SR60-Mod part II
Oct 7, 2011 at 8:55 AM Post #2,373 of 3,353

Hey i feel your pain man ... I got my first cups from cabillas and was too pu$$y to mod them myself so i sent them to Jaben (a headphone store) to be modded. They told me it would take a three weeks to mod and they would call me when it was finished. I gave them ample time and called them after 4 weeks, they told me they would call the guy who does the mod and get back to me immediately. They didn't get back to me in 5 hours so i called them back. They told me that they forgot to call me back and that the guy they sent it to has modded it already and will deliver the cups to jaben in 3 days time. In three days time i called them back asking if i could make a visit to collect my grados and they said that they would call the guy. They got back to me early this time and told me that the guy had already modded it and he would only drop the grados at jaben at night. I told them that i would come two days later to pick them up. That evening at 7pm they called me telling me that actually the guy did not mod it yet and does not know how to liberate drivers, jaben asked me to email pics and links on how to liberate drivers and that they would call me if the could not do the mod so that i could pick up my grados. I did so and waited. They did not contact me for two days so i went to their store personally to check out what happened. They handed me the grados explaining that they did not know how to do it. I was really upset that they didn't even have the courtesy to tell me that they couldn't do it and that i could go to their store to pick my headphones up. I went back that day and completed the mod myself in an hour. Really bad service and i was half dead from withdrawal after not seeing my grados for one and a half months.

Wow, I'd just get your cans back at this point and DIY. Plenty of folks on here to walk you through it.
Oct 7, 2011 at 9:46 AM Post #2,374 of 3,353

Wow, I'd just get your cans back at this point and DIY. Plenty of folks on here to walk you through it.

If you had read his post properly, I think he did do that in the end and finished the mod under an hour.
For those still wondering how on earth you'll liberate your drivers, a hammer and a knife with a decently thin blade and sharp point will get you there in 10 minutes with everything intact. Just make sure you're handling the knife properly, the rest should go without a hitch.
Oct 7, 2011 at 10:16 AM Post #2,375 of 3,353

If you had read his post properly, I think he did do that in the end and finished the mod under an hour.
For those still wondering how on earth you'll liberate your drivers, a hammer and a knife with a decently thin blade and sharp point will get you there in 10 minutes with everything intact. Just make sure you're handling the knife properly, the rest should go without a hitch.

You are correct sir, not sure how I missed that, and I concur a knife and a hammer

Oct 7, 2011 at 10:12 PM Post #2,376 of 3,353
Can someone point me to the thread that compared some Woodied SR225 to an MS-Pro? I remember reading it but cannot find it now.  I just received my MS-Pro and I'm curious to read the comparison result. Cheer
Oct 8, 2011 at 3:54 PM Post #2,383 of 3,353
Brown manta?  I have some similar faux material, but not with the cowhide grain.  I need to cut up some more material and keep practicing.  I'm looking for the right color to go with my cups in Cebil that Marty made and I finished with a glossy pecan.
Keat, I haven't forgotten about the collar locks yet.  Been busy lately with the family funeral and today is so nice, I have to work outside before our winter gets here.
In regards to the Iroko colored cups, I'm going to strip my pair down and finish them off in some red mahogany finish to see how they turn out.  I'll put in some temporary silver and black screen so people can see how the colors look before I strip off the standard Iroko color, though.
Oct 8, 2011 at 5:39 PM Post #2,384 of 3,353
Wow didnt expect the pics to appear here =) @nicoleburns nope dont mind at all that they are from my gallery. Glad you like them. PM sent

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