The discovery thread!
Dec 9, 2022 at 7:43 PM Post #68,626 of 114,311
They are just recycling through their earlier output. Then we'll get the 2 +1 and 3 +1 and 4+1 ect and just add new letters and numbers. Genius marketing...if anyone is stupid enough to fall for it?
They need proper product manager, create a distinct product line or segmentation or clear intent with their specific product designs.
Their product start to blend in together without much distinction that cause people to get confused or disinterested in.
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Dec 9, 2022 at 8:04 PM Post #68,627 of 114,311
Here's my guess regarding the KZ thing... it's just easier for them.

I don't speak Chinese but take for example the Shuoer Tape. If you translate tape back into Chinese, you get jiāo dài which can mean many things... including "clear." So was tape a screw up? I dunno. But there's little screwing up in translating a KZ ZSN.

Or we end up with another Chevy Nova.
Dec 9, 2022 at 8:15 PM Post #68,628 of 114,311
They are just recycling through their earlier output. Then we'll get the 2 +1 and 3 +1 and 4+1 ect and just add new letters and numbers. Genius marketing...if anyone is stupid enough to fall for it?
Where is the project of dupes. Why the rep bought all those hobby adored IEMs lol

It seems they got an already planned schedule to finish and only after that start to do some real deal?
Dec 9, 2022 at 8:40 PM Post #68,629 of 114,311
How many KZ IEMs are we releasing this week?
KZ: YES. We will release KZ pokemon into the wild until we run out of alphabets!

If they keep releasing new earphones every day... What are climate change environmentalist's going to think!?

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Dec 9, 2022 at 11:47 PM Post #68,630 of 114,311
They need proper product manager, create a distinct product line or segmentation or clear intent with their specific product designs.
Their product start to blend in together without much distinction that cause people to get confused or disinterested in.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:18 AM Post #68,631 of 114,311
They need proper product manager, create a distinct product line or segmentation or clear intent with their specific product designs.
Their product start to blend in together without much distinction that cause people to get confused or disinterested in.

They are too busy acting defensive to care about trivial stuffs like designing product lines.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:20 AM Post #68,632 of 114,311
Here's my guess regarding the KZ thing... it's just easier for them.

I don't speak Chinese but take for example the Shuoer Tape. If you translate tape back into Chinese, you get jiāo dài which can mean many things... including "clear." So was tape a screw up? I dunno. But there's little screwing up in translating a KZ ZSN.

Or we end up with another Chevy Nova.
I think KZs targeting is more in the tradition of the Trabant and Ford Pinto! :rolling_eyes:
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:21 AM Post #68,633 of 114,311
I took a chance on the Aful Performer 5 and I'm glad I did. This is the second IEM in a row where I felt I didn't need to use EQ to enjoy them (KZ PR1 Pro recently as well).
I can hear the 10kHz dip which can make the Performer sound dark, but a boost there helps regain what is missing. AutoEQ from 3.kHz and up (HBB Target) gets these exactly where I want them.

The draw is in the bass region. I aim for these levels on just about everything, and these do it stock (ok I still added a few dB at 20Hz for fun). Minus the upper treble dip/darkness, these are consistently great throughout the spectrum.

I don't feel slighted at all for the $220. I use my own cables and tips on everything, so the lack of accessories is a non factor for me. Not a perfect set, but a healthy hype here.

I may revisit this after trying the Hexa and Cadenza, but that's how quick this hobby moves. Any set can be overtaken by something better or cheaper the next day.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:25 AM Post #68,635 of 114,311
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Dec 10, 2022 at 12:27 AM Post #68,636 of 114,311
I took a chance on the Aful Performer 5 and I'm glad I did. This is the second IEM in a row where I felt I didn't need to use EQ to enjoy them (KZ PR1 Pro recently as well).
I can hear the 10kHz dip which can make the Performer sound dark, but a boost there helps regain what is missing. AutoEQ from 3.kHz and up (HBB Target) gets these exactly where I want them.

