled it out. I’d never put any pressure or abused the cable in the months I’d owned it, and I pretty much swore off 2.5mm then and there. The 4.4mm standard is a genuine godsend.

Speaking of UM.

I've seen ads for this crazy looking IEM for years and it recently dawned on me that it's UM. It's quite a flashy design but I've never seen anyone post or share impression about it and as far as I'm aware Musicteck has never carried it. What's the deal? Is it just a statement piece? Has anyone here heard it?

Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 10.26.53 AM.png

This reminds me-- if anyone with the M8 (@claud W perhaps) can go in and grab that stock wallpaper on the player that shows the DAC chips and post it here I would be grateful.
I'd love that too - saw it in a review and wondered where to get it, very cool looking.
Yeah, as some have mentioned, this one is the Maven/Mirage. They were the first UM in-ears that used open-faced drivers. I believe one had an open mid driver, while the other had open mid and high drivers. And, they both had intricately-designed metal shells, differentiated by their individual patterns. I tried both briefly in Singapore, and my impressions pretty much boiled down to: “Treble. Treble. Treble. Treble.”

Both had very prominent low-treble peaks that made every transient of every note very, very prominent. I wouldn’t use the word harsh to describe them. That’d probably be a bit too far. But, they were so obviously-colored that I never found them appealing, personally.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:25 PM Post #16,717 of 91,343
I window shopped for zh1es so many times but never committed. Think it was overshadowed by the DMP but still looks like a great desktop unit imo.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:31 PM Post #16,718 of 91,343
Nice. I need to grab one of those Fiio wireless devices just to try.

If you need some mobility and don't' have demanding to drive IEMS, they should do just fine. I like the ability to move about as needed without having to carry the wires and DAP around the house. It's got a rock solid connection with BT 5.2. I can't recall who on this thread said that they tried the UTWS5 with the EXT's and they didn't like the sound very much, actually, he might have said that it sounded like garbage haha. *shrugs* YMMV depending on the IEM but for the Dorados, they still do a great job when paired with a good source IMO.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:32 PM Post #16,719 of 91,343
Let me get back to you, I should have the NE4 by the end of the week. I do recall NE4 having a really satisfying bass presence as far as the tuning goes but it was missing a bit of the air/depth/texture from the XE6. The lesser (but still slightly emphasized) lower mids on the NE4 give it a more separated bass shelf. So while the bass itself isn’t as emphasized as the XE6, the fact the lower mids aren’t as elevated makes the bass stand out a little more versus the XE6.
Thanks. We may just be listening to the NE4 at the same time so we can compare impressions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. I should had given it more time at CanJam and my notes on it are scattered. If memory does serve me correct the kinetic bass is doing its kinetic thing quite well across the entire Frontier line. I have noted that the KR5 is punchy and fast but with the lowest bass quantity of the 3, whereas for the XE6 I wrote down something to effect of "bass be blastin'" 🤣
Last edited:
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:39 PM Post #16,720 of 91,343
Close, a Canadian Watercooler-er living in Hong Kong stepped up and is currently trying to help me find the best option. I've also got the ever reliable Vance at Myheadfi taking a look. If it turns out both options find fruit I'll keep one cable for myself and reach out to you first and then @Auricon for the second as you've each expressed an interest.
Thank you for the thought. I have First Times and that's good enough for me. I tried to help you because that's what watercoolers should do. Its old school like me and a few others here. We are a community of sorts.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:42 PM Post #16,721 of 91,343
Sweet I didn't know you had a channel...will check it out.
Been having a lot of fun with audio gear lately. I made a channel last night for IEM / DAP impressions. Figured I should before the VE / Fir line kits arrive

It's not a full-fledged meet per se, but a small gathering in someone's home...but yeah we'll have an almost overwhelming amount of gear (Traillii, Jewel, Odin, EXT, Frontier series, Diana Phi, HD800, plus M9, n8ii and M17)...and whole bunch of other stuff too. I'm going to have to curate my time carefully to get everything in that I'm interested in. We're meeting this Sunday, the 27th.
Exciting! Curious about the Jewel, Xe6, your Zen Pro actually.

Thank you for the thought. I have First Times and that's good enough for me. I tried to help you because that's what watercoolers should do. Its old school like me and a few others here. We are a community of sorts.
What are some differences you noticed going from stock -> first times? Thanks.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:48 PM Post #16,722 of 91,343
The game mode and ambient mode will be added. And the LHDC support(beta version) will be available in the new firmware.

The new firmware will be available soon within this month!

As quoted by FiiO rep in the UTWS5 thread.
Mar 23, 2022 at 4:49 PM Post #16,723 of 91,343
We are a community of sorts.

No "of sorts" about it...we are a community, and a very pleasant & supportive one at that.

Exciting! Curious about the Jewel, Xe6, your Zen Pro actually.

There will be two Zen Pros-- @tgx78 has one too now. I went for a walk to the post office (to pick up my SR25ii as it turns out) and brought the Zen Pro & M9 along. It's a nice sunny day here and the Zen Pro/M9 with the following track was absolutely divine and the perfect accompaniment:

Mar 23, 2022 at 5:01 PM Post #16,724 of 91,343
"This reminds me-- if anyone with the M8 (@claud W perhaps) can go in and grab that stock wallpaper on the player that shows the DAC chips and post it here I would be grateful."

So, I have been sitting here trying to find the DAC chips wallpaper on my M8 to no avail. Where is it and how do I find it?
Mar 23, 2022 at 5:02 PM Post #16,725 of 91,343
Listening to FFXIV OST Heroes Forge Ahead is phenomenal. I can't stop listening to this soundtrack and I haven't even played the game. I usually build a strong affinity to the OST's once I've actually played the game and built some understanding or connection with characters and their backstory but man, I still get enveloped completely in the detail and musicality of the soundtrack on the Dorados and the M11+ ESS.


One of Soken's best XIV expansion soundtrack to date. My favorite track and one I have one loop is "小さな一歩 ~嘆きの海~ / One Small Step" which is the BGM for Mare Lamentorum "Moon". On the N8ii, it sounds cosmically expansive and immerses you in the setting.


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