Nov 29, 2014 at 1:32 AM Post #9,391 of 35,511
  I already have a fidelio x1, and I ordered the mass drop K7XX....but I had been looking at the HE-400 for a while now...How does it compare to the fidelio x1 and (what is assumed to be) the AKG anniversaries? (Please talk me out of this haha, I am hesitant to own 3 200 dollar headphones lol).

yeaa, the he-400 would be kinda redundant to the x1. I personally prefer the he-400, but the x1 has a pretty similar sound signature.
if you don't bother with both the 7xx or the he-400, you can spend that $400ish on the new HE-400i which is a solid upgrade over the majority of $200-$300ish open pair of heapdhones :wink: razordogaudio has the he-400i available open box at discounted prices.
Nov 29, 2014 at 1:41 AM Post #9,393 of 35,511
I used the HP100 on the last few flights and it worked great.  It doesn't isolate like crazy good, but it was enough.  Comfy too.
Nov 29, 2014 at 2:38 AM Post #9,398 of 35,511
Thanks for all the responses RE headphones for flying.

These would be for 8hr+ flights. Would something like Momentums be OK?

Will go through current sales, hopefully find something suitable with a healthy discount.
Nov 29, 2014 at 3:01 AM Post #9,400 of 35,511
  PFE 232 @ $300 or IE800 @$500
What do you guys think?

PFE232= Smooth, Spacious, Customizable. 200 dollars cheaper
IE800- Build Quality,V-Shaped Fun, Short Cord. 
You pick.
Nov 29, 2014 at 3:28 AM Post #9,403 of 35,511
Both are either hit or miss, I have PFE for last two years and today got IE-800.
PFE-232, high ends needs to be tamed by using comply foam tips, if you try to tame highs using narrow boar or long tips then sound stage will suffer.
IE-800, seal issues, if stock tips does not work for you, then you have no choice but to return them.(or you have mod stock tips and use it with comply)
Sound stage - massive on both of them, difficult to chose between them.
Bass - IE-800 wins, never heard an IEM that rumbles or hits bass as hard as these, PFE-232 is not bad either, it probably has best bass for an armature dives. Both are good but IE-800 win 
High - I like PFE-232 better, is much more airy. 
Imaging - PFE-232 wins, layering on these are awesome, paired with massive soundstage they sound like full sized headphone. (vocals normally sound very close to ears with IEM, but not with PFE-232)
as I said earlier, but they are either an hit or miss, you need to get both and return one.
Nov 29, 2014 at 3:31 AM Post #9,404 of 35,511
CAN we buy using a foreign card and ship to US address? What would be the shipping time? Any customs /taxes to be paid extra?

shipping might be a bit long, seeing as its cross border. but not sure about shipping it to usa, might be possible. it should tell u whether it will ship to usa or not if you;re logged in I believe. Then click on estimated total to get the breakdown. hope that helps
Nov 29, 2014 at 3:38 AM Post #9,405 of 35,511
Don't know if they are a decent seller, but MP4Nation has the iBasso DX90 24/192 HiFi Digital Audio Player - Free Fedex 2 Day To Select Destination + Free Brainwavz R3 Dual Driver Earphones for under $380:

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