The Fiio X5 Thread
Nov 12, 2013 at 1:01 PM Post #1,756 of 19,652
@kova4a "Well, your posts are pretty useless. The design is finalized and that's what battery it will use. If you don't like that just don't buy it. Obviously Fiio can't cater to the needs and wants of all consumers. And as far as the replaceable battery goes - that's something that decided they don't want to use. Just like apple has been doing it for years - do you go on apple forums ranting about the non-replaceable battery of all their products?"
kova4a - I don't have any idea what your problem is with me, but if my posts are "useless" then by *your* reasoning, this whole thread has become useless. Actually, if it's within forum rules for you to call my posts "useless", I've honestly read every word that you've just written, and because I won't get that time back in my life,  may I now most truthfully return the lack of compliment: did you really say anything, that anyone here doesn't know already? So what does that say about what you've written?
To everyone else:
OTOH, I noticed that some people here, and you know who you are, appreciated my posts, and to them I thank you very much for supporting my submissions. I get it that some people simply don't understand or even care why a replaceable battery would be better for we consumers. I get it that some folk knew nothing about mp3 players before the ipod appeared with its proprietary battery. But I love digital audio, and very much enjoy listening to my X3, and the fact that one day its (& the X5's) battery will be worse than my 12 year old Rio PMP 500's, is something that I strongly needed to address. And maybe it's indeed too late to raise this, nonetheless I believe at this stage Fiio may either be contemplating the future direction of their DAP products, and I thought that if enough people raise objection to the fact that its battery cannot be replaced I'd hope that they might in future do the right thing.
And so, as I've mostly focused on the consumer side to this issue, here is something for Fiio: how about someday after releasing the X5 soon, for a reasonably higher price - another variant afterwards, with all the same excellent audiophile features, but one which includes an easily and affordable, swappable batteries? Because the latter will surely have more second hand value, you will surely and eventually sell far more new units of it! Let's not forget that the ipod, the world's most successful music player didn't win market share because of its battery - (nor for its sound quality - let's not forget!!) - so why do you need to follow the ipod's battery example?
Lastly, I considered what I rose to be within topic, and there are a number of things I've stated which weren't fully argued earlier in the thread. 
Thank you again to those few of you who appreciated what I wrote.  That some people appreciated my posts, made writing them worthwhile.
Nov 12, 2013 at 1:31 PM Post #1,757 of 19,652
First and foremost, Fiio is a business--they aren't here to give hugs and kisses, though James and his staff very well often do so; they are here to make money. To make money, one needs to have a product/service that people desire, and to charge more than the cost of said product/service. More than anything else, audiophiles want a small DAP with great SQ/UI/battery life--and the X5, according to specs and past releases, will fulfill that "dream." I do not doubt that a replaceable battery was brought up in design meetings. It was decided against because it would raise overall cost of the unit and reduce the amount of space available for other components. The number of consumers "put off" by the lack of a pop-in-pop-out battery was determined to have been less than that of those who hated the prospect of carrying a larger unit/losing SQ. Consumer advocacy is great, and I applaud your ideals, but you should not lose sight of the big picture.
Nov 12, 2013 at 2:26 PM Post #1,758 of 19,652
  @kova4a "Well, your posts are pretty useless. The design is finalized and that's what battery it will use. If you don't like that just don't buy it. Obviously Fiio can't cater to the needs and wants of all consumers. And as far as the replaceable battery goes - that's something that decided they don't want to use. Just like apple has been doing it for years - do you go on apple forums ranting about the non-replaceable battery of all their products?"
kova4a - I don't have any idea what your problem is with me, but if my posts are "useless" then by *your* reasoning, this whole thread has become useless. Actually, if it's within forum rules for you to call my posts "useless", I've honestly read every word that you've just written, and because I won't get that time back in my life,  may I now most truthfully return the lack of compliment: did you really say anything, that anyone here doesn't know already? So what does that say about what you've written?
To everyone else:
OTOH, I noticed that some people here, and you know who you are, appreciated my posts, and to them I thank you very much for supporting my submissions. I get it that some people simply don't understand or even care why a replaceable battery would be better for we consumers. I get it that some folk knew nothing about mp3 players before the ipod appeared with its proprietary battery. But I love digital audio, and very much enjoy listening to my X3, and the fact that one day its (& the X5's) battery will be worse than my 12 year old Rio PMP 500's, is something that I strongly needed to address. And maybe it's indeed too late to raise this, nonetheless I believe at this stage Fiio may either be contemplating the future direction of their DAP products, and I thought that if enough people raise objection to the fact that its battery cannot be replaced I'd hope that they might in future do the right thing.
And so, as I've mostly focused on the consumer side to this issue, here is something for Fiio: how about someday after releasing the X5 soon, for a reasonably higher price - another variant afterwards, with all the same excellent audiophile features, but one which includes an easily and affordable, swappable batteries? Because the latter will surely have more second hand value, you will surely and eventually sell far more new units of it! Let's not forget that the ipod, the world's most successful music player didn't win market share because of its battery - (nor for its sound quality - let's not forget!!) - so why do you need to follow the ipod's battery example?
Lastly, I considered what I rose to be within topic, and there are a number of things I've stated which weren't fully argued earlier in the thread. 
Thank you again to those few of you who appreciated what I wrote.  That some people appreciated my posts, made writing them worthwhile.