The draw is in the bass region. I aim for these levels on just about everything, and these do it stock (ok I still added a few dB at 20Hz for fun). Minus the upper treble dip/darkness, these are consistently great throughout the spectrum.

I don't feel slighted at all for the $220. I use my own cables and tips on everything, so the lack of accessories is a non factor for me. Not a perfect set, but a healthy hype here.

I may revisit this after trying the Hexa and Cadenza, but that's how quick this hobby moves. Any set can be overtaken by something better or cheaper the next day.
I'm curious about the Performer and how it... performs?

Deep down I know I'll always want more bass deep down (dammit words), so I went for the Fatfreq Maestro Mini.

If only so I can giggle to myself like a little schoolboy.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:37 AM Post #68,637 of 114,311
I think KZs targeting is more in the tradition of the Trabant and Ford Pinto! :rolling_eyes:
Presumably KZ aren't just targeting a western market. I would expect that first and foremost they seek success in the very large mainland Chinese market. Certainly their approach to product development is very confusing to point of a alienating people at times. But Chinese friends tell me - not specifically in relation to KZ - that there is an expectation of lots of product diversity in their domestic market and people are pretty savvy at picking out what's good and what's not.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:40 AM Post #68,638 of 114,311
I'm curious about the Performer and how it... performs?

Deep down I know I'll always want more bass deep down (dammit words), so I went for the Fatfreq Maestro Mini.

If only so I can giggle to myself like a little schoolboy.
Screenshot 2022-12-10 003656.png

Stock vs AutoEQ to HBB. Perfectly listenable stock, but excels when fixed/smoothed, especially near that dip.
HBB 2022 matches my preferences, so this is very much to my liking.
Dec 10, 2022 at 12:44 AM Post #68,639 of 114,311
...pretty savvy at picking out what's good and what's not.
Glad to hear someone's good at picking out these things. I have to read hundreds... no thousands of words and buy like 10 chifi iems before I find one that I want to keep for 3 weeks.
Dec 10, 2022 at 1:04 AM Post #68,640 of 114,311
Re-sharing an odd-ball, GS Audio ST10 since I finally found a good pairing cable to draw full potential out of it, after 30 cables try and error. Tried XINHS, Hakugei, PW Audio, TRI, Satin Audio, Linsoul, etc etc, some made sound utterly unbearable on ST10.

Also went thru a routine ear tip roll, ended up to fake SpinFit CP360.


Remind you something?
ST10 is more mid-bass fat than Fatfreq Maestro Mini’s bass floor. You can imagine how it would end.

Original tuning is simply too boomy, it like this;

95% of who saw this will not recognize the existence of a hunter in wooden camouflage (look at the tree on top right)

It’s about same with ST10’s stock tuning. 95% bass, and you hardly could see anything else.

ST10’s driver info:
Sub-woofer: Sonion 38 AcuPass (2BA)
Bass-Mid: Sonion 37 (2BA)
Mid-Treble: Sonion 2389D (2BA)
Super Tweeter: Knowles SWFK (4BA)

After cable/tip rematch, ST10 ended up with following signature:
-UM MEST MKII like bass-head satisfying bass floor
-Proper Knowles SWFK x 4 tweeter backed high-density / well textured treble as you can expect from high-end models
-not overly recessed mid
-wide artificial diffusion field, it’s fun

My perception of recabled ST10 is closer to Softears RS10’s FR

How does it sound like?

It sounds like strip club at 3am.
Bass, sparkling lights & girls, night club BGM. You’re already deeply drunk but still having a tequila shot. That feeling.

EDM Electronica / Trance / Techno on ST10 is one of a kind.

Artificial Wide Diffusion Field x high layering x head knocking bass set up matches with EDM especially well.

It’s not necessarily a good IEM, but I don’t have any other IEM that sound like 3am strip club, so that’ll do it!

Some pic of ST10

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