The Fiio X5 Thread
Jan 18, 2014 at 10:30 PM Post #3,376 of 19,652
I'm in the minority in this thread, I think, in that I live in China but am not a native Chinese speaker.  I noticed from their press release that they're selling the X5 in China currently, and I'll assume that means mainland, but I've no idea where to buy it.  Without combing through 235 pages, can anyone pitch in?  I'd happily take detailed pictures and give you all a decent review, for your trouble, I just need to know where to get one :)
Jan 18, 2014 at 10:49 PM Post #3,377 of 19,652
I'm in the minority in this thread, I think, in that I live in China but am not a native Chinese speaker.  I noticed from their press release that they're selling the X5 in China currently, and I'll assume that means mainland, but I've no idea where to buy it.  Without combing through 235 pages, can anyone pitch in?  I'd happily take detailed pictures and give you all a decent review, for your trouble, I just need to know where to get one :)

Taobao has it .
Jan 18, 2014 at 10:50 PM Post #3,378 of 19,652
  I'm in the minority in this thread, I think, in that I live in China but am not a native Chinese speaker.  I noticed from their press release that they're selling the X5 in China currently, and I'll assume that means mainland, but I've no idea where to buy it.  Without combing through 235 pages, can anyone pitch in?  I'd happily take detailed pictures and give you all a decent review, for your trouble, I just need to know where to get one :)

there are some online shop in or ( Chinese Amazon and Ebay), and you can also buy one from retail shop but you'd better ask your Chinese friend to help you find out our sales agents in China from
FiiO Stay updated on FiiO at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 18, 2014 at 11:09 PM Post #3,379 of 19,652
there are some online shop in or ( Chinese Amazon and Ebay), and you can also buy one from retail shop but you'd better ask your Chinese friend to help you find out our sales agents in China from

Thanks for the input, James.  My spoken Chinese is good enough to get me through the purchase just fine, but I was worried I missed something reading.
I didn't see any mainland shops listed on Fiio's page, but it's because I was using the English site.  I switched to Chinese and found what I was looking for.   Beijing Ding Hao Electronics Mall 2 3958 in Zhongguancun.
That's the main Taobao vendor in my area, and it usually works to show up to their physical location and show off my 老外话 :)
Before I go, any idea if the firmware on the players here can be switched over to English?
Jan 19, 2014 at 4:13 PM Post #3,381 of 19,652
This may be a dumb question. Can we order the X5 from a Chinese website even if we live in another country?
I cant wait for the X5! Until its out i have to suffer with an iPod. :frowning2:
Also what website will the X5 be on first for US purchases?
Jan 20, 2014 at 12:06 AM Post #3,382 of 19,652
This may be a dumb question. Can we order the X5 from a Chinese website even if we live in another country?
I cant wait for the X5! Until its out i have to suffer with an iPod. :frowning2:
Also what website will the X5 be on first for US purchases?

Well until x5 arrives hope your ipod serves your purpose.........No offense, remember 99.5% of the music listeners kick off their foundation with ipods then comes sansa,coby,sony,samsung,creative etc...And only those 0.5% start off with audiophile DAPs that too with the help of headfi and other forums alike.

Im not a huge fan of apple either, Its UI is unshake-able yet most robust unlike budget daps that needs FW upgrades frequently. :D
Jan 20, 2014 at 6:46 AM Post #3,384 of 19,652
 Please be informed that we received 4 couriers

I am guessing that a Fiio X5 and a Samsung 64 GB MicroSD are among these.  

Unfortunately I am about 1200 kilometers north but Thursday morning looms!
Jan 20, 2014 at 7:56 AM Post #3,387 of 19,652
I added the X5 to head-fi's gear list today:

Looking forward to people's reviews on it :smile:
HiBy Stay updated on HiBy at their facebook, website or email (icons below). Stay updated on HiBy at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 20, 2014 at 8:35 AM Post #3,390 of 19,652
I agree about the OS. As I mentioned way back in this thread, I can't use the gapless playback feature because the X3 will freeze between tracks. The problem goes away when the gapless playback is turned off. Has anyone else had this issue? I hope the X5 doesn't do this, for I'm pretty certain I'm going to buy one. I admire James' philosophy of offering us good equipment at reasonable prices.

For me and many other users Gapless playback works just fine on the latest firmware, saying that though my FiiO X3 is one of the most recent manufactured units and came with FW 2.1 as stock.
I've had Gapless playback on since I've had the X3 and not encountered any issues.
Well until x5 arrives hope your ipod serves your purpose.........No offense, remember 99.5% of the music listeners kick off their foundation with ipods then comes sansa,coby,sony,samsung,creative etc...And only those 0.5% start off with audiophile DAPs that too with the help of headfi and other forums alike.

Im not a huge fan of apple either, Its UI is unshake-able yet most robust unlike budget daps that needs FW upgrades frequently.

Mainly because it has stayed the same for years and years, pretty much the same since the 1st iPod was released lol
They seem to love the saying "Dont fix what isn't broken".

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