Please let it go. Most of us would prefer to have long play time on one battery rather than 2. If that means spending money on a second battery (which you'd need to do with a swap-able anyway) and taking 1/2 hour to replace it 5 years down the road, I'm all for it. We get it that you're not. It's a choice FiiO didn't make lightly and it's done. One that most approve of or at least don't have issue with. Deal with it and please stop pushing your agenda. On topic or not, it's also been addressed already. 
Nov 12, 2013 at 3:43 PM Post #1,759 of 19,652
I am not against the idea of having a swappable battery, but I don't want to scarify portability or a compact size. I also don't think we need to argue so much about battery life. Even if the battery in my DAP dies after 2-3 years (though mine usually lasts >3 years), I would not care as within 2-3 years some better DAP will be released. I can easily screw in a new battery or use a power bank.
Nov 12, 2013 at 3:52 PM Post #1,760 of 19,652
Design involves choice.

A nonremovable battery is a viable option for some.

Also, I have had electronics ruined by a leaky user-replaceable battery, even from reputable brands. I like nonreplaceable batteries because the onus is on the manufacturer to get the seal right.
Nov 12, 2013 at 4:17 PM Post #1,761 of 19,652
There's little doubt that I have been made to feel pretty unwelcome here by the majority of respondents.
I honestly believed I was standing for something which would have been for the better of almost all of us, something very relevant to a DAP's portability, and which wasn't even in the options at the start of the thread, yet the above is what I get..
If my contributions aren't, for whatever reason, welcome, so be it.
So be it.
Nov 12, 2013 at 4:22 PM Post #1,762 of 19,652
I am curious about the SQ and UI of the X-5 vs the PONO player which is reportedly coming out in early 2014 as well.  I would hope the PONO player would have exquisite SQ, even if not downloading 24/96 files from their proprietary site.  I guess I will have to wait and see.
Nov 12, 2013 at 4:46 PM Post #1,763 of 19,652
  There's little doubt that I have been made to feel pretty unwelcome here by the majority of respondents.
I honestly believed I was standing for something which would have been for the better of almost all of us, something very relevant to a DAP's portability, and which wasn't even in the options at the start of the thread, yet the above is what I get..
If my contributions aren't, for whatever reason, welcome, so be it.
So be it.

It's not personal, it's just that you are arguing for something which (as has been repeatedly stated) has been discussed months ago (I should know, as I was the one arguing for user-swappable battery all those months ago).
Furthermore (as has also been repeatedly stated), the X5 is nearing completion. You are way too late to be arguing for the inclusion of user-swappable battery.
Please understand that it's not something personal, it's just that it's a moot point at this stage, so flogging a dead horse, so-to-speak, is a waste of space in this thread, hence people's frustration at your refusal to drop the issue. I myself have ruffled a few feathers in this thread, in relation to swappability of the battery and power output of the amp stage (in hindsight, even I concede that I made too much fuss about the output power of the amp stage, even though I was sincere in saying what I said at the time), so I do understand what it's like to sometimes be unpopular in the eyes of other thread participants.
If you take a look around, you'll see that the X5, in spite of it's compromises, looks to be a killer DAP for the money, and I say that as someone who has no particular 'allegiance' to Fiio. Many of us here on Head-fi keep an extremely close eye on the various contenders in the high-end DAP marketplace, and there is currently nothing to beat the overall specs of the X5 for this money, and even many DAPs costing twice as much do not beat the X5 on all fronts. All being well, it should be a great buy.
Now can we please just drop it and move forward with the thread?
I'm sure we're all looking forward to seeing what the X5 will bring to the market when it's released.
Nov 12, 2013 at 4:49 PM Post #1,764 of 19,652
  There's little doubt that I have been made to feel pretty unwelcome here by the majority of respondents.
I honestly believed I was standing for something which would have been for the better of almost all of us, something very relevant to a DAP's portability, and which wasn't even in the options at the start of the thread, yet the above is what I get..
If my contributions aren't, for whatever reason, welcome, so be it.
So be it.

No one has anything against you but  your posts aren't contributions - they are just you stating your preferences and wishes for a replaceable battery and you are way too late. 
Each of the two options has its pros and cons and fiio knows what they want. As far as the average consumer, it's also a personal preference - you might not mind the x5 being heavier and thicker or to carry an extra battery always with you and buy a separate battery charger for that particular battery model but other people will disagree with you. As already stated Fiio is not a big company, so they can't make several versions to cater to all of the consumers' wishes - someone like you wants replaceable battery, others don't, someone wants a touchscreen and wifi, someone wants radio etc.
So no one is bashing on you but the whole battery choice has been commented already, all wishes and options have been considered and the decision has been made. While James is very helpful and takes different ideas into consideration it's just impossible to make everyone happy. You're not the first one who's wanted a replaceable battery and has stated his reasons but just because that's your personal preference and you like that, doesn't mean that's what everyone else wants and obviously no matter what decision James made there would be unhappy consumers. If the x5 was going to have a replaceable battery there would be other people like you who would be "contributing" by asking why the X5 is so thick or why the battery life is so low and other stuff like that - I hope you get my point.
And I agree with Mython - all discussion on stuff that has already been decided is pointless at this point. We should just wait for first pictures of the entire X5 and wait for the first impressions from the people who receive demo units. I'm pretty sure that once the whole X5's body is revealed there will still be complaints about its build and design choices but for now we can just wait.
Nov 12, 2013 at 5:25 PM Post #1,765 of 19,652
Too late to ask for 3 card slots? 

Nov 12, 2013 at 7:08 PM Post #1,768 of 19,652
Ok kids, stop going OT! (oh, and sorry for starting it!).
Seriously though, am I ever pumped about the X5 - can't wait. Thanks James and Fiio for bringing this beauty to us!

Nov 12, 2013 at 10:42 PM Post #1,769 of 19,652
Replaceable battery would be nice, but it isn't to be. Accept it and move on. I think James said that replaceable batteries wouldn't offer enough juice, so it never would have worked in the first place, especially if battery life is important to the user. I think I'm going to wait for this instead of getting a DX50 (may not have the patience, ultimately).
Nov 13, 2013 at 1:56 AM Post #1,770 of 19,652
  Well, your posts are pretty useless. The design is finalized and that's what battery it will use. If you don't like that just don't buy it. Obviously Fiio can't cater to the needs and wants of all consumers. And as far as the replaceable battery goes - that's something that decided they don't want to use. Just like apple has been doing it for years - do you go on apple forums ranting about the non-replaceable battery of all their products? No one's complaining about their ipods and the battery and with the x5 it will be a lot easier for an average consumer to change the battery himself. As far as the warranty goes - just like all the other electronics of this type the X5 will probably have 1 year warranty, so you won't have any warranty to void by the time you have to replace the battery.

Not to take sides although debating this issue now is useless as the design element has gone to final manufacturing. Incorporating a 'door' for a swappable battery would add considerable cost overall and most people would not see the value.

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